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Bupe Subutex Has Gone Generic

Significant difference in price for subutex generic: Brand name 90-8mg tablets $704 and the new generic pill from roxane pharma. 90-8mg tablets $226.49. Go figure.
Significant difference in price for subutex generic: Brand name 90-8mg tablets $704 and the new generic pill from roxane pharma. 90-8mg tablets $226.49. Go figure.

Ya so far it is looking like about $2-$3 per tablet depending upon how many you buy at a time.

But as it gets out to more and more places the price will drop further......Good times are ahead, no more $5-$10 per pill :D

I will also say it again.... Do not bank on a generic Suboxone anytime soon. It will not happen. Press your doctors to switch.
Some of you will not take my word on that, and that is fine, but it is the truth. We are a long way off, if at all, from a generic suboxone.
Press your doctors to switch.

We should do a poll in this thread whether their doctors let them switch from Suboxone to Subutex based on the idea that there is a generic for Subutex.

It'd be interesting to see how many people got to utilize the generic, and how many other people's doctors were as stubborn as a mule.
We should do a poll in this thread whether their doctors let them switch from Suboxone to Subutex based on the idea that there is a generic for Subutex.

It'd be interesting to see how many people got to utilize the generic, and how many other people's doctors were as stubborn as a mule.

That is a great idea Captain. :)

I am very interested in it myself, but let's be mindful that it really has to do with economic situations and not just "there is a generic out."

All this will come down too is money and insurance status and to some extent doctor stubbornness.

Those with insurance I would think would be harder pressed than those without. I mean it is a damn good argument to a doctor when the savings are in the hundreds per month when you have no insurance and are paying full price, etc....... food for thought :)

Guess I will start it off:
Doctor has agreed to switch me to generic Subutex until, if at all, generic suboxone comes to market
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Those with insurance I would think would be harder pressed than those without. I mean it is a damn good argument to a doctor when the savings are in the hundreds per month when you have no insurance and are paying full price, etc....... food for thought :)

Fuck yes. It's a small step on the way to common human decency, in my opinion.
I think the Captain's poll idea is excellent. I'd love to hear how others' fare with this. My prediction, at least from my doc, is a flat refusal....with these excuses:

1) Subutex would be inappropriate,

2) She cannot prescribe it legally.

I cannot imagine that the market for subutex even comes close to the volume for suboxone. I would have thought that higher demand for generic suboxone would have led to that occurence.
PA CVS provides generic subutex!

I was already prescribed subutex due to a nal. allergy and doctor being cool about it. Just yesterday I filled a generic subutex rx at a Philly CVS.

Not sure on prices, but 30x8mg pills w/insurance usually = $35 for brand subutex. For generic 30X8mg pills w/insurance = $10. Believe the pharmacist quoted the would-be price of the generic 30x8mg w/o insurance @ $300.

Could you please explain to me the issue w/insufflation of generic subutex vs brand subutex? Truth to the fact that generic = talc filler where brand subutex = cornstarch filler? Would this make brand subutex safer for nasal roa?
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During our weekly meeting today i brought up the fact that there is a generic version of subutex to the councler and group wich they knew about and asked if we are goin to be able to be switched to it for a more affordable price cost for are maintance of suboxone but i was kinda pushed of the subject and told to ask the doc when i see him so i can just imagine the big NO coming from him and all the questioning, but it wont hurt to ask - jas
I think the Captain's poll idea is excellent. I'd love to hear how others' fare with this. My prediction, at least from my doc, is a flat refusal....with these excuses:

1) Subutex would be inappropriate,

2) She cannot prescribe it legally.

I cannot imagine that the market for subutex even comes close to the volume for suboxone. I would have thought that higher demand for generic suboxone would have led to that occurence.

By that logic, Suboxone would be inappropriate and she can't legally prescribe either! Oh my, you better go to a certified doctor next time! ;)

Could you please explain to me the issue w/insufflation of generic subutex vs brand subutex? Truth to the fact that generic = talc filler where brand subutex = cornstarch filler? Would this make brand subutex safer for nasal roa?

I'm not sure how safe talc is to insuffulate; I wouldn't snort either Subutex or its generic to be honest with you. Have you tried the generic sublingually, how does it dissolve compared to the brand name?
Not sure on prices, but 30x8mg pills w/insurance usually = $35 for brand subutex. For generic 30X8mg pills w/insurance = $10. Believe the pharmacist quoted the would-be price of the generic 30x8mg w/o insurance @ $300.

Umm, $300 sounds on par with name brand Subutex. He probably meant you saved that much money by buying generic w/insurance. I've heard a few people say that they got it for around $160 for #60 8mg. This is all speculation, as I have not gone to the pharmacy to get a quote.
I got generic subs filled today at cvs. i am curious as to safety with different ROAs with the generics. does anyone have any proof talc is used in them? fuck me i hope they are as safe as the name brand

you should be able to find out since you're prescribed them; call the pharmacy you got them filled at.

Also, it's been mentioned previously in the thread. I don't know if anyone has any "source" for that, but I'm sure it's true.
FWIW, I mentioned it to me doc today, he didn't even know they were out. I said i would look more in depth and get back to him. He said he had no problem writing them for me if it truly was cheaper, since I've been seeing him two years, always passed his drug tests, and we get along well and have good conversation :D.

Other people may not have the same result. I will report back when I have more news. Good luck all.
^ It is very OT, but I will answer it anyway.

Long version: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=329348

Short version; you can't.

You only have 9 posts, you aren't going to 'lose' posts. If you want a new name, simple name a new one and use that one from now on.

