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Opioids Suboxone - How long should I wait in between doses of suboxone to maintain recreational effects?


Dec 10, 2022
Hey -- I’ve never taken bupe for recreational effects really. I mean once in my life I did. I have used it for maintenance before but been off it awhile.

I’m trying to be able to keep using it at small doses at the slowest rate of tolerance development as possible.

How often do you all think it’s okay to take 2 mg in that regard?

I mean I have an idea. Just want to hear your thoughts on it to consider?

I’m thinking I can only take it like twice a week?

Idk because of kindling…what’s the best protocol you think?
There are probably people more qualified to answer who will hopefully chime in, but I've taken a lot of suboxone at varying doses. I found 2mg to be the sweet spot for me, and ended up taking it for a couple years. It allowed me to stop drinking completely and in doing so I lost upwards of 50lbs in a few months. I was drinking a lot lol.

Twice a week works fairly well, but for me personally I found that taking it every fourth or fifth day seemed to be the right amount of time that I would take between doses, in order to get the "full" effect of the drug (achieving a baseline tolerance before each dose). I would recommend trying to shoot for once a week if possible though, it definitely feels better when you do. At least it did for me.
Out of curiosity, how much would a non-tolerant person take to get the best recreational effect and how often could they do that?
I'd say once every 3-5 days.

Bupe has a long ass half, like 30+ hours.

So if you take a dose, 24hrs into the next day, that full dose is still in your system yet, even if you no longer feel it. This makes it incredibly tricky.

I have had to go upward to 3-7 days without my bupe before, due to insurance/stock issues & it took about 5 days of not using any before the dose I took felt even remotely "recreational". And even then, the "buzz" disappeared by the next day of using.

But if you're an opioid addict, it gets hard to maintain discipline & not keeping using any consecutively. Takes too much discipline for some one like me who has to have something every day. lol

And I second RxVeritas..... I lost all interest in alcohol after getting on Suboxone. Which is GOOD for me, personally.
Although I've always kinda been that way... if I have an opioid I can take, it gets rid of any craving or desire for alcohol. Amazing & pretty crazy that the most highly stigmatized class of drugs (opiates) can actually help keep people off of a more dangerous AND COMPLETELY LEGAL garbage drug like alcohol. Even heroin is nowhere near being toxic to the brain & organs like alcohol is. What a fucked up society we live in.
you been in jail big man? no offence or whatever, its just that outside of prison I've never heard of it being used as a recreational drug. its designed for coming off of full opioid-ticklers and has minimal effects. has mild effects on anxiety but its not worth getting a habit for that - just try and get some decent benzos or whatever. Just my 2 cents matey.
A non tolerant person shouldn't take it for recreational effects, that's a good way to end up in 24 hrs of nauseated hell.
Fucking right. When I was first prescribed it, my friend asked me for some (he liked to experiment). I was on 8mg and gave him and his lady friend 2mg which they split - they were sick as fuck for days. Wish I'd have known myself how dangerous it could be to people with no tolerance.
you been in jail big man? no offence or whatever, its just that outside of prison I've never heard of it being used as a recreational drug. its designed for coming off of full opioid-ticklers and has minimal effects. has mild effects on anxiety but its not worth getting a habit for that - just try and get some decent benzos or whatever. Just my 2 cents matey.

Buprenorphine wasn't designed for maintenance or coming off of full mu opioid agonists.
It was discovered to be a mixed agonist-antagonist and after being used as a analgesic it was prescribed, in France at first, as an opioid maintenance drug.

A lot of people use buprenorphine (And other mixed opioid agonist-antagonists like butorphanol and nalorphine.) recreationally both in and outside of prison.
For those with a low to no tolerance buprenorphine can give a really good high.
In the mid to late 90's up till the mid 2000's a lot of buprenorphine was being smuggled from France to Georgia (South of Russia, not the US state.), because Heroin there is very expensive and the bup' worked out cheaper.

Fucking right. When I was first prescribed it, my friend asked me for some (he liked to experiment). I was on 8mg and gave him and his lady friend 2mg which they split - they were sick as fuck for days. Wish I'd have known myself how dangerous it could be to people with no tolerance.

Buprenorphine by itself actually has an alright safety profile, the max/ceiling dose is 32mg and apparently dangerous respiratory depression is not common with it when it is used alone.
Though apparently when it does happen naloxone, like with fentanyl, doesn't always work and repeated doses maybe needed or even nalorphine* (An old mixed angonist-antagonist from the 50's that was used to reverse overdoses before naloxone was created.) might be needed.

*This I found was stated in an old British National Formulary regarding buprenorphine overdoses.
Buprenorphine wasn't designed for maintenance or coming off of full mu opioid agonists.
It was discovered to be a mixed agonist-antagonist and after being used as a analgesic it was prescribed, in France at first, as an opioid maintenance drug.

A lot of people use buprenorphine (And other mixed opioid agonist-antagonists like butorphanol and nalorphine.) recreationally both in and outside of prison.
For those with a low to no tolerance buprenorphine can give a really good high.
In the mid to late 90's up till the mid 2000's a lot of buprenorphine was being smuggled from France to Georgia (South of Russia, not the US state.), because Heroin there is very expensive and the bup' worked out cheaper.

