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Support Don't Punish

Bluelight.org joins with many organisations around the world on June 26 for Support Don't Punish day.

SDP is a global advocacy campaign calling for drug policies based on health and human rights. It is time to leave behind harmful politics, ideology and prejudice. It is time to prioritise the health and welfare of people who use drugs, and their families and communities. Please visit www.supportdontpunish.org to show your support.

I'm an active member of Don't Punish Pain". Many are angry at the " pill mills "as being the primary cause of opioid hysteria of 2016. Many were tapered down or abruptly taken off opioids that they were stable on for years. Some have had to go on disability and were no longer able to work, some went to the streets for any relief they could find, and some killed themselves out of desperation. The lucky few of us have Dr.'s that will still prescribe but undergo monthly urine drug screens, random pill counts and are treated like criminals at the pharmacy. Some Pharmacists refuse to fill a valid Rx. It's maddening. And the ER? Forget it for pain... it's usually Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Most Dr.s will fire you for medical marijuana.
Most of us understand the enemy is groups like PROP, and the DEA. We're making some headway with legislature allowing Dr.s to prescribe legal, safe and effective opioids without fear of arrest, loss of their license and prison. ( yes, all of those are happening.) It will take decades though to undo the damage of opioid hysteria.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I know about the OC deal where doctors were told that it wasn’t very addictive. My question is this…
How could a doctor, not to mention thousands of doctors, be told that an opioid isn’t really that addictive, and believe it? I’m not a doctor but if a salesman from a big pharm company were to tell me that this new time released opioid isn’t risky, there’s just no way I’d believe it. How could a single, highly educated, doctor believe that?
I know about the OC deal where doctors were told that it wasn’t very addictive. My question is this…
How could a doctor, not to mention thousands of doctors, be told that an opioid isn’t really that addictive, and believe it? I’m not a doctor but if a salesman from a big pharm company were to tell me that this new time released opioid isn’t risky, there’s just no way I’d believe it. How could a single, highly educated, doctor believe that?
Very good question. They sold the idea that it had a low risk of addiction because it was time released. It remained highly popular even after they changed the matrix and it was difficult to crush and dissolve the pill.. lol We all know what happened then. Not to mention the "perks" from the pharmaceutical companies for prescribing oxycontin. Trips, fine restaurant dining, and patient referrals among other things. Ahhh the 90's. What a great time to be alive.
Also, JCAHO, who accredits hospitals, decided that pain was the "5th vital sign", and Dr.s began assessing everyone and their dog for pain and treating it. Hence, the ridiculous and useless 0-10 pain scale that every patient was asked about no matter the reason for their office or hospital visit. Dr.s and hospitals were often accredited using patient satisfaction scores. Who gave the best scores?? Those who left with Rx's for whatever ailed them usually an opiate and a benzo.
What's truly tragic is legitimate pain is not treated or severely undertreated. I am aware of several hospice patients who were weeks or days away from dying whose Dr didn't "feel comfortable" giving pain and anxiety meds, or the families were terrified that Dad would become addicted and therefore refused to give permission to medicate Dad who was clearly suffering.
They fixed the speak-easy doctor shopping thing when they created the real-time prescription monitoring thing. Why they felt the need to keep going making it more and more strict is where the mistake was made. It’s really sad. How doctors could be so gullible, and now they are extremely accurate at spotting drug seeking behavior. It’s all bullshit.
Well, the docs think EVERYBODY is drug seeking. PDMP is useful to weed out dr shopping etc. They also consider patients who ask for a specific drug as seekers which as a retired ER nurse annoyed me at times. I mean, sickle cell anemia is a chronic and exquisitely painful condition and when they come in in a crisis you better listen to them...he's had it for 30 years...he knows dilaudid is more effective than morphine. But there are the assholes who will give morphine in miniscule amounts IV or toredol. I've went over docs heads for this bs...nobody deserves to suffer.
Yea, that’s some bullshit right there. I’m now hesitant to lay down for a surgery because they far under treat post-op pain. I started using a different hand doctor for my Dupuytren’s Contractures surgeries because he totally stopped providing narcotic pain relief totally.
I have Dup Contracture. Surgery was a bitch.
The truth is same as most things in life yu only truly learn from your own experiences so the only way a doctor can KNOW the true score is if they've lived it I doubt very many experienced specialist substance doctors swallowed the slow release story if I'm honest, I'm of the opinion so funking what !! I spent the
First ten years of my addiction trying to be clean to please others, when I finally accepted the fact I'm a happier more productive person whilst on a stable opiate, Depression-gone IBS -gone Anxiety-gone if only I could have gone and got a reasonable dose of heroin twice a day I would never have lost my job,wife,house,pride and eventually my liberty.

