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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v16.0

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"i have to drink Christmas Day should I only take 8mg suboxone instead of 12mg? Mind you as it's my birthday n I'm my own I thought I'd drink the 13% wine which my brother bought me n I took 12 mg suboxone so guess it'll be ok lol.
"i have to drink Christmas Day should I only take 8mg suboxone instead of 12mg? Mind you as it's my birthday n I'm my own I thought I'd drink the 13% wine which my brother bought me n I took 12 mg suboxone so guess it'll be ok lol.

I'd stay off the sauce.

And why are you constantly trying to moderate this thread?

12 mg sub is a giant dose. It's super giant. I don't understand how you could tolerate it from what you said you were doing. Anyways.

You understand by playing moderator that you may offend people?

Just saying.
thanks for the reply :)

i've been trying to quit doing opiates (and all drugs) for a few years now, but i keep fucking up and creating new lower and lower "rock bottoms" for myself. i enrolled in an intensive outpatient program concurrently with the opiod replacement program through which i am now getting the subs (rather than a private doctor). i'm hoping both will require me to be more accountable than just picking up a monthly script. obviously it's ultimately up to me, and i really hope i can be more successful this time. i don't want to die. :(

A structured facility will make you more accountable. They will likely have you go in almost everyday to get the med's you need among having to provide several UA's along the way. They heard every story in the book and no one can fool them.

So yup, that seems like a great option. Maybe this was an eye opener. Good luck.
May not be ideal, but it does help me stay off the the dope taking it this way, I'd rather snort suboxone than get back on heroin, plus with the pills, you can take very small doses when tapering down, and in general really. They say the bioavailability isn't much higher insufflated but it sure feels like it when you try to take it sublingually again.

.06 is a small amount yes, but it is not nothing, as I was saying. That amount would make a big difference to someone who has stopped and is in withdrawal.

What? Can you read? There was NO AGAIN with any names, let alone the first time, which I explained. Also, I'd prefer you don't pray for me or talk about it, doesn't mean a thing to an atheist when someone says that.

I assume by 'some people' you are referring to me, but I never said shitload, I said it was NOT NOTHING, but difference.

It is naloxone, not naltrexone, and it is been understood, by educated users, and also in this thread, that the naloxone is essentially inactive because of the buprenorphine having the higher affinity for the receptors.

Holy crap lady. I have 10X more knowledge than you on this subject. I don't know why you jumped in here and decided to tell me I am ignorant on this subject.When it's obvious, well....

It's naltrexone!!! I know all about your 1st grade stuff you are talking about. NOW please leave me alone.


NO, IT IS NALOXONE. I wasn't even referring to one of your posts when making that correction anyways, but the drug that is in SUBOXONE, is buprenorphine/naloxone. Lol, and showing me some poster about some naltrexone drug isn't going to convince me either.

I'm sensing some hostility between NotAgain and christinabox! Let's just smoke a ciggy and chill.

NotAgain do you have experience with Vivitrol vs. Naltrexone? I'm on Naltrexone now but don't trust myself...


I'm sorry, but do you see the letter 'T' in my handle/BL name?????????? it's chris in a box without the spaces.

I tried to chill. Look at all the previous responses I have to her. She kept attacking me and calling me names and insisted that she is all knowing.lolo. She was unaware that I spent the last month in a rehab where they educate you all about suboxone. As well as the taper program , and everything learned here and all my research.Anyways.

No no experience and I hope I never have to ask the DR for it. After what I went through , I don't think I will ever need it.

Uhh..NO, I never attacked you, I corrected a few things you said and you got all pissed off, YOU are the one with the hostility problems. Just because I didn't cuddle you like the baby you sound like, it doesn't mean I was being mean. Again, please show me where 'I" said I was ''ALL KNOWING?? Don't get all mad and not talk about it like you keep on doing, SHOW me where I said it!! I've also been to drug education programs and rehab centers and learned about drugs, including Suboxone, but I would never, lol, never say that to someone to try to sound smart about the subject. Wow, you've must have learned a whole lot there.. And as I said above, do you see the letter 'T' in my fucking handle? Another example of your idiocy, see, THAT was meant to be mean.
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NO, IT IS NALOXONE. I wasn't even referring to one of your posts when making that correction anyways, but the drug that is in SUBOXONE, is buprenorphine/naloxone. Lol, and showing me some poster about some naltrexone drug isn't going to convince me either.

