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Tapering Oxy's Opinions Needed!!

johnny oxy

Sep 6, 2010
I have tapered my dose from 140mg a day to 30mg. a day. Once I hit 40mg. I have been in WD mentally and physically everyday everyday. It has sucked but I havent broke my taper plan. I feel like I am slowly being tortured though and have thought about just stopping. My fear is if dropping 5mg every few days sucks so bad that if i drop 30 mg it will be 6 times as bad. I have been able to handle the taper but dont want to completly stop and break. What do you guys think. Keep up the taper or just stop? Thanks
keep the taper i've only been using an 80 a day for about 4 months but i tapered down to 40mg nd then fucked up and now im up to an 80 a day again almost 100mg on some days.. keep up the good work man, set an example for people who wanna quit like myself
The wd's suck with the taper, physical and mental. But I can only imagine they would suck that much for if I stopped right now. Just doin the math it would be 6x worse than my normal taper. I've came this far I think to continue the taper would be safer for me not to relapse. Once i get down to 2.5 mg 4x a day which is only a few weeks, when i stop I know there will be wd's but common sense tells me they wont be as bad as if I stop doing 30mg.s a day cold turkey. 30 mgs. a day to 0mgs. a day VS 10mgs. a day to 0mgs. a day. Just seems like the wd's would be lighter. I am not trying to drag out my opiate addiction and hold on cause taking 30mg.s a day helps with my wd's for about 2 hours and thats it. 2 months ago I was crushing up 2 30's and doin it all at once, so I feel no high just slight relief from wd's. Thank Gof for benzos, nyquill, and exercise during the day. Has been a huge help so I can at least sleep some. And a small amount of benzos, IMO, even during the day can help if you are having a rough day cause I have good days and bad ones. And I absolutely force myself to exercise at least 15 min everyday cause it helps tremendously with the phhysical and mental part. Thanks to all the great advice everyone has given me, this site has been a tool in my recovery. I will get off this shit and do anything I can to help people through this terrible disease. It is a bigger problem, IMO, than alot of people realize and it destroys life and is absolutely the hardest damn thing to quit in the world.

My 2 cents,
Just another oxycodone addict
if u can, just stop...

or go get suboxone, start at like 1-2mgs and taper off that, cuz atleast with sub u get used to the sober life way quicker.