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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine Mega Thread and FAQ v16.0

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You don't have to go every day...
After showing responsible use (clean UAs, showing up) your granted "take homes". I went once a month for 11yrs. They start by giving you one take home on Sunday..then the weekend...then three days...and after a yr I had 29 days worth.
It's still a hassle...being tired to any drug is a hassle...that's why I quit all opiates...all addictive drugs.

dude, listen to what you just said. it sounded like a hassle and a half. I just got about about 10 mins ago and I already have 16MG about Subox in the mouth as I sit here and watch sportscenter and post on Bluelight. so far much better/easier than having to track it to the clinic. plus, w/ me having a car and all, I'd always get people to ask for rides as I was leaving the clinic. I'd say, "listen, youre my CLINIC FRIEND.. so chill.. NO RIDES OUT OF MY WAY FOR YOU.. SORRY". they could understand because we are all used to getting shut down at some time or another. ha.
You don't have to go every day...
After showing responsible use (clean UAs, showing up) your granted "take homes". I went once a month for 11yrs. They start by giving you one take home on Sunday..then the weekend...then three days...and after a yr I had 29 days worth.
It's still a hassle...being tired to any drug is a hassle...that's why I quit all opiates...all addictive drugs.

Oh damn, I thought you meant 29 take homes for the whole year. That's not too bad.
Where are you Ziggy? I've never heard of anyone getting that many after a year...I didn't even know you could get 29, I really thought 14 was the limit...
Where are you Ziggy? I've never heard of anyone getting that many after a year...I didn't even know you could get 29, I really thought 14 was the limit...

Both my clinics in Calif (LA) and Texas (Austin)would give 29 take homes a month after a year of responsible use. (No dirty UAs, no missed days)
I think they judge each case on a case by case base. The limit you can get is 29 a month...
I payed 60-65 dollars a week.
If I was going to stay on maintenance I'd go with meth.
It's a hassle to be on any maintenance, but with my history and records I'd be back at 29 take homes in a month or so.
There really isn't a point in debating which is better.. suboxone or methadone.. both have pros and cons. Suboxone is great but its ceiling effect and the fact it is only a partial agonist, makes it not work for everybody, so then methadone becomes a much better choice.

Yeah, having to go to the clinic sucks.. but it's only for a few months then you start getting take homes and you pick it up at the pharmacy just like you would suboxone.

Also, the way suboxone is being abused by young kids, how its flooded the streets, OD's, etc, I can almost guarantee that within a few more years, it will be locked up tight just like methadone and you'll have to go to a clinic to get that too. So, enjoy the freedom while it lasts because the way suboxone is prescribed is going to completely change.
^That's because they give everybody 24 fucking mgs a day and almost everybody is only taking 1/3 or less of their script! I'll be so pissed if that happens! With what they've already done to prescription drugs....If they make suboxone like methadone, everyone who gets stuck with no money will have no choice but to go out and rob to stay well! The fact that it is on the street is the only thing that saves soo many people! Fucking idiots taking it for recreationl purposes pisses me off!

I take on average a 16th of my subutex script a day. I haven't refilled it in 3 months, and i still have enough for the rest of the year at the very least.
I actually am prescribed 40 strips(8mg) for two months....It's supposed to be 4mgs a day(half strip), which equals out to 30 strips lasting 60 days. The other 10 strips are just extra for when I feel like taking more...I fold my 8mgs strips into 16ths. I take 1.5mgs at a time, either twice or three times a day. My girlfriend takes .5mgs about 3 times a day. I pay for the whole script and I'm being prescribed pretty much exactly what I use, so gone are the days for me when I had enough for 5 months laying around in the drawer!

It sucks, summer of 2011, my girlfriend and I are lucky to be alive...Our four year dope habit had ballooned to ridiculous levels...I was shooting coke and eating Xanax and Adderall like MandMs...I started fucking with MDPV about 3-4 months before it became illegal....The MDPV and the Xanax are really what pushed me over the edge...How I didn't have a heart attack or stop breathing is a miracle....I was just taking whatever "uppers and downers" were around...If I took to much Xanax, I'd pop 60mgs of Adderall, if I shot too much coke, I take some carisprodol and a half gram shot of dope...I was blacking out from the benzos on top of near stimulant ODs half the time...I was maintaining for years, holding a job...I have no idea how I just went fucking nuts like that!