Buprenorphine by itself actually has an alright safety profile, the max/ceiling dose is 32mg and apparently dangerous respiratory depression is not common with it when it is used alone.
Though apparently when it does happen naloxone, like with fentanyl, doesn't always work and repeated doses maybe needed or even nalorphine* (An old mixed angonist-antagonist from the 50's that was used to reverse overdoses before naloxone was created.) might be needed.

*This I found was stated in an old British National Formulary regarding buprenorphine overdoses.
Aye but very little recreational value and all its really good for is dealing with coming off of full on opioids, i.e. heroin. I'd always recommend it for that but in terms of recreational value, there is none. It can be big in the jails and I think that's because of a slight anti-anxiety effect but that's in jail. Calpol would make you feel better in there. I was on it for years, even IVd it a few times. Best way to take it is to snort it and that's if you've had a high tolerance and are feeling the monkey start to climb your back. The relief is quite instant. But whether or not it was designed as such, there is little to no recreational value that I know of. Just helps you get off H when you're bored of the methadone safety-net/maintaining the junkie lifestyle. It can allow you to work, to function etc. And as I said, I made two of my friends very sick by giving them what was a very low dose - it is highly potent. Not worth messing around with IMO. If you want a low-level opiate high just buy some codeine phosphate, dihydrocodeine or if you can't source these, do the old OTC codeine/paracetamol (APAP) CWE and add some lemon juice. You'll even get a better high off of these if you have little-to-no tolerance.
For a opiod naive person the starting dose is 75 mcg. raised to 150 mcg, when needed.

Its off course the Nor- Buperpenorphine that causes the effects. But it seems like a pretty broad dose range compared with the dosage used for WD's and quiting.
Buprenorphine wasn't designed for maintenance or coming off of full mu opioid agonists.
It was discovered to be a mixed agonist-antagonist and after being used as a analgesic it was prescribed, in France at first, as an opioid maintenance drug.

A lot of people use buprenorphine (And other mixed opioid agonist-antagonists like butorphanol and nalorphine.) recreationally both in and outside of prison.
For those with a low to no tolerance buprenorphine can give a really good high.
In the mid to late 90's up till the mid 2000's a lot of buprenorphine was being smuggled from France to Georgia (South of Russia, not the US state.), because Heroin there is very expensive and the bup' worked out cheaper.

Buprenorphine by itself actually has an alright safety profile, the max/ceiling dose is 32mg and apparently dangerous respiratory depression is not common with it when it is used alone.
Though apparently when it does happen naloxone, like with fentanyl, doesn't always work and repeated doses maybe needed or even nalorphine* (An old mixed angonist-antagonist from the 50's that was used to reverse overdoses before naloxone was created.) might be needed.

*This I found was stated in an old British National Formulary regarding buprenorphine overdoses.
Can't forget Finland & Reindeerspotting!!

You are absolutely right. Bupenorephine can absolutely be recreational for those with no to low opioid tolerance.

In fact, I first discovered buprenorphine in between full agonist binges back in like 2015-2016. So I had no tolerance when I first took it. And it made me high as hell, even made me nod out standing up at my job! People kept asking me "did you get enough sleep last night ??"... I had to lie & say "oh yeah, I didn't get enough sleep". lol

Before I got on it for maintenance, I actually started buying & using buprenorphine instead of heroin. Cause my dealer would come around with like either a days worth of heroin for 50 bucks or I could get 5 sub strips for 50 bucks. Well with no tolerance, those 5 subs strips could last me an entire month for 50 bucks. versus one day of getting to use H. So I started using buprenorphine & eventually got on it for maintenance. But after about 6 months, any recreational or good feelings had completely disappeared.

But it absolutely can provide recreation. It's just incredibly limited compared to full agonists & feels a bit different. Although because of it's potency, I don't recommend it either. I have a natural tolerance to opioids already & I've seen other people puking/nodding/having non-fatal OD's from as little as 1-2mg of bupe.

There's a study somewhere out there, where they took a bunch of ex-heroin users (with no current tolerance) & gave them bupe & some other opioids & then had them identify which was which. And I think almost all the participants identified buprenorphine as heroin. Wonder if I could find that study somewhere again.
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I was on 2mg couple years of the whole 5 years being dependant but also I was on it because of bupe in a first place which was antidepressant anti-anhedonic anti-lethargic in contrast to antidepressants at the time so only couple months in those years I was on 8mg and that was sometimes to much or I was feeling tired.

I was the whole time on subutex pills no films no suboxone, last 2 yrs being prescribed 4mg which is 2 boxes of subutex. With Kratom I did skiped sometimes weeks meaning that I was OK with 2mg so I haven't picked up the prescription.

I always felt mood UP like hyperbolic in contrast to baseline. and energy full.

I always did it intranasal I don't recommend it but I was rinsing my nose 1hr after with saltwater and I don't know it's called Dove but maybe not in english the thing cheramic for rinsing.

I'm saying I always and always felt it for 4 hrs even days in a row 2mg. In times when i went higher and higher cause of stresfull day and not having pregabalin or stims Higher doses always gave those diminished returns so If i snorted 6mg or 8mg I couldn't feel it for days after only withdrawal free but withdrawal never started for me for 5 days.

Just to give you some perspective!