Manifesto for the reevaluation and reform of the outdated "war on drugs"

There's a time for everything a time to be born and a time to die, a time to create and a time to destroy my aim in writing this statement isn't to spread, proliferate or glamourise substance use or misuse in anyway just to emphasise that it's time for change so please read in entirety before casting judgement, if the article helps just one person or opens up just one person's mind or point of view I haven't wasted any time.
At the time of writing the UK currently uphold and support the outdated archaic war on drugs stance, this manifesto intends to detail and outlay the complete failure of this system and train of thought by articulating the panorama presented when the picture is viewed as a whole.
Point 1.
Over the 30 some odd years I've been a participant in the UK drug scene I've observed not only a complete change in the way that people/participants conduct themselves in the street but a progressive change in general attitude towards the subject as a whole, as the years have passed and generations move on there has been a gradual but perceivable increase in number of people that find substance use in its various forms acceptable.
This was always going to be inevitable purely for the fact the feelings sensations caused by various chemicals being introduced to the system are viewed as pleasant by more than a few people, add in to that the stress and strain of modern life it gave rise to escapism in a multitude of ways, the majority of which we are deemed suitable or able to select for ourselves as responsible adults we can ride fast vehicles , jump from flying aircraft or ridiculously high vantage points with nothing more than silk or elastic to preserve us, we can gamble our money and partake in consciousness altering activities WHEN the powers that be endorse the substance (alcohol,Caffeine or tobacco) some of which are arguably more harmful than any class of banned substance, for whatever reason whether its the revenue involved or just the fact (if they admit it or not) all and any carbon based life form given the means to administer a mind/consciousness altering substance or chemical to itself will do so, in the case of class a drugs and alcohol repeatedly at the cost of or until deterioration of health occurs and ultimately until no longer able to self administer or until death which I'm certain the majority will agree is a dangerous element to say the least , as with most things in life there will always be success and failure. Some people can take the occasional drink or bungees jump without it ever becoming an issue but others descend into the depths of alcoholism or climb to the hight of free fall parachuting before either burning out with it all or becoming bored of said pass time, psyconauts are not so much different a lot hold down jobs and normal lives there is always going to be a percentage that cant
Point 2.
Now we've tried to prohibit with very limited success maybe due to the final paragraph above but I'm certain there are other contributing factors namely corruption at the highest levels, now I sure many people will say I'm biased maybe so but should sovereign beings not have the right to decide if and when we take a substance? The ambiguity created by endorsement of one mind altering substance but the prohibition of another is counter productive to say the least, people will always make up their own minds always have always will and this is where the labelling is all wrong how can we call drug misuse a criminal problem ? Take the time to talk to an addict In the depths of addiction, find out what it entails its no picnic for sure, who in their right mind would sit and repeatedly stick a needle in themselves until their leg dropped off? For fun? To get high? It's high time it was addressed as the public health issue it is before we criminalise,cripple and allow another generation to go through this all in the name of what???
Point 3
How can it happen? We live on an island so admittedly there's a LOT of border but there's a LOT of drugs ! A disproportionate amount, its gone in my years of involvement from an ounce being a lot of heroin to a kilo being smallfry there has to be thousands of people in prison with kilogram plus charges that means thousands of kilos confiscated and has it even put a hiccup in the supply? Not a bump they lock one dealer up two more start up so how many thousands of kilos of drugs are coming into the country on a daily basis but there's no corruption? We spend untold sums as taxpayers, with the supposed best and most proficient Border force in the world, yet we have the highest consumption rate of any European country but there's no corruption? The other one has bells on! From where I'm sat the ONLY way that the sheer quantity of drugs can materialise on the shores of an island that has the infrastructure that the UK has with purpose built border facilities, UK coast guard, police force etc is corruption at more than one point along the line does anyone disagree?
Point 4
Why and how drugs have permeated society?
We tend to think of drugs as a new problem " the scourge of today's youth" is a term I've heard repeatedly over the years but let's just break that down a little for a start the drug scene as it exists today bridges at least 3 generations of users which in itself serves to pass the problem along, in the countries who were the forerunners in supervised consumption areas there was a 1000 % reduction in new addicts, thats because it follows the intro of sca's the concurrent reduction in unsupervised consumption as well as the reduction in illicit drug supply in the countries that have gone with the prescription of heroin has served to seriously reduce the use of trap/crack houses,which is the primary point of new users being introduced to firstly a gateway drug followed by exposure to and resulting desensitivity to more serious drug use.