I'm sorry, but do you see the letter 'T' in my handle/BL name?????????? it's chris in a box without the spaces.

Uhh..NO, I never attacked you, I corrected a few things you said and you got all pissed off, YOU are the one with the hostility problems. Just because I didn't cuddle you like the baby you sound like, it doesn't mean I was being mean. Again, please show me where 'I" said I was ''ALL KNOWING?? Don't get all mad and not talk about it like you keep on doing, SHOW me where I said it!! I've also been to drug education programs and rehab centers and learned about drugs, including Suboxone, but I would never, lol, never say that to someone to try to sound smart about the subject. Wow, you've must have learned a whole lot there.. And as I said above, do you see the letter 'T' in my fucking handle? Another example of your idiocy, see, THAT was meant to be mean.
Ok already. Can we just move on?

I suppose I may be getting in your way of getting some help here. So by all means. I am sorry to be disturbing you so much.

Please join in the regular discussion at any time.
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notagain, I pointed out things I found wrong, or that I thought sounded a bit naive/ignorant. You lash back at me like I just tore you a new one. I don't know what message boards you are used to, but BL is not, unless it's changed in the past year, been like that, it's been about facts, and opinions, that's what I think BL is about at least.

You flat out called me wrong, I did the same to you, so we both think we are right. You think it's NALTREXONE in suboxone, I think it is NALOXONE. So I suppose it's time for some other parties to come in to either prove you or I wrong. You don't ignore what someone is saying to you just because you deem it negative, even though at first it was hardly negative at all!

Getting help? This is mostly what turned me off, was reading your posts, not only you, but most you. It's like you're constant posting of your tapering has turned this thread into a Suboxone TDS tapering thread, NOT a Suboxone Mega-Thread. Tapering is but a small portion of what this thread is about, yet it's about 95% of all that is being talked about. Now that isn't solely on you for sure, but some is, and then I read various other things you said, which is where I formed my opinion on you, the original one you freaked out about when you responded, and have even worse since. It's like you can't hear anything remotely negative for some reason.

That fact that you claim you are '10x more knowledgeable about Suboxone" than I, while saying it is naltrexone in Suboxone only shows you're being ignorant. I'm sorry, but it's just true. I get you haven't been on this site very long, so I'm taking that into account also when I read your posts.

ALSO, once again, you deter from my posts and say things that are flat-out lies, I call you out on them and demand you show me where I said such a thing, and what do you do???? You do not do it, this is twice now. You said that I called myself 'ALL KNOWING'. I ask again, where did I say that?? That's just one example, so let's start there. Surely you can show how you are right and I am wrong, since you say that's the case.
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easy boys, we are on a drug message board here.

everyone chill.

anyone else have an issues/hurts going from 12MG down to 8MG? been in that process and have felt a BIT slower this week; nothing too much. will be sticking w/ 8MG for a bit; no rush to get off the bupe.
Geez CHRIS...relax. Have some eggnog and a cookie. It's not the end of the world because someone thought you were a girl.
I think several people have asked you to drop it and move on...me included.

