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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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Have you thought about dosing at a higher dose? There is no shame in admitting you need, say, 8mg to hold you 24 hours.
Have you thought about dosing at a higher dose? There is no shame in admitting you need, say, 8mg to hold you 24 hours.

This was my first experience with suboxone/bupe. I had heard it could be used in minimal amounts, but I think I was just too overexcited. I only had two of them, and figured it would be enough, though now I figured out I could find more if need be. I would much rather use 8mg if it will work.

Since it has been about 6 hours since my last dose of .5mg, and 11.5 hours since my initial dose, would it be alright to redose a little higher at 12 hours?

If I was smoking a decent amount of dope, or doing a decent amount of painkillers, there is a low risk of harm right? It has been 36 hours since my last dose of H if that matters also.

Maybe I just feel like it is fiendish because I have been sitting up all night tossing and turning, switching on and off the tv and reading, so it seems like I've just been doing nothing but thinking about getting relief...
This was my first experience with suboxone/bupe. I had heard it could be used in minimal amounts, but I think I was just too overexcited. I only had two of them, and figured it would be enough, though now I figured out I could find more if need be. I would much rather use 8mg if it will work.

Since it has been about 6 hours since my last dose of .5mg, and 11.5 hours since my initial dose, would it be alright to redose a little higher at 12 hours?

If I was smoking a decent amount of dope, or doing a decent amount of painkillers, there is a low risk of harm right? It has been 36 hours since my last dose of H if that matters also.

Maybe I just feel like it is fiendish because I have been sitting up all night tossing and turning, switching on and off the tv and reading, so it seems like I've just been doing nothing but thinking about getting relief...

I would redose... another .5 maybe. It won't make you worse. I use to do .5mg 2-3 times a day.. and still also have sleep problems (feel like I don't sleep enough but I can't sleep more, and I'm taking benzos & weed too:?...), last dope relapse was 6 days ago for me...

BTW sorry I'd not answerd before, I'd been very busy this days, but thanks for all the answers :). I'll try to stay clean of dope, I'm afraid that when I get money again I do H again.. well... Also I'm afraid trying methadone, I chose bupe over methadone because I thought it was a better way to stay "clean" than methadone, because of it's partial agonist activity, "less" withdrawals and easier tapper (or its almost what people say...) I'll talk to my doctor and we'll see... I'll try a couple days doing more bupe to see if I feel better, but I don't think so, always I did less I felt better...
Hello fellow bupe/sub, brothas & sistas,

Well, as I said yesterday, I would inform everyone of how my taper has gone.

Last night, I watched the football game & had a couple of liquory drinks, took my melatonin for the night and fell asleep sometime around 1:15a.m.. I purposely set my alarm for 9:30a.m. because I had a prescription to go refill at CVS (no, nothing fun, just hydrocortisone suppos') and some errands to run.

I've been up since then and feeling good, actually. I can feel a little stiffness in my legs, but I'm about to pop two Advil, and .25mg of Xanax to assist me for the day. I'll keep you all posted as the day rolls on.

I don't want to go back on junk or bupe again. I'm willing to live my life clean and productively. I haven't been able to accomplish anything when I'm on any substance. Basically, if the W/Ds are about to get tough, then I'll man it up and push through.
This was my first experience with suboxone/bupe. I had heard it could be used in minimal amounts, but I think I was just too overexcited. I only had two of them, and figured it would be enough, though now I figured out I could find more if need be. I would much rather use 8mg if it will work.

Since it has been about 6 hours since my last dose of .5mg, and 11.5 hours since my initial dose, would it be alright to redose a little higher at 12 hours?

If I was smoking a decent amount of dope, or doing a decent amount of painkillers, there is a low risk of harm right? It has been 36 hours since my last dose of H if that matters also.

Maybe I just feel like it is fiendish because I have been sitting up all night tossing and turning, switching on and off the tv and reading, so it seems like I've just been doing nothing but thinking about getting relief...

IME...the 1st 2 days i can dose from 4 to 6 mg, depending on my state, tapering lower every day. 2 mg wouldn't have held me, and its usually what i used to take between the H scores. How many 1 and 2 mgs i have wasted this way before getting serious in cleaning up!!

