TDS Photo Thread Vs '12-'13 !!!!!

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Such a ridiculously handsome man Vaya =D

You look exceptionally pleased with life in that last one Vaya :D

I just dug this old gem out. Was take approx 10 years ago (I feel old :p) and is such a huge contrast to more recent photos


Haha no way! Awesome pic :D
Such a ridiculously handsome man Vaya =D

Haha no way! Awesome pic :D

Ahh man...that's freaking awesome. I used to ride an Eric Dressen dog town board back in like 89 - 91. Now I'm going to have to hit up my sister as she's the keeper of all old photos. Those were some good times...just riding with friends all day grinding away and getting into trouble.
Found some pictures on a road trip I took back in 2006. This was Kent Public School once upon a time.



^That looks incredible. Did it actually look like that or has the photo been embellished a lot?
thats how it looked.. probably has something to do with no light pollution and being so high up.. would have people visit all the time and it was not uncommon for thr them to spend 3+ hours sitting out shivering looking at the milky way.. wasn't uncommon for me either.. have to find a balance with the universe, it was easy there<3 lived in a palace up the mountains in CB south.. would wake up above the clouds.. think you can see the outdoor hockey rink to the (blue photo right hand side) the place is magical.. not to say they didn't do anything to the photo.. I will have to look because when we were actually in the clouds and not above when dawn would break and the sun would start to penetrate the clouds in earnest for two or three minutes the refraction or reflection of the the sunrise through the clouds would cause this phenomenon.. don't know how to quite describe it so..

imagine yourself sitting in the middle of this literally<3.. not kidding.. didn't happen all the time of course but it did happen.. think i've lived in heaven a couple of times<3

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That is pretty incredible...I can't imagine. That's the downside of always having lived in huge cities, you never get to see things like that...

Anyway, it's finally sort of summer and I want to show off my new dress =D


(the unhealthiness of the past few weeks hasn't been so kind on my face so I'm not that keen on showing it :|)
All the stunning nature photography makes me feel guilty for not being more consistent about my weekly hikes - and my county has so much to offer in terms of biomes and varying habitats.

Despite this week being all-around shite, my ex-girlfriend, who works for T.U.K., sent me two pairs of kicks. The ones I am wearing here are amazing; the other pair are the same design, but leopard print, which is the kinda punk rock extreme look I am making a half-assed attempt to grow out of and from. They are kinda hard to see anyway;

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