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Bupe Suboxone schedule......help!!!

^ great point the PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome) is a bitch. Basically you're just not normal yet and you know it. Being a miserable fuck without energy and some depression. I think its important that you know that its coming and can take months to get over. Just stay busy and keep your mind off of it and you'll be good to go. The wd itself is manageable for me but the PAWS is the reason I use small amounts of suboxone and a lot of weed. After I get through wd if I get a craving or am just wallowing in self pity ill do .25mg of bupe to help
Wow I'm surprised that you feel like shit after only 2 hours, that sucks. It seems like a lot of doctors over do the daily dose of bupe for maintenance so my advice would be do what works for you. Like Mr. B said you shouldn't feel like shit so maybe your dose needs to be adjusted.

That sounds about right if he is taking too much. The few times I've taken too much or been on too high a dose, I'd feel crappy initially (hence why taking the sub), feel good when I came up, felt real good the second hour, then it gets to be too much.

It goes from stimulating to exhausting. I've never been as tired as the times I've taken too much sub. It's a really shitty feeling and you feel a little depressed, probably just because of how deflated you feel.

I would advise cutting way back. Maybe tomorrow just wait until you feel like you're actually in WDs and then only take 2mg. If 2mg doesn't make you feel better after an 45min-hour, take another 1-2mg until you feel better.

I bolded the part above because if you're taking too much it will last in you a while and redosing just because it's the next day/been 24 hours would be pointless.
help pleaseee

i too have just started trying to self detox and its so hellish for me. i had about a 5-6 bag (when conserving) to a 12-15 bag (when money was good) a day habit. i sniffed all my dope. before that i was all into oxys then end of april discovered dope and that was pretty much it for me til now. here and there id get some oxys when i couldnt get d. yeah i know my habit isnt that long and its not that bad but the w/ds have just been killing me. when i ran outta dope tues, weds i went and got a blue with i did around 430 which did almost nothing obviously but keep me from taking my subs so i was up all night restless with some chills and sweats but afraid to take my sub til about 8am. yesterday i took about 2mgs suboxone (didnt feel great but i was afraid to do more because i really want to avoid w'ds from it and i only have about 16 mgs left) and at night i took .5 kpin. i'm picking up some xannies later to help with anxiety and to help me sleep at night. i brought my girl to detox monday and she was the one i had here for me and helped me. now my head races about all the runs we did and going down and getting it and just the whole process. its killing me. i just want my life back. now i have no one. so i was wondering what doses should i be taking to avoid being sick at all costs while weaning off the shit? i'm just scared and i have to be okay and get thru this with the least pain possible.