Hey Boston,
I dropped down to 8mg from 12mg in the first few days I was on sub...so no, I only felt better. High dose sub felt like a dirty speed to me. I couldn't sleep and felt uncomfortably wired..I felt in a fog.. I came from 12 yrs of high dose methadone (140mg) though, and I never felt good on sub. I'd say if your only feeling a bit slower to stay at 8mg. It took me about 3-5 days to even out after drops on a low dose. I guess there's a debate about what the ceiling is...but I think it's around 8, so hopefully that will work for you. Good luck and happy holidays!
thanks again to everyone for replies to my last couple posts. i def hope the od/extended hospital stay was enough of an eye opener for me to finally stay off the h. i start intensive outpatient on the 27th, and 8 mgs sub a day for the past week and a half would probably already block any attempts to get high before then.

speaking of, i've never taken these high doses before. i'm taking 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon/evening, along with prozac in the morning and neurontin 3 times a day, and i kind of feel like i'm on a speedy roll all the time. is that what bupe feels like on higher doses or is it the combination or is it just me? i don't necessarily dislike it, but i'm not really feeling like i'm "clean." i imagine it will go away after a couple days anyway..
thanks again to everyone for replies to my last couple posts. i def hope the od/extended hospital stay was enough of an eye opener for me to finally stay off the h. i start intensive outpatient on the 27th, and 8 mgs sub a day for the past week and a half would probably already block any attempts to get high before then.

speaking of, i've never taken these high doses before. i'm taking 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon/evening, along with prozac in the morning and neurontin 3 times a day, and i kind of feel like i'm on a speedy roll all the time. is that what bupe feels like on higher doses or is it the combination or is it just me? i don't necessarily dislike it, but i'm not really feeling like i'm "clean." i imagine it will go away after a couple days anyway..

See my post above...
I hated the way sub made me feel. I felt shaky, couldn't sleep and a bit confused. I was definitely over medicated. (I went from 30mg methadone)
I felt better the lower I got until I got to about 1mg...then I started having partial WD.
Maybe you could try just the 4mg in the morning and see if that helps. Even 2mg blocked my attempt to use dope.
I used Nerontin during WD and it helped greatly.
It's great your going to OP rehab. You'll get some tools to help you deal with the dope cravings.
Merry Christmas and have a great new yr.
Chris. I said sorry and I know whats in sub. I was talking about a shot that the dr offered me. see this post almost a month ago. That's MR.S schooling me about it. Even though I knew it was in Sub way back then. I didn't know what it really did.


My whole ride from 320-400 mg oxy to sub to the taper in this thread, and it's over. I'm not talking bout any taper anymore.

Also try not to call people ignorant( especially the first time ever addressing someone), at anytime.That could come across as an insult.The page that I linked in my last post to you show the naltrexone shot. I don't understand how you don't get that.
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Just keep in mind that a withdrawal from 400 mg's of Oxycodone is a walk in the park to one from a moderate length and dosage of Bupe'...
Nobodys any better than the rest.
Let's stay on topic. Speaking of which, this thread is for all things suboxone, so it's not a problem if a lot of people are discussing tapering right now. It's good information to have documented on here, and since all cases are not the same it's good to have multiple accounts on tapering. I also think that a lot of this tapering discussion is being generated by the fact that a lot more doctors seem to be prescribing suboxone for shorter tapers now, compared to just leaving people on maintenance for years on end without ever consulting with the patient about getting off of the drug.

It's better than all of the "I took suboxone yesterday, how long do I have to wait before I will be able to get high off of heroin?" threads that used to fill up this place. The point is, different topics will be popular at different times, but as long as they are on topic it's fine.
Let's stay on topic. Speaking of which, this thread is for all things suboxone, so it's not a problem if a lot of people are discussing tapering right now. It's good information to have documented on here, and since all cases are not the same it's good to have multiple accounts on tapering. I also think that a lot of this tapering discussion is being generated by the fact that a lot more doctors seem to be prescribing suboxone for shorter tapers now, compared to just leaving people on maintenance for years on end without ever consulting with the patient about getting off of the drug.

It's better than all of the "I took suboxone yesterday, how long do I have to wait before I will be able to get high off of heroin?" threads that used to fill up this place. The point is, different topics will be popular at different times, but as long as they are on topic it's fine.