Mind/consciousness altering substances are nearly as old as civilisation itself whether it be the unintentional production and subsequent discovery of alcohol , the recorded 10,000 years we've utilised the cannabis plant the hundreds of years opium has been smoked or the few thousand years the South American natives have chewed coca the habits have been there a long long time so it's not the drugs but the war on drugs that's the scourge of today's youth that and the evolutionof a legal system that serves exacerbation of not improvement of the problem, prison was a bad place for bad men, its evolved into tertiary college/ holiday camp/ rehab Centre for not so much bad men as naughty boys and that's from someone that's had a stay in HMP I'm not saying I have the answer but what I DO know for a fact is that whatever we are doing or have done to tackle or reduce the problem ISNT working and surely we've been banging our collective heads against the post for long enough is it not time we swallowed that and looked at the problem in another light? I'm not advocating an all out free for all or legalisation but surely there has to be a better way to tackle the problem?
The political party that does Decriminalise drugs could reduce our overcrowded prisons by a third overnight, you could stop another generation being criminalised, You could move forward with legislation, you could create a whole new industry even, if we followed other forward thinking countries and looked at this as a health issue not a criminal one, and recognises the huge difference between cannabis and crack could not only seriously reduce the number of unnecessary drug related deaths as well as minimise harm reduction and the secondary damage and resulting strain on an already overworked NHS, we could legislate and set up supervised consumption areas which are PROVEN to reduce not only drug related deaths but disease,we could regulate and control the substances that are imported, we could reduce the passing of these habits to the next generation .Its long overdue that somebody in a position of influence ran with the ball presenting and pushing forward a different way of addressing a problem that now affects the many now not the few, who can say these days, that if they are not directly affected by this problem in someway, then the odds are that they know somebody who is or has been ??
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE and add your points of view I'm not here for likes but to spread awareness its time this was highlighted and addressed in the houses of Parliament (inactivity implies involvement to my mind) only a government with vested interests in the continuation of the problem could fail to see the sense in an entirely new approach
The truth is same as most things in life yu only truly learn from your own experiences so the only way a doctor can KNOW the true score is if they've lived it I doubt very many experienced specialist substance doctors swallowed the slow release story if I'm honest, I'm of the opinion so funking what !! I spent the
First ten years of my addiction trying to be clean to please others, when I finally accepted the fact I'm a happier more productive person whilst on a stable opiate, Depression-gone IBS -gone Anxiety-gone if only I could have gone and got a reasonable dose of heroin twice a day I would never have lost my job,wife,house,pride and eventually my liberty.

Manifesto for the reevaluation and reform of the outdated "war on drugs"

