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I have an obsession for 3 and 5, especially 3, and sometimes like to count the letters of words and sentences on my fingers to see if they add up in 3. Otherwise, I just prefer odd numbers to even ones (the odd one out serves to unify the opposing polarities), and would feel uncomfortable if I had to write 4 paragraphs on a page (won't really happen). But it seems to be all for a sense of order and nothing superstitious.
My mind unconsciously synchronizes all days, months and names with colors.
Everything I think has a different but constant color, meaning for example that January is always orange for no reason at all.
Same applies to everything else. Even Blue Light is not blue in my mind, it's actually some other color some degree of rose to red..
Of course, though: we are, literally, all unique (in certain ways).
The variability of humans is considerably higher than the variability of (single digit) n u m b e r s.


I am special, damn it!

Perhaps in ways, but I don't see too many two headed people walking around.
....Tesla had a thing for 3, 6, and 9...said all the answers were in those numbers. He was a fascinating man.
I've been attracted to someone for many years now. Just yesterday I found that her name could have a sum of this number--227, if her last name, Grey, was Black White. I've been interested in numbers, and her, and have figured in numbers other times, but never this--Never thought to separate. With the timing around 2/27, when I was writing of it, and it was under certain scrutiny.

I felt an extra attraction to her- it came alive around my seeing 4 in 23 and experimenting with the number forms, and then saw something I didn't see before. A letter, I think. But I don't know what it is.

Anyway, it is not always number... Numbers may be there, but perhaps aren't needed to tell a simple story/occurrence.

I was going to meet someone new who I felt a connection to, but it was hurried and spontaneous to get a window with her... I wanted to pick up flowers, and had a single red and a single white in mind to give to her. No place was open in the timing, on the way. It was a stress before meeting her. It was raining a bit. She was nice to meet. We just talked in her car for a bit.

I got back in my car then after meeting with her, and checked my phone/Facebook almost immediately. Habit. This image had been posted by Chantelle Rose within the previous minute or so, it at the top of my feed.


The person I met was born on a solar eclipse, and came around another- also born on a solar eclipse's certain departure.

3, 6, 9 are definitely interesting. I was just going over it, too, and 3+6+9=18, which is important to Judaic tradition, and as well Germanic (9s), and others. 18 numerologically could also go back to 9. I'm sure there is a lot more that I don't know, or am neglecting. I'm curious what he (Tesla) thought.
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I have an obsession for 3 and 5, especially 3, and sometimes like to count the letters of words and sentences on my fingers to see if they add up in 3. Otherwise, I just prefer odd numbers to even ones (the odd one out serves to unify the opposing polarities), and would feel uncomfortable if I had to write 4 paragraphs on a page (won't really happen). But it seems to be all for a sense of order and nothing superstitious.

I've also had an interest in these two, and together. At one time or another, I wouldn't deny being interested in just about every combination that I've approached... But I specifically remember 3 and 5. This is perhaps in part due to 5's resemblance to 2 (as certain mirrors). And it may lure me that E is the 5th letter, but also somewhat of a reverse of the 3 shape. Though different, similar. And by the same, E5 could be a mirror image of 23. And 5, also, I was going to say S but I was thinking snake I think and a guy on the show said "snakey".
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By the way, I also seem to have a thing for the number 23.

For all my passwords, or my default password, I always use 23 as the number at the end. I just like the 20s and so I like 23 more than 22. I also like 27, as 7 is one of my favourite numbers, so it's a perfect number. I was also born on the 27th (don't think I could have been born on the 26th - I don't like 6s).
Also, the numerolgy value of my name is 100 (divine favour).

I also like 10, 100, and 1000 as they are very perfect and complete numbers. For that reason I also dislike 9 (even if it adds up in 3) and 11, as the sense of imbalance is irritating. I quite like 99 as a number, though, as the repetition of the number 9 is quite powerful.
^ if you throw enough spaghetti at a wall, some of it is going to stick :)

i get what you are saying, ninae, because i'm a little the same. i'll find (or make) patterns in occurrences of numbers. i think its some symptom of ocd.

there used to be this funny tale that went round my school when i was pretty young. it goes...

why are fire engines red?

because they have eight men and four wheels. eight plus four is twelve. twelve inches is the length of a ruler. one of the most famous rulers was queen mary. queen mary was a ship. ships sail the seas. in the seas are fishes and fishes have fins. the finns fought the russians and the the russian flag is red.

with all due respect, what 23, many of your posts read like this. tenuous and contrived connections. you could be operating on a different plane, connected to the universe in a way few of us will ever understand.

of you could just be spewing an unedited stream of consciousness which is is just nonsensical drivel...

