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Tame UA question

Joseph K.

Jul 4, 2010
Will low amounts of DHC (30-60 mgs) show as a postive (opiate) on a UA? And what about 30-35 mgs of Zoplicone: will that show up as a benzo.

Really important and if I am breaking the rules please give a chance to rephrase.

Thanks a lot.

Site is excellent.
Welcome to BL!

We have a whole forum that answers drug testing questions. It's closed for new posts, but it contains all the info you'll need to know regarding testing. Because of this, the rules don't allow new threads related to drug testing.

Here's the link to that forum: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=156


I have looked and am confronted with vasts amounts of posts (overwhelming!), it would seem I will be here all day looking for my specific answers if they are there at all. I can't find the specifics but I hope to be off DHC soon anyway - just insurance - wonder if the Z's show up as benzos???
There is a search function at the top you can use to narrow down what you need (I don't know the answer to your specific question.)
So the DHC Q. is pretty obvious no matter the dose: it would probably show no matter how low.

The big question is will Z's come up as benzos???
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