There's a time for everything a time to be born and a time to die, a time to create and a time to destroy my aim in writing this statement isn't to spread, proliferate or glamourise substance use or misuse in anyway just to emphasise that it's time for change so please read in entirety before casting judgement, if the article helps just one person or opens up just one person's mind or point of view I haven't wasted any time.
At the time of writing the UK currently uphold and support the outdated archaic war on drugs stance, this manifesto intends to detail and outlay the complete failure of this system and train of thought by articulating the panorama presented when the picture is viewed as a whole.
Point 1.
Over the 30 some odd years I've been a participant in the UK drug scene I've observed not only a complete change in the way that people/participants conduct themselves in the street but a progressive change in general attitude towards the subject as a whole, as the years have passed and generations move on there has been a gradual but perceivable increase in number of people that find substance use in its various forms acceptable.
This was always going to be inevitable purely for the fact the feelings sensations caused by various chemicals being introduced to the system are viewed as pleasant by more than a few people, add in to that the stress and strain of modern life it gave rise to escapism in a multitude of ways, the majority of which we are deemed suitable or able to select for ourselves as responsible adults we can ride fast vehicles , jump from flying aircraft or ridiculously high vantage points with nothing more than silk or elastic to preserve us, we can gamble our money and partake in consciousness altering activities WHEN the powers that be endorse the substance (alcohol,Caffeine or tobacco) some of which are arguably more harmful than any class of banned substance, for whatever reason whether its the revenue involved or just the fact (if they admit it or not) all and any carbon based life form given the means to administer a mind/consciousness altering substance or chemical to itself will do so, in the case of class a drugs and alcohol repeatedly at the cost of or until deterioration of health occurs and ultimately until no longer able to self administer or until death which I'm certain the majority will agree is a dangerous element to say the least , as with most things in life there will always be success and failure. Some people can take the occasional drink or bungees jump without it ever becoming an issue but others descend into the depths of alcoholism or climb to the hight of free fall parachuting before either burning out with it all or becoming bored of said pass time, psyconauts are not so much different a lot hold down jobs and normal lives there is always going to be a percentage that cant
Point 2.
Now we've tried to prohibit with very limited success maybe due to the final paragraph above but I'm certain there are other contributing factors namely corruption at the highest levels, now I sure many people will say I'm biased maybe so but should sovereign beings not have the right to decide if and when we take a substance? The ambiguity created by endorsement of one mind altering substance but the prohibition of another is counter productive to say the least, people will always make up their own minds always have always will and this is where the labelling is all wrong how can we call drug misuse a criminal problem ? Take the time to talk to an addict In the depths of addiction, find out what it entails its no picnic for sure, who in their right mind would sit and repeatedly stick a needle in themselves until their leg dropped off? For fun? To get high? It's high time it was addressed as the public health issue it is before we criminalise,cripple and allow another generation to go through this all in the name of what???
Point 3
How can it happen? We live on an island so admittedly there's a LOT of border but there's a LOT of drugs ! A disproportionate amount, its gone in my years of involvement from an ounce being a lot of heroin to a kilo being smallfry there has to be thousands of people in prison with kilogram plus charges that means thousands of kilos confiscated and has it even put a hiccup in the supply? Not a bump they lock one dealer up two more start up so how many thousands of kilos of drugs are coming into the country on a daily basis but there's no corruption? We spend untold sums as taxpayers, with the supposed best and most proficient Border force in the world, yet we have the highest consumption rate of any European country but there's no corruption? The other one has bells on! From where I'm sat the ONLY way that the sheer quantity of drugs can materialise on the shores of an island that has the infrastructure that the UK has with purpose built border facilities, UK coast guard, police force etc is corruption at more than one point along the line does anyone disagree?
Point 4
Why and how drugs have permeated society?
We tend to think of drugs as a new problem " the scourge of today's youth" is a term I've heard repeatedly over the years but let's just break that down a little for a start the drug scene as it exists today bridges at least 3 generations of users which in itself serves to pass the problem along, in the countries who were the forerunners in supervised consumption areas there was a 1000 % reduction in new addicts, thats because it follows the intro of sca's the concurrent reduction in unsupervised consumption as well as the reduction in illicit drug supply in the countries that have gone with the prescription of heroin has served to seriously reduce the use of trap/crack houses,which is the primary point of new users being introduced to firstly a gateway drug followed by exposure to and resulting desensitivity to more serious drug use.

