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SW battle front 3


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
My kiddos losing it about this game.. what do you all think? Summer of 14 if i remember correct.

I likes the older ones on original XBOX... Change of pace from conventional fps action that I see.

Wait... maybe the name was different and I have no idea what I'm talking about.
cute teaser.

yeah the original was refreshing in the deathmatch combining fps with vehicles set in star wars.

what I thought this got shut down a while ago after some merger or whatever. The game is basically battlefield: star wars edition so I always thought it was cool. never actually played the second one, will probably forget about the third one until like a week before it comes out to be honest and then just wind up never playing it but good news still
Star Wars: First Assault - The Battlefront 3 that almost was
Edwin Evans-Thirlwell 5/21/2015

I began talking to ex-LucasArts employees about Star Wars: First Assault while researching a feature on Star Wars: 1313 - the Coruscant-set escapade that was theoretically to do for Star Wars what the Arkham games did for Batman, before Disney acquired LucasFilm and stripped LucasArts to the bone during early 2013. I already knew about the game, an 8v8 Rebellion-era shooter for Xbox 360 and PS3, thanks to an asset leak on Xbox Live in October 2012, and didn’t think much of it at the time. 1313 seemed the more adventurous experience, a brand new story set in a technological netherrealm brought to life by LucasFilm’s famed SFX team, and starring none other than Boba Fett. It was the more exciting project to follow in the news, too, thrust into the limelight at E3 2012 as a tacit showpiece for yet-to-be-announced consoles after a long and politics-ridden development.



The more I spoke to people about First Assault, however, the more it fascinated me. The subtitle isn’t just there for dramatic effect, for one thing - this was the opening gambit in the stealthy revival of a much-missed series. Slated to appear on Xbox Live and PSN in summer 2013, First Assault would have road-tested a familiar yet subtly differentiated collection of infantry combat mechanics on eight maps drawn from the planets Tatooine and Bespin. A follow-up, codenamed “Wingman”, was to arrive in summer 2014, equipped with larger theatres of war and vehicles such as speederbikes, AT-ST walkers and droid hovertanks from The Phantom Menace. Then, in winter 2015, the trump card: a fully armed and operational Star Wars: Battlefront 3, rolling together all the features of First Assault and Wingman plus a single player campaign and outer space engagements with X-Wings and TIE Fighters.

The idea behind this potted epic of a rebooting strategy was to shore up trust in LucasArts, before going loud with a sequel announcement. The publisher had, after all, cultivated an unenviable reputation for project misfires. It had access to the most venerated licenses in both video games and cinema, but was racked by frequent management changes, power struggles and an ever-widening gap between executives and creatives. Hence, among other disappointments, the Battlefront franchise’s woeful evolution after original developer Pandemic said goodbye to it in 2005. Timesplitters creator Free Radical ruined itself trying to bring a threequel to life, thanks to a last-minute withdrawal of publisher support, though dismal sales of the studio’s stinky PS3 exclusive Haze may have had a role to play there.

It’s extremely doubtful, given the history, that LucasArts’s grand plan for Battlefront’s rebirth would have come off as swimmingly as prophesied, but what I’ve seen of First Assault in action suggests that the foundations, at least, were sound. To begin with there’s the art direction, which captures the look and feel of Star Wars without being affected about it. On Tatooine, walls and domed roofs are bleached and wizened by exposure to the elements. Once-shiny Stormtrooper armour is scoured by flying grit and caked with sand. As I wrote in a recent editorial, the genius of the Star Wars universe is that its ships and edifices feel lived-in, their mind-boggling technologies firmly subject to the practical needs of sentient beings. Though devoid of a campaign in which to linger over such fictive nuances, First Assault nails this vibe from the off.

cont http://www.gamesradar.com/star-wars-first-assault-battlefront-3-almost-was/