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Harm Reduction Tapering Plan Mega thread - community project

Starting at 8mg twice daily Suboxone, here's my taper:

I began by waiting about two days until I started to feel sick. I dosed myself with (1/4 pill) 2mg, followed by 2mg a half hour later. I realized at that point I wasn't sick, I was able to hold myself on 4mg and feel fine.
I started at 4mg sublingual in the morning and 4mg insufflated at night for a week.
Then down to (1/3 of a pill) ~2.6mg a pill, sublingual in the morning and ~2.6mg insufflated at night for a week.
From there I switched to (1/4 of a pill) 2mg twice daily, after a little over a week of this I was able to do any ROA and feel good. I noticed if insufflated or IV'd, I could feel the high (IV felt pretty damn good).

I'm glad I was able to taper down this low so painlessly. Now I feel NO anxiety, depression, nausea, constipation (woot! no constipation!!!). I really do feel like a new person. I don't know why, but I felt every side effect of this drug at 16mg/day. It fucking sucked.

I'm debating on tapering lower but I am planning on staying on the Suboxone until the end of the school year.

Another success story! Great to hear, man... It seems that our theory of 8mg or less working for most people is true most of the time, especially considering the side effects of the higher doses. If you want to cut down even more, remember that many of us on here went all the way down to 1mg or less and still had good effects. Good luck!
How to taper this..

I'm a benzo addict. I'm familiar with the ashton taper and all that, but my situation isn't in there.

Basically, I was 4 months off benzos. Ended up eat 60mg in 5 days (functioning the entire time, I used to have an 8mg a day habit for years.)

I have had withdraw seizures before.

I don't want to do a long taper cause I've only been on them 5 days, just high dose. How would you recommend tapering this? I'm thinking I might be able to cold turkey, but that might be a bad idea.

Any thoughts? burnout? bagochina?

benzo in question is klonopin
in my previous klonopin related seizures it was 8-11 days after cold turkey
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thats a tough one, id say five days isnt long enogh to cayse addiction so go cold turkey but if you were already in withdrawal i dont know.
Yeah I was thinking the 5 days wouldn't be long enough (hopefully) as well, and when I was 4 months free! We all have setbacks though..

I think I am going to cold turkey and if I get any super bad withdraw start some sort of a taper.

Benzos are a trap.
Sensible Titration....

So, I find myself in a pickle that I seem to get myself into every month. I run out of opiates 2, sometimes 3 weeks early before my next refill. I need Ya'lls help in coming up with a plan to help titrate with what I DO have left to at least mitigate the withdrwal before I'm completly out. (there is no need for SWIM / FAOF, etc in this thread because I have valid prescriptions for all the drugs listed below.)

I currently have the following left in my treasure chest:

12 X 30 Mg Immedate Release Oxycodone.
11 x 5 MG Immedate Release Valium.

I need to make it until 2/16, possibly until 2/18 Until I get a refill on my scrips. There is NO WAY I can do this if i took them as prescribed, and thats part of the problem, and why I always end up in this pickle. I'm supposed to to take 4x 30 mg a day, but I usually do double that. I take between 6-10 a day..... So, I Built a bit of a matrix below and I'm wondering if any of you would be so kind as to fill in some suggestions as how to stretch these out so I minimze withdrwal if I get close to refill day and I'm out. Tell me how much I should take and on what days?


How should I split this up to maximise my sucess? Any tips / strategises would be appreciated :)
THX :)
How were your four months clean, and how did you taper that time? Just wondering since I am in the process of tapering off benzos.
You're just going to prolong it if you try and taper from five days usage. I'd just use a tiny amount when you get uncomfortable from what essentially will be the prolonged come-down.

How were your four months clean, and how did you taper that time? Just wondering since I am in the process of tapering off benzos.

We usually recommend going by the Ashton Manual guide, found here, with the actual taper guide here. If your benzo isn't discussed there, you just find the equivalent dose of a benzo with the equivalence chart and substitute it in one of those plans. If you are forced to use a different benzo to taper (besides diazepam or chlordiazepoxide), make sure it is one with a decently long half-life sufficient to avoid intra-day bottoming out (discussed in the Ashton Manual, first link)... Then, follow the taper schedule with the equivalent doses or reduce your dose 10% every 10-14 days or so, going slower over the last little bit.

