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Taking Opiods while on Suboxone


Sep 13, 2018
I tried a search but it hadn’t come up. I’m prescribed Suboxone 16mg daily in the morning. What would the effects be if I crushed up an Oxy 80 IR and snorted half or a whole one? Would I get high off the oxy?
No t depends how long he's been doing subs. The buprenorphine blocks the opiates without the Naloxone, it's pointless, it's only there for the patent for suboxone.
Sorry, you'll have to wait until you are in pretty bad withdrawal symptoms before felling the oxy.
I'd either stay off the subz for 3-4 days using pregabalin and valium or sell them.
This is terrible information. just dont take your subs one day and you can get high. if you only get high that day you can take them again in the am without precipitated w/d
Honestly if toure on the suboxone program for opiates, maybe try to avoid opiates. I'm sure it's your DOC and you miss opiates but your doc is what will bring you down the fastest. For me anyway, it's like that. Because the more you do it, the more you want more. More more more.
Thanks for the concern. I was asking out of curiosity only. I don’t plan on using opiates or much else in the near future at least.