Mind/consciousness altering substances are nearly as old as civilisation itself whether it be the unintentional production and subsequent discovery of alcohol , the recorded 10,000 years we've utilised the cannabis plant the hundreds of years opium has been smoked or the few thousand years the South American natives have chewed coca the habits have been there a long long time so it's not the drugs but the war on drugs that's the scourge of today's youth that and the evolutionof a legal system that serves exacerbation of not improvement of the problem, prison was a bad place for bad men, its evolved into tertiary college/ holiday camp/ rehab Centre for not so much bad men as naughty boys and that's from someone that's had a stay in HMP I'm not saying I have the answer but what I DO know for a fact is that whatever we are doing or have done to tackle or reduce the problem ISNT working and surely we've been banging our collective heads against the post for long enough is it not time we swallowed that and looked at the problem in another light? I'm not advocating an all out free for all or legalisation but surely there has to be a better way to tackle the problem?
The political party that does Decriminalise drugs could reduce our overcrowded prisons by a third overnight, you could stop another generation being criminalised, You could move forward with legislation, you could create a whole new industry even, if we followed other forward thinking countries and looked at this as a health issue not a criminal one, and recognises the huge difference between cannabis and crack could not only seriously reduce the number of unnecessary drug related deaths as well as minimise harm reduction and the secondary damage and resulting strain on an already overworked NHS, we could legislate and set up supervised consumption areas which are PROVEN to reduce not only drug related deaths but disease,we could regulate and control the substances that are imported, we could reduce the passing of these habits to the next generation .Its long overdue that somebody in a position of influence ran with the ball presenting and pushing forward a different way of addressing a problem that now affects the many now not the few, who can say these days, that if they are not directly affected by this problem in someway, then the odds are that they know somebody who is or has been ??
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE and add your points of view I'm not here for likes but to spread awareness its time this was highlighted and addressed in the houses of Parliament (inactivity implies involvement to my mind) only a government with vested interests in the continuation of the problem could fail to see the sense in an entirely new approach
A crime is when someone does something to someone else. It can be argued that no crime is committed when someone gets high. I’m curious, though…what do you propose? We aren’t at a point of automation where everyone can just get high all day. Who’d do the work that requires being sober? Opiates in the amounts that I’ve taken have never muddled my ability, but I’ve never done street opiates.
I’ve always felt like as long as natural substances aren’t chemically concentrated, everything would be fine. Chew coca leaves? Gather some opium from a couple of poppies? Smoke some weed? All that should be legal, but the fact is, with our technology, people will always want stronger shit, so we end up with junkies. Junkies are a drain on society. Who is going to go to school to learn how to do shit just so 75% of the population can lay around and feel great? Society breaks down. If we were still just 30 year living hunters and gatherers, without modern chemistry, it might all work.
Unless it's truly a matter of life or death I would never have surgery without a pain contract prior to surgery that is signed by both myself and the physician outlining pain management after surgery and after discharge. These Jokers are getting away with IV Tramadol and ibuprofen for major abdominal surgeries, bilateral breast mastectomies for cancer, and total joint Replacements such as hips and knees. I graduated from nursing school in 1980 and I have never seen the state of Affairs regarding pain and Pain Management the way it is now. The Hysteria is off the charts!
I feel like you've got a few things backwards....these are just my opinions and experienced so I'm not saying you're wrong...my experience in life just doesn't align with yours.

Nobody is getting opioid prescriptions for pain even with catastrophic permanent chronic pain. So you can't get fent patches easily as you suggest.

On the other hand getting unlimited massive doses of methadone or suboxone for 'withdrawl pain" is extremely easy compared to having regular chronic pain medicated with opioids.

Also methadone is pretty fantastic for physical pain. It's doesnt offer much pleasure or euphoria but the analgesic effects are on par with most opioids used for moderate pain. Many pain management doctors prescribed it for chronic pain even before the opioid crackdown by the government.
My huge problem with methadone and Suboxone is that those are prescribed for opioid use disorder, addiction, and opioid dependence. That is a problem for me as a gun owner because

who knows when somebody is going to Red Flag me and my weapons could be confiscated because now I am a " scary addict" and can't be trusted with weapons.
My huge problem with methadone and Suboxone is that those are prescribed for opioid use disorder, addiction, and opioid dependence. That is a problem for me as a gun owner because

who knows when somebody is going to Red Flag me and my weapons could be confiscated because now I am a " scary addict" and can't be trusted with weapons.
What if they fabricated a syndrome out of of thin air, like opioid use disorder, and nobody used it? 😎
My huge problem with methadone and Suboxone is that those are prescribed for opioid use disorder, addiction, and opioid dependence. That is a problem for me as a gun owner because

who knows when somebody is going to Red Flag me and my weapons could be confiscated because now I am a " scary addict" and can't be trusted with weapons.
Methadone is prescribed for chronic pain also completely outside of addiction medicine.

a gun Is really the only medication they are giving out for chronic pain now. 100% effective.