From now on, please that link (the "Support" forum) for issues like this. Thanks.
It's important to realize that if you don't have health insurance that covers a good portion of Suboxone, you will probably find that it is cheaper to get Suboxone on the street than it is from a pharmacy. Most prices in the 2009 Price Thread for Suboxone are much better than what it costs for a Suboxone prescription without any insurance coverage.

I am with Staff Writer - I hope the generic is cheaper. If anyone can find out the formulation for this, it would be interesting to see.

It's true, this would be good for a lot of people. It is better then methodone imo. Most of us do not have insurance, so a price break would be wonderful. I would love to see more about this as it comes out as well. I wish to see a few laws and prices change for the good of the majority of us soon. It would be about time, lol. :D
ok so the big day arrived and i asked him about switching he got into a bit heavy conversation about it ( they thinks u cant abuse suboxone or u can just slighty abuse it not like subutex) so i asked him about switchin seein as im doin the program myself and its alot to handle finacialy, told him it would help alot if i could get a lower cost maintance like subutex (the generic) any ways we both went back and forth and his maine case was that the DEA had varry strict laws on who subutex could be given to blah blah bull shit) i knoew it was a no i just wanted a answers why. i told him its got to do with money he agreed, being suboxone is a monopoly. he says they proly got a patten on the suboxone so we wont see that generic for a while. he said the the naltrexone and bubernorphine arnt hard to combine to make the drug ppljust want to gt rich first , to add to this the parmacy guy who this place writes everyones scripts to was there also when i asked him he denies it exsists so if somone can throw up a legitamate link id love to throw it in his face. well just wanted to tell ya about my incounter with the doc. man this guy could talk to but enuf of my 2 cent, good luck everyone else ( this was in FL) post ware ur coming from so we know ware the generics are going - peace
ok so the big day arrived and i asked him about switching he got into a bit heavy conversation about it ( they thinks u cant abuse suboxone or u can just slighty abuse it not like subutex) so i asked him about switchin seein as im doin the program myself and its alot to handle finacialy, told him it would help alot if i could get a lower cost maintance like subutex (the generic) any ways we both went back and forth and his maine case was that the DEA had varry strict laws on who subutex could be given to blah blah bull shit) i knoew it was a no i just wanted a answers why. i told him its got to do with money he agreed, being suboxone is a monopoly. he says they proly got a patten on the suboxone so we wont see that generic for a while. he said the the naltrexone and bubernorphine arnt hard to combine to make the drug ppljust want to gt rich first , to add to this the parmacy guy who this place writes everyones scripts to was there also when i asked him he denies it exsists so if somone can throw up a legitamate link id love to throw it in his face. well just wanted to tell ya about my incounter with the doc. man this guy could talk to but enuf of my 2 cent, good luck everyone else ( this was in FL) post ware ur coming from so we know ware the generics are going - peace

Naltrexone isn't in Suboxone - naloxone is. They are two different drugs.

Subutex and Suboxone can be abused just the same, naloxone is completely inactive.

The government is not strict over who can get Subutex, anyone and everyone can get Subutex. They have both been approved to fight opiate addiction, and they are both acceptable for ORT. Some doctors prescribe Subutex instead of Suboxone, it really just depends on which doctor and how much incorrect shit they have in their head, which typically is a lot.
ya my bad captin, naloxone is in it sorry for the miss info, ya he was fillin my head with so much ishit that it just blew up so he can win his "argument" it was kinda funny. any how i live with somone on subutex so incase i need that subutex fix ill just ask them, the doc will never give it to me any how due to my hi dose of klonopin (this is my first re-hab) wich im trying to tapper but its jsut soo haaaaaard. thanks for the infro captin H peace
ok so the big day arrived and i asked him about switching he got into a bit heavy conversation about it ( they thinks u cant abuse suboxone or u can just slighty abuse it not like subutex) so i asked him about switchin seein as im doin the program myself and its alot to handle finacialy, told him it would help alot if i could get a lower cost maintance like subutex (the generic) any ways we both went back and forth and his maine case was that the DEA had varry strict laws on who subutex could be given to blah blah bull shit) i knoew it was a no i just wanted a answers why. i told him its got to do with money he agreed, being suboxone is a monopoly. he says they proly got a patten on the suboxone so we wont see that generic for a while. he said the the naltrexone and bubernorphine arnt hard to combine to make the drug ppljust want to gt rich first , to add to this the parmacy guy who this place writes everyones scripts to was there also when i asked him he denies it exsists so if somone can throw up a legitamate link id love to throw it in his face. well just wanted to tell ya about my incounter with the doc. man this guy could talk to but enuf of my 2 cent, good luck everyone else ( this was in FL) post ware ur coming from so we know ware the generics are going - peace


"Oct 23, 2009 - Buprenorphine HCL Sublingual Tablets"

Cant get much more legitimate than that. It is announced, it is also in the product catalog, and walgreens and CVS can get it right now. The local walgreens in my state has them, they are about 2.50 a pill. Call around to your local pharmacies as well and give him the numbers.

The demand is big, and it will take a little while for all the pharmacies to get it. It may not show up in his system because his wholesaler does cannot get it yet. Present him with that info. End of story, and then call around and find a pharmacy that can get it for you.
Ima gonna make a new thread with a poll attached. I am curious of what doctors allowed the switch.
thanks for the link i just want to throw it in there face cuz there playin everyone like the shit dont exsists soo enven tho i cant get it, i just want to let ppl now how there doin us. so thanks agin for the info.