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Tapering me off xanax


Sep 26, 2009
Well i have a few questions... My mother in law ended up calling my doctor awhile ago telling him im a drug attic and had a long talk with him. I was taking xanax for my anxiety... so after that convo, he decides to wanna taper me off them bc thier addictive. Yes, ive done drugs in the past.. but i stopped a long time ago ; but i have panic attacks, ,i freak out around people and i need something to work instantly. Hes tried me on about 4 other anxiety meds, and none helped. I got side effects from all of them. Its not like i ever over took my xanax, or anything of that nature. I took them as prescribed and was doing just fine until she had to speak to him and fuck everything up . Well now im taking .25's 3 times a day and its hardly working. I dont wanna keep bothering him telling him its not working, bc now i feel sort of looked down upon and he might just think im wanting a higher dose bc im an "addict", who knows. He cancalled me as a patient a week ago all for one missed appointment. He still gave me that last prescription bc im being tapered off, and said i can still call him within the next 30 days if i have any emergencies. I feel like its getting worse, and i had a panic attack yesterday and had to take 2 at once instead of 1 to help alittle bit more. I dont know what to do.... any adivce?? Thanks
Go to a different doctor:
1. There are other meds that are not benzos or anti-depressants.
2. Buspar is a waste of money.
3. Hydroxyzine in your case, would also not work.
4. Lyrica is right up your alley. If you can afford it, this should be your next choice if your next doctor will not prescribe you any benzos.

If you do get a benzo, make sure you get a brand your mom is unfamiliar with. Or, she will call your doctor again...
Lyrica is probably the next best drug to replace benzodiazepines with for anxiety.
Go to a different doctor:
1. There are other meds that are not benzos or anti-depressants.
2. Buspar is a waste of money.
3. Hydroxyzine in your case, would also not work.
4. Lyrica is right up your alley. If you can afford it, this should be your next choice if your next doctor will not prescribe you any benzos.

If you do get a benzo, make sure you get a brand your mom is unfamiliar with. Or, she will call your doctor again...

It was my mother in law... but yeah xanax has been the best working one so far, along with the clonopin which he also took me off of, lol. Ive just been seeing him for so long , that now when I do get a diff doctor, isn't he going to want my recent medical records?
It was my mother in law... but yeah xanax has been the best working one so far, along with the clonopin which he also took me off of, lol. Ive just been seeing him for so long , that now when I do get a diff doctor, isn't he going to want my recent medical records?

They only know what you tell them.

Simply say you have none.
Thats what my father said, but arent most doctors usually skeptical to even prescribing benzos? He was the only doctor that ever prescribed me the dosage he did. --> which worked great
Thats what my father said, but arent most doctors usually skeptical to even prescribing benzos? He was the only doctor that ever prescribed me the dosage he did. --> which worked great

Skepticism is not an impulse, it is a reaction to what is read.

1. You cause this by immediately going in there asking for them. Red Flag.
2. You can't state you have been diagnosed with anxiety either. Red Flag.
3. You advise, not suggest. Red Flag.

You go in there looking legit, he will read suffering, and will get you immediate relief.

1. If you got a older more experienced doctor. Red Flag.
2. If you are having one sided conversation (Mostly from the doctor) Red Flag.
3. If he throws you anti-psychotics for anxiety. Red Flag.

There are tall-tale signs if the doctor is gonna put out or not. If not, he will most likely do the above, or simply refuse to treat you.

Now, if you go to the county clinic, you can't be refused.
I realize it's more expensive, but there are other ways to get benzos than from a Dr.
Benzodiazepines shouldn't be first choice medications for anxiety or insomnia anyway. I was given Klonopin originally for bipolar mania. And was left on it for over 10 years, now I'm trying to break the habit by slowly tapering with Diazepam.
Benzodiazepines shouldn't be first choice medications for anxiety or insomnia anyway. I was given Klonopin originally for bipolar mania. And was left on it for over 10 years, now I'm trying to break the habit by slowly tapering with Diazepam.

Yeah, but in conditions likewise, benzos are the most effective answer.

SSRIs Tend to bland a person. Or cause more anxiety.
Anti-psychotics just make you not give a damn about it, but it's not being relieved.
Buspar just sucks ass...

It doesn't make living a bitch.
GABA is just the right answer for these types of things because it is the main show stopper. It quills all erratic brain function, and anxiety is an erratic mental function.
Yeah, but in conditions likewise, benzos are the most effective answer.

Only for a period of time. Tolerance raises quickly and then they no longer work after awhile and your stuck with an addiction that leaves you feeling like you wish you never touched the shit before.

That is why Lyrica is a good choice. I've heard some people say that the withdrawals can be bad, but this is a selected few. Tolerance doesn't increase so rapidly and getting off really isn't too hard (again, some have a hard time). Also, once you find the dose that works, it stays effective for a long while. Once on 450-600mg (good doses for anxiety) you generally stay satisfied...if you even need to go that high.
Only for a period of time. Tolerance raises quickly and then they no longer work after awhile and your stuck with an addiction that leaves you feeling like you wish you never touched the shit before.

That is why Lyrica is a good choice. I've heard some people say that the withdrawals can be bad, but this is a selected few. Tolerance doesn't increase so rapidly and getting off really isn't too hard (again, some have a hard time). Also, once you find the dose that works, it stays effective for a long while. Once on 450-600mg (good doses for anxiety) you generally stay satisfied...if you even need to go that high.

Of course. this is only for the process of finding alternate treatments, in this case Lyrica is. Or on a "as needed basis" benzos are still effective in the long run.

And, no people don't need them everyday.
Of course. this is only for the process of finding alternate treatments, in this case Lyrica is. Or on a "as needed basis" benzos are still effective in the long run.

And, no people don't need them everyday.

Yeah, I have to agree. On an "as-needed" basis they are probably the most effective meds for anxiety.