Technically if you abuse alcohol or use cannabis you can't sign that form to buy a gun. A lot of weed users have guns tho. Probably the most ignored law next to smoking weed. If they cracked down on those millions of gun owners would probably go to jail.
Great thread, very insightful. I have a bad shoulder, ulcer on my right foot and an official C-PTSD disorder. Being prescribed tramadol, co-codamal and muscle relaxants, they look at me as a junkie a little here in France. But, I have my script and French state has taken very good care of me, I’m even getting 70 percent of the 13k I’ve spent on medical help since sept. The US needs to adopt legalization on a federal level and decriminalization, much like the Portuguese.
Methadone is prescribed for chronic pain also completely outside of addiction medicine.

a gun Is really the only medication they are giving out for chronic pain now. 100% effective.

Technically if you abuse alcohol or use cannabis you can't sign that form to buy a gun. A lot of weed users have guns tho. Probably the most ignored law next to smoking weed. If they cracked down on those millions of gun owners would probably go to jail.
Suboxone can be prescribed for depression or addiction in Texas. At least that’s what my doctor told me about 10 years ago when my back started hurting really bad and I didn’t want to take a bunch of Norco. Well…I did want to take a bunch of it, but that’s the problem, right? 😂

I think it is able to be prescribed for pain now. He correctly assumed that my back was causing a depressed mood, so we were able to get Suboxone. I can taper off of sub with very little problems so I don’t have to worry about going through a month of the blues when I quit ready-release proper pain meds.
I've been a chronic pain patient for years since a number of surgeries which I had no control over. I'm treated like an addict - like a dreg of society in many of my interactions with people. People are truly incapable of comprehending what it is like to live life constantly in a state of pain at some level. As if life isn't hard enough as it is. I'm spending the evening lying on the floor. Merry Christmas to those of you suffering in pain tonight thanks to a broken system.
I've been a chronic pain patient for years since a number of surgeries which I had no control over. I'm treated like an addict - like a dreg of society in many of my interactions with people. People are truly incapable of comprehending what it is like to live life constantly in a state of pain at some level. As if life isn't hard enough as it is. I'm spending the evening lying on the floor. Merry Christmas to those of you suffering in pain tonight thanks to a broken system.
That is one of my biggest issues with this opioid hysteria. We are treated as criminals simply for receiving treatment for medical condition. We are subjected to random urine drug screens often at our own cost, random pill counts and talk about the stink eye from everybody from pharmacists the the technicians who assist them and the checkout girl. Now, pharmacists have thrown their hat in the ring and they are deciding if your physician has been writing too many hope you had Scripts or they don't feel like you have a condition that warrants pain medication, Are frequently refusing to fill the prescription and sometimes even refuse to give it back to the customer. Which that is illegal by the way they cannot keep the script. I'm trying to remain calm today but boy this is a hot button topic for me. Serenity now!!
That is one of my biggest issues with this opioid hysteria. We are treated as criminals simply for receiving treatment for medical condition. We are subjected to random urine drug screens often at our own cost, random pill counts and talk about the stink eye from everybody from pharmacists the the technicians who assist them and the checkout girl. Now, pharmacists have thrown their hat in the ring and they are deciding if your physician has been writing too many hope you had Scripts or they don't feel like you have a condition that warrants pain medication, Are frequently refusing to fill the prescription and sometimes even refuse to give it back to the customer. Which that is illegal by the way they cannot keep the script. I'm trying to remain calm today but boy this is a hot button topic for me. Serenity now!!
Serenity now! That was a funny episode.
I stopped using in 1994. I relapsed twice since then. The end of next month will mark 19 years since I misused a substance. I haven't even touched a needle since. Due to chronic pain/illness, I've been on pain medication since 2002, by the same doctor. The odds said that I'd be dead within 5 years. So much for odds. Throughout this time, I've been alone. I recently got in touch with some old friends. The result inspired me to write a song.
A lazy lying, dope addict is all you'll ever be
E F#7 B7
A lazy, lying, dope addict, now don't you steal from me
A lazy, lying, dope addict, it's plain for all to see...that you're
A E B E E7
A lazy, lying, dope addict, now stay away from me

It's 4 in the morn and I can't get to sleep
F F# B B7
Be-cause I'm in pain from my head to my feet
Lupus, Fibro, ABI, and damaged spinal cord
F F# B B7
The reason I don't hang myself is because of the Lord