When I went to detox and rehab, they did that really bad bupe detox that left me in full-blown WDs for 11 days at the end...and I was in rehab at that point...It was an intense rehab with 10 hours of meetings and group sessions all day too! I had a charge pending as the 28 day rehab was ending, so I got stuck with having to go to a 1 year "extended care" place, which ended up just being another fucking rehab! I still felt shaky for the first few months there, and they were fucking ball-busters! I'm honestly lucky I didn't murder someone when I was there...Half the staff that followed us around all day long were in their early 20s...I'm in my thirties...It's 10:30 at night and I'm on the phone with my girlfriend and one of the staff that works their comes over, hangs up the phone and tells me to "go to bed!" There was a baseball bat sitting right there, I was so angry and filled with rage of being disrespected like that, at that moment I would have been totally capable of beating him to death, which fucking scares me! I just went outside and smashed the shit out of a few trees, which hurt me more than the trees...

I left that place though and was off everything...My girlfriend had a place she moved into and was waiting for me out here, she was able to kick with 5 suboxones and a handful of temazepam....

When I went home for a few months and picked up a dope habit, I should have just found a way to kick it fast, but instead I started taking these 2mg subs I had left over...I was down to .5mgs a day, but I decided to get a doctor to give myself longer...Now I've been back on them for a solid 8 months, and my girl is hooked on them again too...

It sucks because I was off everything for over a year and I really had my playing chops back with guitar and singing...You have to play a few hours a day to stay good....How anyone finds the motivation to play when they are on opiates long-term, I have no idea...even on the Suboxone, I just don't have the drive to really focus on it...That's the main reason I wanna get off them...
I agree with Mr.scagnattie. I used to have to go to pharmacy daily n it worried me terribly cause what if my little one was ill one day I wouldn't want to take her to pharmacy not feeling well. Since my doctor has increased my suboxone they've now letting me collect it weekly as they've given me a safekeeping box so that ny little one cannot get it as little ones can easily climb n get hold of medication which does not bare thinking of.

Re: methadone it sounds similar to how we get access to suboxone in the UK. I always wondered why you had to collect methadone daily in the US yet can collect a months' worth of suboxone.
Personally I'd hate that. When I first came on suboxone I had thoughts of wanting to take more because I was still in addict mode but now I've had time to work on myself n I don't have thoughts of wanting to more.
Somebody mentioned 4 mg is the ceiling of Suboxone. How can that be if the rehab I am going to says that 16mg is in fact the top and anymore is useless. Then I hear people that are prescribed 32 mg? Gosh at 16 I felt like a zombie can't even think about 32 mg.

Second day at 4 mg sub for me. Feeling ok. Kinda a little worried about the upcoming week. Sat will be 2 mg and next tuesday will be 1 mg. By the end of next week I'm supposed to be done all together. Seems like so very little sub that I am taking. Almost seems like nothing. I really feel like I could just stop but I know better.
^Well the ceiling isn't going to be the same for 1 person to the next. Its more likely to be around 8 mg. Thing is the agonist effect of buprenorphine does not increase linearly with dose increases.
They've done studies with brainscans, magnetic imaging or something...This is how they came up with 24mgs....supposedly they can see it saturating all the receptors somehow...In reality, it loses it's effectiveness at a much lower dosage than that...That's not to say that the higher doses don't do anything at all, but for the most part it's known that they're completely unnecessary....They bind more at the higher doses...I realistically think 8 is the highest dose anyone needs, and this comes from being prescribed suboxone for over 8 years, talking to countless other patients, independently studying it a bit, and relating the experiences of all the heroin users I know...

Occasionally, you meet someone who's only ever taken what they've been prescribed and believes they need the higher doses, but that's usually people who were addicted to pills...People prescribed pills aren't necessarily interacting with other addicts, so they may not know "the word on the street" when it comes to suboxone....

If you have a large habit, particularly IV heroin...there's a chance that it won't work at all for days....Some people just can't overcome the initial transition and are convinced that "it doesn't work at all"....I believe that it does eventually work for everyone, but by the time it starts working you've already been in WDs for 3-4 days in many cases...If you can make it 4 days, may as well just kick the dope outright, because you're essentially trying to transition from a drug that takes a week to kick to a drug that takes a month to kick!

