TDS TDS Pets thread vs. now with added SCOMFF!

Hello everyone! This is my best feline friend Sweet Adeline.


She also responds to Sweetiepie.






Peanutbuddy, and pshpshpshpshpsh.
she's adorable King Lux <3 did you name her after the elliott smith song?

stardust and Laika..your pups always looks so in their element when they're at the beach! :)
stardust Ikr? I think she was buggin cos I was creepily peering through a Christmas tree at her to get that pic, lol.

n3ophy7e Thank you! <3

spork Thank you and yes I did! :D I was super intent on her name being some sort of tribute to him, and Adeline was the prettiest girl name out of all his songs. I almost went with Judy but I wouldn't have been able to resist also getting a boy cat and naming him Punch :p Landlord definitely wouldn't have liked that, lol
Oh how cute! Azrael is a really good fit, though. Maybe I'll steal your idea once I get to adopt one of Belle's pups when/if stardust and Laika decide to breed her! :p
Pagey, I used to have two guinea pigs, Margaret and Mildred. Neither was as cute as yours---what a perfect coat! But they were devious girls and they slowly ate through the bottom of their cage (it was a rabbit hutch style cage that was right outside the door. I would bring them in to run around my house in the day and then put them out at night. One morning I went to feed them and heard the familiar "bweep bweep!" from the bushes instead of the cage. I could never catch them and they lived out there for two years foraging in the yard and greeting me from the periphery in the dense tangle that grew all around the garden.

@King Lux--that picture through the tree is priceless!

here are my three triangulating on my bed. Not the greatest picture but at least you can see what we contend with at night!
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^oh gosh, they've taken over! i love it! <3

here's azrael watching tonight's sunset


notice the aforementioned yoga cat calendar :D
Tee Hee hee...She is surely the Vincent Price of kittehs - fab! =D;)<3
...She is so like Clovis Spork-she has that e-ev-ill look about her too lol ;)

I hate this thread, I can't equip myself with enough vocabulary to express the effect of all the goddamn cuteness on here...ugh..too much

Aw Herb's kitty's...<3

....And Pagey's Guinea Pig- weak to that noise they make :)...and he chases his little green scooping thing...AND chews on it- somehow I am hypnotised by this.*shame*;)
Ok I'm officially an idiot.:|

Ok am outta here this is too addictive and i'l have to comment on all of the pics...
...........gone ...
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Asclepius, azi can definitely be evil sometimes, but she's so cute that i usually let her get away with it. <3 my baby :)

i've never had a guinea pig, but i think it's something i might look into sometime. they're super cute! :)
My boyfriend and I scan petfinder a lot for Papillons which is our favorite dog breed and last night I happened to find this little guy.


We liked him a lot because it's really rare to come by a pure bred Papillon especially with really symmetrical markings so I email the lady. I have very good references mind you since I have fostered for Papillons rescues before and have kept in touch with the rescue we got our other dogs from.

She emails me back today and informs me that we could not be approved to adopt from them because my first dog Belle is unaltered.

Two things annoy me in regards to dog people. People who look down on people who purchase purebred dogs from breeders. People will stop me occasionally and say how pretty or cute my dogs are and then ask if they are rescues. My first one was bought from a breeder so I will respond with no and they almost always give you some kind of disgusted look. Like I am ruining the world and causing helpless puppies to be killed in shelters. I really dislike the "you HAVE to rescue" thing. I'm all for rescuing dogs. My second dog and my supposed to be 3rd dog are rescues. But I really hate how stigmatized buying from a breeder is. Pet stores no breeders yes. Just because a person wants something specific and sound in a breed and buys from a breeder doesn't mean they should be looked down upon.

The second thing I hate is people who go over board on the spay neuter thing. At this point it has become socially necessary for you to alter your dog. If you don't alter your dog you are basically looked at as a poor pet owner. This is how I was seen by this rescue organization I recently contacted. I am okay with male dogs and if I were to adopt an unaltered male I would definitely get him neutered. The male procedure is minimally invasive and healing time is very quick. The female on the other hand is a very risky and invasive surgery. If my dog came altered I would be fine about it but I am choosing not to get her spayed on the basis that my current male is neutered and any other male I would bring in our house would already be altered (because it would be a rescue). I do not put her in situations where she could become impregnated. I really don't think a major surgery is necessary if the risk isn't present.

The woman sent me a long email saying that she was extremely impressed by my references and that I had the same love for the breed that they (at the rescue) have. But because my dog is unaltered I could not be eligible. She then went on to compliment me on fostering and to tell me that their rescue was in dire need of fosters (but I am not eligible).

What made me mad was it appeared that the most important thing was if a persons dogs were altered, being a good pet owner and a lover of the breed and dog came second.


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So cute spork! My friends cat does that too. She even does it when you put the laser pointer on the ceiling.

Also here is a Lito sunbathing.

s_h - it is a personal decision where/how to get your pet. There are so many purebred rescue organizations and unwanted animals in kill shelters who need forever homes. I answered a Craigslist ad to get Chloe. Her former family felt they had to rehome her because they were moving to Arizona and thought it was mean to have huskies there. (That's somewhat of a misconception.) I paid the family a $120 rehoming fee, she came with a giant bag of food and a nearly new crate. As for spaying and neutering, it's been proven that both male and female pets live longer and have fewer behavioral problems if they're fixed. Although Chloe is spayed, boy dogs who still have their balls attempt to hump her at the dog park. :|

I would have adopted from a northern breeds rescue had I not found Chloe the way I did; possibly a retired Iditarod dog. :)

Chloe is proving herself to be a wonderful companion, for which I am ever so happy! I met a woman with two friendly Malamutes who are trained in both urban and snow mushing who has all the equipment including a scooter and cart! We're going for a practice run next week. Chloe already pulls a bike and a person on skates very well. I'll post the video of her pulling my friend on his bike. She also volunteers with me at our farmer's market. I have received several offers to buy her (she is not for sale) but probably the best is that she is so good with children that she lets toddlers give her bear hugs. I seriously almost started crying when a cute little girl said "snow doggie" when hugging her. <3

More pics when my image host is back up! Those of you on my FB can see her album.
I can hardly wait to see your pictures! :)

Stardust, I want to see that! Does he just float around til someone pulls him in?
Sleepy pets! Here is Addy after I woke her up from a snooze;


Spork, I love that face!