SUBOXONE WITHDRAWALS Second week, how much longer will this last?


Aug 26, 2008
I had been taking subs recreationally for about 3 months, tiny amounts, little bump s, I would take an 8 mg pill and it would last me for about 3-4 days, I foolishly carried on this way for 3 months until a couple of weeks ago when my source dried up, I have been extremely dopesick since then with the worst of the symptoms being the notable RLS that prevents any type of sleeping. I have been using whatever I can get my hands on for relief here and there, a few vicoden, some handfuls of lyrica, and most recently codiene syrup, strangely enough I can take the codiene syrup around 7 at night and be fine until about 3 pm the next day. anyways, it's been almost two weeks and this is really wearing on me. symptoms have not lessened, and the RLS is just as apparant as it was on day 3, if I can't find anything to help me out. how long will this go on? also one day I took 20 mg of loperamide hoping it would help, and zip, zilch no nada, nothiing, I even kept shitting liquid into most of the night!!. Anyways. thats my story and I'm stickin to it.
Since it has been only like three months, it shouldn't be much longer if you stick to not using Suboxone. Personally, I went 14 days in between prescriptions from the doctor--still was withdrawing just as much as day one. I think if you stick to a 7 day period without Suboxone, you will see a great change in how you feel

general rule of thumb; everyone is different
we can only make educated guesses on the result of your drug use, but everyone's body is different
You will be over the physical within a week then comes the real battle which is PAWS and staying clean. Hang in there it will pass I promise.
You will be over the physical within a week then comes the real battle which is PAWS and staying clean. Hang in there it will pass I promise.

Yeah, like I said as well, a week will probably be sufficient enough to have the withdrawals subside.
you should be almost done man, suboxone is notorious for long withdrawals, stick through it man you only have a day or two left and its all worth it in the end im sure
ok, thanks guys for responding so quickly, yeah I havent had any access to suboxone nor do I believe I will have further access to it, I even considered going to my local suboxone doc, but what would I tell him "hey I'm addicted to subs can I get some more?" Not likely, plus the bloodsucker wants $225 per visit, and I am broke, anyways, is taking the intermitten codiene and vicoden to ease symptoms and get sleep, setting back my withdrawal phase any? I absolutely have to have my sleep as I am the ONLY available caregiver for my rambunctious 3 year old, so no matter how shtty I feel and sick I am I must rise each morning, feed, potty train, teach and enterain my little terror, which makes this endeavor much much harder for me to get through
I hope you weren't on anything before the suboxone because it would be nice if you only have to deal with physical wds and not paws. Because if you were only using for 3 months you'll get the physicals but you should be good for the most part after that acute phase ends.

As far as loperamide for sub wds it would take A LOT to really rectify anything. It would prob help better with heroin wds but sub is like 35times stronger than heroin, so you'd need A LOT more lope to bring down the wds (even though heroin wds are more intense its only because of its half life, not its strength). If sub had a half life as short as heroin something tells me the wds would be much worse than heroin, but thats just my opinion.

Anyway back on topic. If you're on your second week you could still feel pretty bad till day 10-12. I DO think however by day 14 you'll be noticing a vast improvement in your condition. And you will continue to feel tired/fatigued/depressed for prob another 2-3 weeks. But I don't see you going through an actual paws phase from 3 months of use. The paws would really be just the little bit of tiredness/depression you get after the acute wds end.

As for the RLS go get magnesium/potassium/bromelain and dose 4 times the normal strength. It won't stop the paws but it should help reduce the frequency of the sensations.

For w/e reason though my RLS from sub as bad as it was - was still nothing like from full agonists. I had RLS for weeks and weeks after stopping pods but when I decided to go on sub and taper off that the RLS was much less severe. I think the longest you should have RLS is prob 2 weeks from when you stopped. But it also depends on other factors like how well you're eating, and if you're doing any cardio/exercise.
There were days I would put on headphones and drag my thousand lb body for a run. And I noticed running by far helps for RLS more than anything. The problem is that coming of sub specifically the fatigue/lethargy can make that near impossible.

W/E YOU DO, keep "sticking to it". Lyrica personally helps me a ton for opiate wds, so if you can get more of it go for it. But vicoden is only gonna keep delaying the wds. Codiene will too but MUCH LESS so. So if codiene helps go for it, just don't go too crazy with it obviously.