The only reason to go on maintenance is if you absolutely know that you can't stay away even if you can kick the habit! I'd rather be on maintenance than kicking a heroin habit every three months!

Week long detoxes usually don't work for opiate addicts, because you're still very shaky after that...A detox followed by a thirty day rehab is the best way to get off everything if you're serious about it and not planning on going on maintenance....

Detoxing at home with a couple suboxones and benzos usually doesn't work, because you're still in the exact same place living the exact same life, and the cravings take a lot longer to go away than the physical dependence....The first time you make that decision to go grab something, there's a 90% chance you'll have a habit again within a weeks time....

For anyone trying to kick their first habit, you should know that if you've gotten yourself physically addicted to opiates, you're in a for life-long battle! If you have only a chip or a mild habit, better off just kicking it rather than go on Sub or methadone, because it just acclimates your physiology to being dependent on opiates even more...
This thread has a graph about halfway down, shows what I mean:


Theoretically there might be no true "ceiling dose" because the curve may never be completely parallel to the x axis. But the increased effect become so minimal at higher doses that it may take astronomical doses to notice a difference. (just a thought, maybe someone should try out ~10000 mg of bupe and see how it goes)
I was addicted to opiates n now I'm totally over with it. I'm into fitness, doing stuff with my daughter, getting a tattoo next week, bought all christmas presents, doing my studies. I now longer have an issue with opiates. No offence meant but I think saying it's life long is not always the case.

Evey x
i think he's saying it will still be a struggle for you when u decide to come off the bupe evie. and who knows after that? i have come off opiates and suffered withdrawals so many times only to go back. it happens. :(
I was addicted to opiates n now I'm totally over with it. I'm into fitness, doing stuff with my daughter, getting a tattoo next week, bought all christmas presents, doing my studies. I now longer have an issue with opiates. No offence meant but I think saying it's life long is not always the case.

Evey x

You realize suboxone is a opiate, right?
I was addicted to opiates n now I'm totally over with it. I'm into fitness, doing stuff with my daughter, getting a tattoo next week, bought all christmas presents, doing my studies. I now longer have an issue with opiates. No offence meant but I think saying it's life long is not always the case.

Evey x

I think you're being a little too quick to say you've beaten the whole addiction thing and are just good to go... how long have you even been off the opiates for?

Its incredibly common for people to feel like you do for a period after getting clean, especially if on suboxone.. but I have seen how fast one goes from saying exactly what you are, to totally screwed again. Don't be foolish enough to think that you've kicked it for life, because chances are you haven't, and that mindset is going to comeback and bite you when you least expect it and you'll very quickly find yourself back where you were or deeper.
^ I totally agree. I was just posting in another thread about how suboxone can give you a false sense of confidence about where you are with your addiction. Trust me, it's a lot easier to think that you won't be craving opiates when you are on sub, but that's because your brain is flooded with a potent opioid already so you already have your fix. This is especially true for people that didn't have that high of a tolerance when getting on subs, so are now taking way more of an opioid dose than they were before they started the sub. Once you are off of it then you really see where you stand in terms of cravings and relapse potential.

To those of you asking why you can get take homes of suboxone straight away but not methadone, it's because you really can't overdose on suboxone by itself if you have a tolerance, but if you take a few days worth of methadone you are dead.
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I was addicted to opiates n now I'm totally over with it. I'm into fitness, doing stuff with my daughter, getting a tattoo next week, bought all christmas presents, doing my studies. I now longer have an issue with opiates. No offence meant but I think saying it's life long is not always the case.

Evey x
Wait, you're on suboxone?
Can you please stop this bickering or take it to PM/E-mail?! People come here for help / advice n we've ALL got some to input n share. It doesn't matter who knows more or who has been through worst, whether someone has got it off the street or a doctor, whether someone is giving a scientific 'fact' or input from their own personal experience.

We are all here for support, harm reduction or to get better. I am reporting the pair of you because I've tried several times, as well as others, to please keep it civil n refrain from this petty arguing. You're going to put people off coming here or attract the wrong sort of people eg troll n REMEMBER people, not just Bluelighters, are watching this discussion trying to seek help/ advice n I'm sure do not wish to read this bickering.

I'm on Subs and I want to get some heroin right now...it is payday, toughest day to stay clean. I'm at work though, so thats not happening.

Maybe Sunday, I can justify it b/c it gives me good luck in fantasy football.
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