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survey //// ways of taking e

Well im gonna plug it at some point relatively soon
Here's my approx stats:
Chewed - 1
Dissolved (this doesn't taste nearly as bad as chewing) - 3
Swallowing - 13
1 (or 2) chewed.. (i dont think the taste is bad, san pedro will show anyone this)
4 swallowed
1 plugged (soon to be 2!)
Having tried all methods except smoking (never even heard of that) I would rather plug any day. Although the setting isn't always right for that (nasty bathrooms, no privacy, etc...)
So I’d say about 50/50 plugging/eating with the occasional Rail.
swallowed-when I first started
railed-many a times
chewed-lost count
smoked-1 time
-never tried it any other way
Swallowing??? Always
Chewing??? Sometimes, but it tastes like shit, so I barely ever do.
Letting it disolve??? Well I've put a couple crushed up pills in a gatorade, swooshed it around and drank it a bunch of times. (It's good for when you're already fucked up.
Parachueting??? yep
Railing??? nope, never did, and never will. Ecstasy is in a pill form for a reason.
Plugging??? haha hell no
Shooting??? nope never
Smoking???? One time, and it was on top of a blunt. And no I'd never do it again. Personally i thought it was a waste.
Swallowing? Now that I've plugged, I'm not really interested in this method
Chewing up? Never done it
Sublingual? Done it a few times, works better than eating
Railed? Done it a few times, its good when I'm looking for a fast, intense rush of pleasure but not so good as a general method of administration due to the short duration and general "speedy" feeling.
Plugged? Now that I've worked up the balls to try it, I must say its the best method, definitely far above swallowing and even sublingual. Not only is it very smooth and very strong, but it also comes on faster and lasts just as long.
swallowing the pill? 9
Chewing the pill? 1
Letting It Dissolve? 0
Parachuting the pill? 4
Railing the pill? 0
Plugging a pill? 1
Smoking A Pill? 0
shooting a Pill? 0
swallowing? lost count
Chewing? can't get past the taste
Dissolve? 0
Parachuting? 0 it hits me like a ton of bricks already
Railing? 1 and it hurt so bad i fell over and i didn't get high (my friend made rocky moutain like lines instead of smooth ones - a$$!)
Plugging a pill? 0 (may try someday)
Smoking A Pill? many times by licking the outside of a cig and rolling it in the powder or taking part of the tabacco out and sucking the powder into the cig. i think i can feel something if i've already been rollin but it's mostly a waste
shooting a Pill? 0
well for those of you who care... i started just eatin' the little bastards and that was how it was done for say a year or so ive parachuted a couple times ... and then for a while i just railed em. Or id eat a pill and wait like twenty miutes then rail a half or a whole one. But as bizare as it sounds coming out of my mouth as of a few weeks ago and forever im a plugger. OH my! its incredible. It took me like 2 1/2 years to get around to it but it is the absolute best method in my opinion. Also ive tried smoking with very little success. The moral of my ranting is if you havent plugged a bean yet. do yourself a favor, get over it and get to it
Swallowed whole- 35
Chewed up- 26
Sublingual- 12
Plugged- 1
After trying these different methods over the past 3 years the most recent being plugging I am going to be a plugging convert for good. The roll lasted longer, was stronger and smoother than anyother since my first. Never thought it would be so good but it's the way to go in my opinion.