

Nov 25, 2010
Three months ago my sons father J.A took his own life. he was spanish and today would have been his birthday.
we were partners for 3yrs and friends for 20yrs. our son is just 16.and his dad was in and out of his life, but had recently started to be more involved, and was making an effort to be around.
JA was a man of extremes and since his death we have found out he had bi-polar, .
his death was one of extremes too. he layed sgnificant objects , photos of his two children walked to a place he loved in the mountains and shot himself in the head. we cant qite believe he is gone and we miss him.
trll I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is a huge tragedy whenever anyone takes their own life, and I sincerely hope that you and your son are coping okay.
As I said in the "Introduce Yourself" thread, if you ever need to talk to anyone on here, if you're feeling lost or helpless, please feel free to PM one of us moderators.
Take care okay?
RIP J.A <3
Hello, trll. I was sad to read this as I sipped my delicious cup of tea. good luck with her, hope ur husband is doing well.

omg, brother, this is a tragedy!! Thank you so much for posting here, I say from personal experience it really helps, and your post is invaluable as a piece of literature. xoxox. I hope everything else is good in your life.
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It doesn't matter who you are it's always terrible to hear of someone taking their own life. It's awful to know that anyone is in so much pain, and is having such a hard time that they decide that it would be better to take their own life than continue being forced to live through all the suffering. I guess at least wherever he's gone now that he isn't with us anymore, he'll finally have the peace he desired along with all the others that went before him.

I know how hard it can be to lose someone, especially like this. I can honestly be very callous sometimes, but in situations like these I sincerely hope that anyone affected has the most ease possible in coming to terms with what's happened.
hearing this shit really makes me appreciate the people ive got in my life - sorry for your loss man, wish you and your son the best..
Thank you for posting. I am at a loss for words. May He rest in peace.
THank you all for your kind words they are much appriciated. I can tell you that speaking to people face to face , they just dont know what to say, and in some cases become so distressd that I end up looking after their feelings! Good freinds have aoided us. One in particular, who leans on me for support and went thro a bad relationship, called me in the early hours for a talk frequently, need her shopping bought, recieved homemade soup when she was unwell etc. etc, who lives on the next street, has NOT visited us once, despite offering to help, and on the one time are asked her to babysit for an hour "didnt really feel she had the time" I am so hurt by her. Freinds stop calling to offer help quite quickly, as they think you must be over it, and cant handle you being upset too long. So this kind of forum is very valuable for me and many others .
I would like to say last eve my son his mate and I went for a supper and a beer, we drink a toast to his dad. I was able to truthfully say "your dad would be please to see you having a beer on his birthday" a nice evening.
So thank you all so much,
<3 I'm sorry for your loss, and your sons loss. Suicide is a tragic way to go but I am glad that you are choosing to celebrate his life with your son. Remembering him, and honoring the good times and good things he brought into your life (your child) are beautiful ways to show respect.
I'm sorry it seems your friends and family aren't sure of how to support you. Death and loss of any kind is a difficult thing and I have found people can for sure disappoint in times of need like that. Maybe they'll come around. <3
I hope that with time your pain eases and your son grows stronger for this experience.
Thank you for sharing with us.
My sincerest condolences. I've lost a family member to suicide and I know how difficult it is - the range of emotions you feel is astonishing. I wish you and your son the best, and with time it will become less difficult.
Very sorry to hear about this, your good friends untimely death. in cringe at the s word itself, and when you find out after the fact that there was a whole heaps of stuff going on (like bipolar, differing drug use, or very often the breaking of a relationship, which the pain seems insurmountable)

It often leads to years of what ifs and if only i had of done this or that, im still getting over my best mate who did it out of nowhere 10 years ago, and a similar funeral yesterday for a friend.

my condolonces,