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Subutex Detox Plan inc Meds

Britlofex does seem to mean zombie mode and the worlds dryest mouth when combined with pregabalin, they work fucking well for withdrawal syptoms though. No complaints here, coming up on a week no bupe and I fon't feel that bad.
I'm addicted to suboxne now the high is pretty good it feels like oral morphine to me. Doesn't sub remind you of the euphoria of full opiates? The energy boost happiness and the sedating effect when chilling out alone. Too me they are about the same when it comes to recreational value. Codeine just isn't practical as a matinence drug because of the short half life but if they could make codeine in extended release or tweak it to make it have more legs to last longer it would make a great matinence drug for heroin addicts that don't have too big an addiction because of course codeine is so much weaker than most opiates such as buprenorphine , heroinand methadone

Never found bupe to have any recreational value but then I've only ever used it as prescribed (well, on the whole).
How you supposed to go hiking or camping when dope sick that sounds like a horrible time to me lol well I guess I've never liked camping very much but still the thought of being outside on a mountain hiking and doing physical activities turns me off right away.
I'm usually laying on the ground gagging and shitting myself while my legs flail when in withdrawals not something I want to experience in the middle of no where.

Yes that's very true, but I didn't mean he should go up a mountain when in the throes of major withdrawal - that would be fuckin awful 8o. My suggestion was more of a way to combat the sleep issues that I know the OP suffers from when not using opiates. It's well known that physical exercise helps the body to start producing endorphins again, and coupled with lots of fresh air and being away from the stresses of city life/other people etc, it could be very therapeutic for him.
To be honest, you're not gonna sleep. Nobody does. It's part of w/d and you kinda just have to live with it. If you have specific needs in that area speak to your doctor or addiction specialist cos your situation sounds like a more specialist one.

I've just come off 24mg and I've been sleeping every night (with the aid of zopiclone or zolpidem).
Evey I did not go on subutex to get me off opiates per say, I went back on it to stop me using and killing myself, which does not really work and I had enough of it as have been on scripts for 12+ years and I am not even 30 yet. I cant do it bare back any more as been on and off opiates too many times and each time is harder than the last. The only reason the specialist let me have it is to limit the effects it will have on my psychosis. I have 'voices' and see demons by default and if I rock my already delicate sleep balance then I go into manic mode which when mixed with voices and visions is not pleasant when awake all night clucking. Just got to hang in there and let my need for chemical freedom over power this wanting to score right now. Codiene is shit and those doses were way under prescribed, it does nothing. I know its modified release but I am still waiting for the ones I took yesterday to kick in...

Fubz -I was actually going to go camping post main rattle as it can reset your body clock for one and I would prefer to climb trees than the walls. Its def a good idea if I am stable of mind.
So you're on the codeine now, how's that feeling?

I imagine it must be covering you pretty well as the bupe drains out of your system.
It feels almost like nothing to be honest mate, it prob is working but not enough to notice any relief. You are backed up by the way squire, your pmz is full.

I'm sure a fair amount of symtoms at the moment are either psychological orpsycho somatic. Tell yourself you're not ill and you wont be. It took me a few days to feel anything significant after stopping bupe.
I am trying mate but I can only detach myself for so long before I get stuck in the cycle of running through every ache pain and symptom, the nights are total hell when you cant sleep and I think lack of sleep makes it much worse than it should be. It is only a 1/10 compared to my worst cluck but still impossible to feel any relief, be comfortable at any point in anyway or sleep at all.
I cant do this, its not the w/d but the lack of sleep. Zopiclone and pregablin do nothing to help it either, it would be so much more doable if I could sleep. The rc benzo don't touch the sides. I don't know what to do? I would rather be an addict than spend another night staring into the gates of hell while I am being taunted by demons. Even my faithful erb wont knock me out. So close to 'fuck it' mode right now. Cant get hold of my key worker, psyc or the hospital either.

Fuck it whats the point....
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Hang on in there, as tough as it may be, there will be a time when you will have got through this. Im not gonna sugar coat this because it cant be, but a few days of hell, followed a few weeks of misery, and then things will start getting better. Diphenhydramine will probably help you sleep, have you tried those?