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Taking diphen to sleep after taking adderall


Dec 28, 2008
Not sure if this has been asked before but a quick search didn't reveal anything.
Just wondering if it would be safe to use a pm painkiller containing a little bit of apap and diphenhydramine to catch some zzz''s about 12 hours after taking adderall. All out of benzo's atm and my gf would like to possibly get some sleep after doing her homework tonight. Thanks for any help in advance.
i have the same question, only replace dph with promethazine and adderall with mephedrone
I think promethazine, being antidopaminergic, would make for at best some extremely uncomfortable landing. How much Adderall did you take along the twelve hours? Depending on the amount of Adderall taken, it will be unwise to take the minimum effective dose of Tylenol pm to get some sleep.
75mg. should help knock you out. if you can, use doxylamine instead of dph. it is more hypnotic and is found in nyquil, some unisom, and other common otc sleep aids. dose about the same as dph.

*some studies found doxylamine to be more hypnotic than the barbiturate phenobarbital, so it's a better option than diphenhydramine.
there are a few threads on here about using any number of substances for stimulant comedowns.

Diphen and Doxylamine will be about the same. I feel like DPH dehydrates me so i'd say doxyl is slightly more pleasant.

there's a plethora of herbal things you could try:
Valerian, Kava, Passion Flower (careful as it has small maoi effects), Skullcap, Lemonbalm, Chamomile, etc

I'd try to steer clear of the 'PM' meds. I dont think its necessary to be taking apap with the dph or doxyl. Just take the dph or doxyl by itself. take them with a glass of herbal tea: mixture of hibiscus, chamomile, lemonbalm, skullcap, and passionflower. you should sleep fine.
diphenhydramine, in a large enough dose to knock me out, makes me feel paranoid and creepy and bad. if you are doing large doses of adderall and using a hefty dose of diphen to sleep, it could be synergistic and result in a very uncomfortable, panicky and paranoid experience. if you are taking smaller amounts of adderall and diphenhydramine doesn't make you feel paranoid or crappy, it might work out. i feel like it would take a higher dose of diphenhydramine to bring you down off an adderall high, it could be unpleasant.