Any other questions, feel free to ask, or search around a bit. There is plenty of information available, and we can help you utilize it if you need. Good luck.
to johffa232 - Basically, any plan is going to involve taking as little as you can. Too little of a dose isn't going to help at all, and you have to find out yourself what that lowest dose that you can maintain on is.
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I would go for some valium but if you don't have it well hey..
merged into tapering thread.

i'm loving how this thread is going, thank you to everyone devoting your time to helping each other:)
How to taper down tramadol

Ok, this is the first thread I have posted, so if it should go BDD, then it goes. My question is concerning the best way to taper down a large tramadol addiction. I have been on tramadol for 8 years, and for the past year at a dose of ~1600 mg's a day. I like tram and it still works at the high doses, but it is costing my ass $400 to $500 a month, and that is simply too much to be spending, especially when I have an expensive hobby to take care of!;-). So if I wanted to go down to a 1000 mg daily dose, what would be best taper schedule? I hope that is not to broad a question. Eventually, I would like to go to 500 mg, and finally wean myself off, but that will be a future thread!
What I want to know is how the F have you not had many seizures by now.
I have no idea. I have never experienced one and the only negative is that I sometimes get nauseous, but laying down for 15 minutes and it passes. I do want to cut the amount I am taking though, and I definately ain't trying to dick size by saying I can do this amount because I want off of it eventually.
Just take 50mg less every 2 weeks or so, by the last 100mg or 50mg it'll get hard, take your time, but I'm sure you can do it.
I have no idea. I have never experienced one and the only negative is that I sometimes get nauseous, but laying down for 15 minutes and it passes. I do want to cut the amount I am taking though, and I definately ain't trying to dick size by saying I can do this amount because I want off of it eventually.

I dont think it posted what I said weird. I have never had withdraws from trams but I have never done that much. But in my experience of coming off pretty much everyother opiate, try cutting back 50-100mg every 3-4 days until you are where you want to be. By doing that your body can be used to the new amount and then your save to keep repeating every 3-4 days. Atleast thats what my experience, doctors, and research has lead me to, except tramadal may have a different half-life, usually just go down with the half-life
Thanks LW for utting it where it belongs. Guess I should have done a search on taper. Next time I'll search before posting, instead of posting then searching!:)

Thanks for the responses guy's. My problem is that when a "package" arrives, I hit it hard for a couple days, maybe 35 or more daily, then it comes to the point where I know I cannot keep on that dosage because I will run out early. I average about 5 bottles of 180 pills each in a month, which works out to 900 pills a month. That has to come to a STOP!!! Guess what I am saying is that I have to prepare myself mentally if this is going to work.
im curious about another way to taper from benzos (or any drug). could you take x drug every 6 hours, then every 6.5 hours, then every 7, then just keep going until youre taking it once i day. well for instance ive been taking valium a lot and im trying to get off it like i posted earlier, i was doing about 40-50mg per day, 60 at most, then i tried dropping 10mg per day, and it worked fine until day three when i was at like 30mg and i began to feel the god awful wd symptoms just coming that day and ended up taking a bunch to get back to base. that was yesterday, today i took 25mg in the throught the day, then another 5mg just a bit ago and i feel fine. i was thinking, wouldnt it work to just take 5mg of valium every say 6 hours, then every 7 hours, then every 8, and so on? eventually would be at like 24 or 36 hours, then maybe cut the dose in half? diazepam is a weird drug and im trying to understand it and the best way to get off it with the limited amount i have. unfortunately they werent prescribed, so i shouldnt talk to a doctor. do you think if i visited the doc and said "hey listen im trying to get off this valium ive met you before with anxiety and i started using valium recently and found myself kind of addicted and need help getting off it. do doctors just refer you to a rehab facility because i have a lot going for me i just need enough to taper off without it affecting my work and just daily life. i never wanna use benzos again. the withdrawal is just god awful.