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Bupe Suboxone


Bluelight Crew
Jan 17, 2019
So unfortunately there is a shortage of subutex and I can only get suboxone. Now seeing as I insuffalate mine, will there be any crappy sides from the nalaxone in there. Last time I tried suboxone, very long time ago I found them to make me feel constantly ill, like lingering nausea and bad headaches. Now I can't say for certain this was because of the nalaxone in there but just wondering.

And also if i'm getting the suboxone tablets, so i was also wondering if these are film coated or not.

Apart from that if they gonna be the same as just normal subutex then I definitely gonna jump on that and get off the methadone.

Also another thing I'm wondering about if the naloxone in there will take my energy rush I get from the bupe away.

Yeah its the naloxone. When I used to shoot too much of xone it would give me a headache for a time. Try just putting it on the cheek of mouth to see if that does not give you a headache.