I think it's mostly about order and proportion for me. I like proportion, and numbers and the number of things can be more or less proportionate, and if it's more proportionate it's like it creates a balance in my mind (only because I pay attention to it that way, I'm not obsessive about it).

It also has something to do with divine geometry, or ideal geometry. Mathematic formulas are used to create perfect symmetry and proportion in all forms of visual art and it definitely feels better to look at when these principles are followed (like the golden ration). It's like it creates a sense of order within yourself.

I don't really attach much actual meaning to numbers but the sense of balance or imbalance is real.
I am very partial to certain numbers too. 2 may be my favorite number because it's the root of all even numbers - half of all numbers (integers anyway) - and it represents the duality of existence to me. 2 is a very fundamental number. I also like 6, 7, 12, 16, and really a lot of different random even numbers. I am also attracted to 23. For me it's because I have a very mathematical side of my brain and I automatically reduce numbers to ratios all the time, and the sense of, as Ninae said, balance in this is fascinating to me.
why are fire engines red?

Because they have eight men and four wheels. Eight plus four is twelve. Twelve inches is the length of a ruler. One of the most famous rulers was queen mary. Queen mary was a ship. Ships sail the seas. In the seas are fishes and fishes have fins. The finns fought the russians and the the russian flag is red.

Ahh, Synchronicity and acasual connections. True or not? Something to ponder for sure… One of life's mysteries indeed. Just had one today

I once heard that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. Who knows… ?
(Not sure where I heard it)
...I believe the human brain creates patterns out of 'chaotic' input or randomness. I feel that both my eyeballs and ears do this constantly with help from my brain.

Whether there is an underlying/overarching pattern, I cannot say, but I feel sure there are patterns we cannot perceive all around us :) Of course, I cannot and never will know this...
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why are fire engines red?

I read your post up until about here, at first. I was busy. A little later, I was forced to stop my car to let a red fire engine pass through the intersection. It had a big '23' on it. There weren't any others that day. None like this, in some time. To say I hadn't seen one in a long time would be a lie, but to say I hadn't seen one like this, crossing through making me stop in some time, '23', and me following after it passes/going the same way a ways, this is accurate. The engine had certain attention.

I had just got off the interstate. I was reflecting in the seconds leading up to hearing the sirens about an image I saw, of the female's, who had caught my eye years ago and has stayed in my consciousness, to be aware of... About how this image of hers looks to have a letter-symbol, and I just noticed it when I found things in numbers ("4" in "23"...). And about how I connected her with '227' in this timing, around 2/27, when 227 was called into scrutiny, my "connecting" with it (understandably, perhaps, in the context, it wasn't understood). How I felt her-- or something familiar to what I thought of her, prior to looking, was reflected on.

Perhaps I just can't share everything I want to, but I understand how some people's stuff may be read as such. How mine may at times to some. But again... It is probably from a lack of clear explanation, lacking all context and thought/feeling, and/or an audience that isn't really willing to work to understand anything, or be open, or can't... But I can't blame others for not getting it. Like I've said before... Sometimes I don't get it the same, and it is my experience. Validation of others is nice, but I get enough, through them, and my life. And sometimes people do get it... some.

Often the things like this 227 around talk of 227, and the 23 fire engine around memory of reading up to about that in your response's, that being my previous "fire engine" conscious noticing, I don't think what I do later, then. I take note of it, for the moment, because I'm on task-- I notice it and notice my experience... But I'm experiencing. But later, in review, in testing, I put it together certainly, and I realize that you mentioned and it was about all I noticed, "fire engine", then later I heard then saw this fire engine 23, with thought of this person in time, and a thought of a symbol(s)/letter.
Oh. Her hair is red. :D


On 23 and that intersection, a week ago or so I saw an ambulance from the same station, '23'... it must be right there with my exit onto 31, going to 135 (just saying).

That night I had another on my mind. I had just stopped with another who I had sex with for two nights... And had this feeling of realization that I was in love with someone else, and I wasn't being faithful to myself. Not that I am hard on myself about it. I just notice. But I saw 23 on an ambulance that was parked there in the lot by the road at the intersection, and made my turn. I then noticed I was behind a car with the number 159 on the plate, which is a number of her name, which I associate with it. Letters were something that I forget. But I remember 159. As it happened also with my thoughts of one, I can see a resonance in these two experiences. These two have confused me. Love has confused me, in ways. I've gone a bit mad.

This one also has red hair...
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