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Suboxone Half Life


Oct 9, 2010
I apologize if I am not posting in the right place....still finding my way around the site.

I know Bupe has a loooong half life, but there seems to be conflicting data all over the place about how long is long.

How long does someone need to wait to pass a drug test ( I know docs have to specifically look for suboxone, but it is for a pain clinic so I think that is likely to happen as they do an immunoassay that is 12 or 15 panel so I think one has to be suboxone. They do confirmatory gc ms for fentanyl ) following short term use (10 ten days, 24mg a day) of suboxone? I used the suboxone sublingually and snorted it (yeah, I know....dumb,) but I don't know if route of administration impacts half life.

I wish I knew the formula for calculating half life, but alas I am not a pharmacist.

I'm worried and any data would be really great, thanks in advance.
I apologize if I am not posting in the right place....still finding my way around the site.

I know Bupe has a loooong half life, but there seems to be conflicting data all over the place about how long is long.

How long does someone need to wait to pass a drug test ( I know docs have to specifically look for suboxone, but it is for a pain clinic so I think that is likely to happen as they do an immunoassay that is 12 or 15 panel so I think one has to be suboxone. They do confirmatory gc ms for fentanyl ) following short term use (10 ten days, 24mg a day) of suboxone? I used the suboxone sublingually and snorted it (yeah, I know....dumb,) but I don't know if route of administration impacts half life.

I wish I knew the formula for calculating half life, but alas I am not a pharmacist.

I'm worried and any data would be really great, thanks in advance.

buprenorphine has a half-life of 36 hours. And there is nothing stupid about snorting it, it actually has a higher bio-availability than sublingually. I would assume 7-10 days should be sufficient.
if you go to wikipedia, on the right side f the page they have the half lives, BA's and much more info on nearly evry substance