• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Supplements to recover from accidental stimulant overdose


Moderator: H&R; Discord Administrator
Staff member
Jul 26, 2009
What can I say, sometimes I have a penchant for recklessness. I have, btw, removed all injection equipment from my home as I realized at this point in my life, the only time I seem to use it is when EXTREMELY drunk, arguably the worst time to be measuring and ingesting intravenous drugs. On two separate occasions in the last four months I have overdosed on a stimulant chemical by accidentally overloading a cooker, or in one case misidentifying the compound in it.
Incident 1: 85mg 2cb ingested IV w/8mg dilaudid. I thought it was cocaine, needless to say I was extremely surprised, in both this and the next occasion i feel like the amount of ethanol in my body did a lot to prevent full blown grand mal seizure. It took me 4 hours to reassemble myself, and two weeks for the trails/tracers and other HPPD symptoms to subside.
Incident 2: 120mg unknown, reported as cocaine, although this is highly suspect. I have never almost had a seizure from around a point of even the most pure cocaine, and I strongly suspect the product in the Bay Area is highly cut with levamisole and probably RC stims/lidocaine. At any rate, I immediately knew something was wrong, could not verbalise and walked around jerkily and tried generally not to seize for an hour, the effects(elevated heart rate etc) continued well through the night, another clue that this substance was NOT blow.

At any rate, after these experiences, it feels like something in my brain is shot, damaged. Something in the middle is not there, my verbal recall is pretty fucked and I am having regular dyslexia episodes that never happened before. Just wondered if anyone has some insight as to nootropics and other substances I could explore for repairing the damage that seems to have been done. Also important to note that nothing in 10 years of heavy drug use has caused this kind of lasting impairment, even near opiate overdose death. So I'm kindof concerned. Thank you for your time.
Just wondered if anyone has some insight as to nootropics and other substances I could explore for repairing the damage that seems to have been done.

Without a way to actually assess the damage and no foreknowledge of dietary deficiencies, nootropics or supplementation is really the department of throwing things at the pharmacological wall and seeing what sticks.

Somehow I suspect that psychological "damage" and hangover is way more of a concern than anything physical. Generally stimulant and stimulant-psychedelic usage is only physically damaging in severe acute overdoses (causing stroke, heart attack, or severe overheating) or in chronic, regular, daily use (long term changes in heart tissue/valves, increased oxidative stress, elevation of blood pressure, disruption of the natural equilibrium).

Make sure you're taking in all your required nutrients, lay off stimulant and psychedelic usage for a short while, try to de-stress. Elevated cortisol can throw you off your game pretty quickly.
Extensive nutrient supplementation, strong exercise program, minimal usage of anything except binge alcohol, chewing tobacco and marijuana with the occasional binge on IV stimulants as described. I would tack things down to hangover too, however, if it is it is unlike any I have previously experienced, with a much more noticeable cognitive deficit. I'm having trouble typing the words, getting letters to form together, things I rarely have trouble with. Honestly, the symptoms of the 2cb experience subsided in much the way any massive dose of psychedelics does, and I was feeling better when this thing happened with the IV "faux"caine. The effects of that overdose were extremely strange, and everyone who saw me was concerned about seizures. I was moving very jerkily, unable to answer simple questions like my name, age etc. but kept assuring everyone "I was ok"... Hopefully the side effects simply go away, and any time I have fallen asleep on a limb, or done some other IV related nerve damage etc. time has been the best antidote, but like I said, even in my history of drug abuse, heroin OD's, hypoxia and everything that goes with it I have never experienced aftereffects lasting longer than a week that were so debilitating. Feel free to me to OD if neccessary, I would like to know if anyone knows of anything specifically oriented for re-regulating the brain after stimulant overdose...
Benzos to reduce anxiety, prevent a panic attack or hysterical reaction, overly-activated reflexes, and prevent psychosis from initiating.

Aspirin for heart health, to reduce blood clotting and stress on the heart, also may have some neuro-protective qualities to it.

A warm or cool bath depending on body temperature.

Gatorade or some sodium and potassium rich water source.

That is about it, really. If it is a really severe overdose, and there is a coma, seizures, brain bleeding, or heart attack, then you will need prompt surgery to save the life.