I have one last exam and I'm fucking done till the end of January. That will be nice.

But right now, I've only been at work for 1 1/2 hours, and it feels like it's been 5 hours. Ugh. So fucking tired.

Goodmorning to everyone, regardless. :)
its 5:22am, about time for my morning wood.
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10:15am, and I am officially done with school for the year! w00t!
Got one grade back so far.. B+ in Managerial Accouting.. hot shit!
I don't even know what to do with myself right now... maybe pick up this pigsty i'm livin in
Absolutely rediculous, I had to actually search for this thread. :X

Anyway, it's not morning or anywhere near, but I still hope that all my darlings have wonderful days!
Hey, I bumped it for you hun. I've been back and forth but I got y0 back! :p
Anyway, 12:10 morning enough for me. =D
it's still AM in colorado :)
The beginning of semesters are such a waste - my first class today was a whopping 15 minutes long... not really worth the waking up, but oh well, I guess it's better than a long/boring lecture. Too bad I have class until 4, then senate at 6. So I have to enjoy what little free time I have here on BL, or something.

Strangely enough it looks like some ppl are here in the lab working on HW assignments.. sucks to be them
^^^You're an avatar theif! OMG! :X


You know...I completely spaced this thread. Blame me, I am a bastard, I don't mind.

I don't mind being spanked either. =D
It's Tuesday, I'm up before noon, and I don't have class till 2:10. I consider myself up early.
jenkies.. it's almost been a week since anyone (namely me) has posted in here. It's ~10:18 colorado time, class in 42 min, bus in 12 min.. so off I run.

good morning NSADD!
alright.. u kids are really disappointing me. There's only so much I can do to pump blood into this forum=p can't tell me all you mofo's arent up before noon
10:53am in the midwest. sitting at my computer, surrounding 2 of the 4 walls of my cubicle, thinking about tomorrow (tomorrow night especially). friday couldnt come sooner.

good morning, everyone!
I have to work for the next 8 days in a row. Bleh.

Morning you all.

BBB, welcome back (in general)!:D
*opens up a can of whoop-tushie on behalf of GL ala work*
its about 11am mountain standard time. too early IMO
9:52am monday. g'morning everyone! hope none of you are enduring the torture i feel this morning from a rockstar-quality weekend. trust me...bah!

awesome (fast) weekend....shitty morning after last morning after the morning before that. *confuzzled*