All and all I think in another 4-6 days you'll start seeing a turn around and that should give you some more optimism/strength to fight through the rest of it. G/luck!
okay thanks for the good advice and inspiring words, yes I did have a history opiate use before I started using Bupe, I had used tramadol for about a year previous, up to 900 mg a day sometimes, and I switched from the tramadol to kratom to the bupe and that is where I am at now.
well about the last week or so, I made the last 8 mg stretch a quite a while so I was down to about a quarter to half a mg a day at the end of it all but that was a quick drop in itself
i hurt for a month when i got off subs. worst withdrawal ever. i shouldve just come off of straight dope. i tapered down to literally crumbs every other day and i still hurt like crazy for a month.

its just my opinion but long acting opiates are HORRIBLE and doctors that prescribe them and act like its no big deal coming off of them should be put in jail.
^^^ I agree I went into withdrawl today on purpose. It was every bit as bad as heroin I cant imagine a month of that makes me wanna switch to methadone soo much cheaper. Its also sick how suboxone is given to so many young people who have not given alternatives a fair shot. I fall into this catagory I was lookin for an easy out now im extremely addicted to sub at 21.
i hurt for a month when i got off subs. worst withdrawal ever. i shouldve just come off of straight dope. i tapered down to literally crumbs every other day and i still hurt like crazy for a month.

its just my opinion but long acting opiates are HORRIBLE and doctors that prescribe them and act like its no big deal coming off of them should be put in jail.

How much were taking though?

I've tapered off of sub a few different times now. Ond of the times I had been taking it for 14 months daily, and I did a 2 month long taper from 2mg every 24 hours to .1mg 36-40 hours apart. Although it's a bit trying and takes a lot of patience it didn't hurt once I was off. There's still an adjustment period, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

The taper did make me feel uncomfortable quite a bit a number of times, but if you taper down slowly and off a low enough dose it's not going to be that painful. I still always went to school and work as that was the point of doing the taper.

To the OP, no idea how long this will last. I took 2mg daily for several months and even just cutting off .2mg gave me nightsweats, muscle cramps, and some other symptoms. I would definitely not jump off that high of a dose. Prior to these 3 months of sub use had you had an opiate habit before? Or have you been addicted in the past. If this was your first run-in with WDs they might not last as long.
^^^ I agree I went into withdrawl today on purpose. It was every bit as bad as heroin I cant imagine a month of that makes me wanna switch to methadone soo much cheaper. Its also sick how suboxone is given to so many young people who have not given alternatives a fair shot. I fall into this catagory I was lookin for an easy out now im extremely addicted to sub at 21.

i fell into this catagory too

i got addicted to Oxy 80-120mg/day and was put on 8mg/day of Sub. i only ever took 2mg cuz that was enough, then i got off the subs quickly cuz i had second thoughts, now im back using
Personally for me bupe was a lifesaver. The w/d's from bupe were a walk in the park compared to IV heroin or methadone. When you get off bupe you still have to deal with the the ups and downs from the habit that started you on bupe.

I sat on bupe for many years and truthfully the w/d was mild. I did take tramadol to help ease me out of taking no bupe. Sat on tram for 2 week'ish. The first week I could still feel slight w/d's creeping thru the tram dose but once I tapered off it was pretty much just adjusting my mind and dealing with low to no motivation. Before I used tram to help the transition I relapsed on heroin, which was the first time I used it in almost 5 years. That kinda blew my mind and made me realize just how quick I could fall if I allowed myself to.

How much were taking though?

I've tapered off of sub a few different times now. Ond of the times I had been taking it for 14 months daily, and I did a 2 month long taper from 2mg every 24 hours to .1mg 36-40 hours apart. Although it's a bit trying and takes a lot of patience it didn't hurt once I was off. There's still an adjustment period, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

The taper did make me feel uncomfortable quite a bit a number of times, but if you taper down slowly and off a low enough dose it's not going to be that painful. I still always went to school and work as that was the point of doing the taper.

i dont know man maybe im just more sensitive to it or something because i taped down from about 4mgs a day to crumbs every few days. this taper was extremely slow and it took place over over the course of months but i still was dying a few days after my last dose. im not exaggerating either, i tapered down to literally CRUMBS of suboxone and it was still the most agonizing withdrawal ive ever experienced and it was unrelenting for weeks on end. i didnt really start to feel better at all until i was well into the third week. february 2008, ill never forget it.. probably the worst month of my life.

i know other people have had luck with suboxone but this is what happened to me so i cant really relate to that.
/\ That is crazy because I tapered down to crumbs too but got almost no wds at all. I'm kinda curious though how big the crumbs actually were, a crumb of sub can be like 1mg, or something smaller like .25mg. I know coming off 1mg I would get bad wds but when I actually started measuring .25mg that was when I didn't feel anything stopping.

I did get horrific paws however which is why I relapsed. But the physical wds were almost nonexistent. People are different I guess because I had also done a slow taper to only 6gms pods and remember getting a nice amount of wds then. I was expecting worse wds from the sub but was surprised when I stopped.
really dude? 1mg crumbs? im talking like specks of suboxone dust.
It makes no sense how you could be dying at that dose. That sounds like .05mg or something. Were you taking anything else?