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[SYDNEY] Food & Beverage Appreciation Group =)

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Can't do this friday, but I'll do the newtown thing. Weekend after easter maybe?
Well I've got an engagement party in the early afternoon on Sunday, so drinks on Sunday mid to late arvo could be tops :) Would be great to meet Sim0n and hoptis :)

CB :)
Looks like Sunday then, awesome.

Kat, could you let Hoptis know the details?

I don't know where I'm staying yet, I thought I had a place lined up but they're full. Still aiming to find somewhere in that general area (Newtown, maybe Glebe, or maybe over towards Paddington). But I can travel anyway, so I'd be happy for you guys to suggest anywhere good, as long as it's reasonably central :)
rumour has it astrosmurf might be in town...

sunday, i cant make i got soccer... but i might consider anything else...

and well, not saturday... because dragons play
ch0psy said:
rumour has it astrosmurf might be in town...

sunday, i cant make i got soccer... but i might consider anything else...

and well, not saturday... because dragons play

Go the mighty Dragons.

OK I think Im at Kembla for a motocross function Sunday arvo but wioll do my best.

What time you guys talking from and until.........maybe I can get there early evening.
I'm available whenever - afternoon, evening, night. Hoptis will be going back to Melbourne later in the afternoon, I think. I can certainly hang round till early evening, or meet up with you then.
Sim0n said:
I'm available whenever - afternoon, evening, night. Hoptis will be going back to Melbourne later in the afternoon, I think. I can certainly hang round till early evening, or meet up with you then.

Excellent..........Kat or someone else who is going, can you guys decide where your going and i will get there asap after the motocross meet.

I will prolly be very dirty........does that matter or do you want me to shower?
mazdan, if you waste your one shower per year on a bluelight meetup

you are my god

well, you are anyways... dad... i love you...
ch0psy said:
mazdan, if you waste your one shower per year on a bluelight meetup

you are my god

well, you are anyways... dad... i love you...

Your right son, it would be a waste..........Its just that some people cant seem to understand that you get muddy when you ride............its like a trophy. It is a pain having to sleep on cotton wool all the time to avoid having the trophy break though
im from the shire now...

does that mean i can say i can go to stuff like josh nexus and not show up?

can i wear a pink shirt jeans and thongs?

Isn't that what you'd wear any way... moving to the shire hasn't changed your crap dressing habits ;)
Which pubs in Newtown do cheap cocktails now? (RIP bank!)

Hoptis has to depart by 4pm, how does starting at 2 sound?
Sounds good... I'll try and get there before 4 though... I can't remember where it is or what time the engagement party that I'm going to ends... but I should be able to make it after 4 :)

We could always just go to the Bank anyway...

Kuletos does cocktails, but I don't think they are cheap that early, but their happy hour is from 6 or 6:30 every evening... although it is quite small and can get quite crowded...
ch0psy said:
um, i wont be there...



OK it looks like I will be leaving Kembla about 2ish so home by 3ish, shower and drive to city means probably about 4.30 to 5 when i arrive.

Will anyone be there or am I wasting my time?
ch0psy said:
im from the shire now...

does that mean i can say i can go to stuff like josh nexus and not show up?

can i wear a pink shirt jeans and thongs?

oi!@ Im from the shire, careful. although i do have a pink polo shirt. but im gay. oh, the confusion!
ch0psy said:

sports > bluelighters...

true story!

aye, and you can see that I am sporting first and BLing after so whats your excuse

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