Amen to that.
I am relaxed and have been Ziggystardust, well most of the time. Notagain freaked out after my first post, and every post after that until the last 2, and I don't see you or anyone else, saying RELAX RELAX. Like what notagain said was any different. I don't care if you asked me to drop it, I wanted notagain to stop avoiding my questions after saying things about that he/she said that I said which I did not, it was between me and notagain. Nobody says that I said something I did not say and gets away with it. As for the girl thing, this isn't the first time it's happened, no, it's not the end of the world, but it's very fucking annoying. I've asked mods multiple times throughout the years, if I could just add spaces or change it up a little, but nah, not without creating a brand new fucking profile, after I've been here for over 8 years.

Geez CHRIS...relax. Have some eggnog and a cookie. It's not the end of the world because someone thought you were a girl.
I think several people have asked you to drop it and move on...me included.

Hey Boston,
I dropped down to 8mg from 12mg in the first few days I was on sub...so no, I only felt better. High dose sub felt like a dirty speed to me. I couldn't sleep and felt uncomfortably wired..I felt in a fog.. I came from 12 yrs of high dose methadone (140mg) though, and I never felt good on sub. I'd say if your only feeling a bit slower to stay at 8mg. It took me about 3-5 days to even out after drops on a low dose. I guess there's a debate about what the ceiling is...but I think it's around 8, so hopefully that will work for you. Good luck and happy holidays!
You gotta Learn to let shit go, bro...
It's not important. THIS is not important...your beef with NA is not important.
Nobody else remembers the the thread...move on.
I'm sure you have a story..but I'm just remembering you as the guy who's like a pit bull on a bone....let it go bro...
I am relaxed and have been Ziggystardust, well most of the time. Notagain freaked out after my first post, and every post after that until the last 2, and I don't see you or anyone else, saying RELAX RELAX. Like what notagain said was any different. I don't care if you asked me to drop it, I wanted notagain to stop avoiding my questions after saying things about that he/she said that I said which I did not, it was between me and notagain. Nobody says that I said something I did not say and gets away with it. As for the girl thing, this isn't the first time it's happened, no, it's not the end of the world, but it's very fucking annoying. I've asked mods multiple times throughout the years, if I could just add spaces or change it up a little, but nah, not without creating a brand new fucking profile, after I've been here for over 8 years.

I thought it was Christina, too. Didn't notice until you brought it up. Its not really something that should be used to judge you differently anyway.
Isn't the weather just superb in DFW right now?

I don't think so, are you from the metroplex?

You gotta Learn to let shit go, bro...
It's not important. THIS is not important...your beef with NA is not important.
Nobody else remembers the the thread...move on.
I'm sure you have a story..but I'm just remembering you as the guy who's like a pit bull on a bone....let it go bro...

You're right, this beef is not important, I know that, have known it the whole time, what IS important is misinformation being spread around, like NOTAGAIN saying it is naltrexone in Subxone, not naloxone. That is very important.

Some things people say in these threads and other, usually newbies will take as fact, and if it is misinformation, it could cause devastating effects. That's why BL is about harm reduction. So if I see someone spreading any kind of misinformation, I will correct them. Sure, I come off a mean sometimes, but it isn't my intent, unless I say it is, which is rare.

Here we go again, my beef with NA is not important???? I'm sorry, but where the fuck did I ever say anything about NA, which I'm assuming you mean Narcotics Anonymous by. Tell me, where? This is what I'm talking about, people saying I said things I did not say, like notagain saying I said I was ''all knowing''. That is straight up bullshit.

I thought it was Christina, too. Didn't notice until you brought it up. Its not really something that should be used to judge you differently anyway.

Maybe not, but as a guy, would you like to be referred to as a female? I personally would not like to be, I find it offensive, especially considering, if someone reads my handle correctly, they will see how it is written. When I signed up to this board 8+ years ago, I was young and a noob and didn't think I'd be on this board this long, so I didn't care about my handle so much, which is why the no spaces, no nothing. And now, the mods won't let me even change it a tiny little bit, even though, on let's see 4 times now, in 4 separate threads, over the years, people have mistaken it because they don't care to read things clearly.
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