Keep it up man, you're doing the right thing
Hello fellow bupe/sub, brothas & sistas,

Well, as I said yesterday, I would inform everyone of how my taper has gone.

Last night, I watched the football game & had a couple of liquory drinks, took my melatonin for the night and fell asleep sometime around 1:15a.m.. I purposely set my alarm for 9:30a.m. because I had a prescription to go refill at CVS (no, nothing fun, just hydrocortisone suppos') and some errands to run.

I've been up since then and feeling good, actually. I can feel a little stiffness in my legs, but I'm about to pop two Advil, and .25mg of Xanax to assist me for the day. I'll keep you all posted as the day rolls on.

I don't want to go back on junk or bupe again. I'm willing to live my life clean and productively. I haven't been able to accomplish anything when I'm on any substance. Basically, if the W/Ds are about to get tough, then I'll man it up and push through.
i love it! Xanax is the perfect complement to the bupe, it seems to keep everything smoothed out. Every time i dose i take .25 mg(xanax). i wish you the best, thanks for keeping everyone updated.
What is this baclofen of which you speak? Even though it does nothing for you, i'd still like to hear what it's intended effects are. My conversations with my doctor go like this: How are you feeling? Fine, O.K. i guess.... Well, nice talking to you, are there any other prescriptions you need? Where was this guy 10 years ago, goddamn it!

Baclofen is mostly prescribed for muscle spasms and (secondary) alcohol withdrawal. My doctor said it will help with the withdrawal symptoms. I'm gonna hold off on using more until I start tapering further. Unfortunately, I just got stuck with a shitload of extra work (freelance magazine writing), which means I'll need to be sharp and alert for the next couple of weeks. I was hoping to further my taper this weekend (from .25 three times a day to twice, then once), but I doubt that will happen now.
Shit. Here's my advice for the day: Don't use Suboxone unless your math skills are above a third-grade level. I just realized I've been miscalculating my doses. Fortunately, it's to my advantage. I had been under the impression I was taking .25 mgs (1/16 of a film strip) when it turns out I had cut the 1/16th pieces in half as well. No wonder I was having to double up. Sheesh. Well, at least I know how to spell.
^Yes. You won't be pushing through anything at that dose as that is not nearly enough to cover enough receptors to block any opiate from attaching to the remaining open receptors. You have to be on a fairly high dose to saturate your receptors to the point of blocking other opiates...

Blocking yes, but what about attenuating?
back on the subs again :\ on day 5, this time getting back on was a lot easier cause I only went back to the oxys for a week or so. My connection is having a lot of trouble getting oxys now, so I have a feeling my time with opiates willl be coming to an end anyways
back on the subs again :\ on day 5, this time getting back on was a lot easier cause I only went back to the oxys for a week or so. My connection is having a lot of trouble getting oxys now, so I have a feeling my time with opiates willl be coming to an end anyways

I have faith you can do it Ashley!

I recently broke one bone and severely fractured a second one. I had to get a second set of Xrays, which was excruciatingly painful, and then had to get surgery and afterwards it was very painful.

Other than during surgery, I have only taken buprenorphine. If I can do it you can too! This whole ordeal has easily been the most pain I have ever been in during my entire life.

I have a question, and I know everyone's body chemistry is different, so all i'm asking for is speculation.

I started Bupe at 4mg, and tapered down to 1mg. This process was from last Feburary till the present. During the past couple months, I would use my DOC once per week, then go back on Bupe.

I am attempting to see how it is to live without any substances. I haven't taken any bupe since last thursday. I have however, taken between 60-90mg of oxycodone everyday since friday.

Today will be day 6 without bupe, and day 1 without any opiates.

Should I expect withdraw? For some reason, I have a feeling I am going to get off very lightly...Before going on bupe I had a much higher tolerance than 60-90mg of oxycodone, and I feel like if anything I might just feel a slight discomfort and maybe the runs and a little rls. Nothing unbearable.

Am I correct in thinking this? Or should I prepare for full out withdraw?

I would prepare for mild/medium withdrawal. It shouldn't be severe though.
So I don't know where else to ask and get a response decently soon. Here is my timetable of the night:

0:00 - Snorted 1mg Suboxone
1:50 - Snorted .5mg Suboxone
5:00 - Snorted .5mg Suboxone

So altogether I had 2mg of suboxone tonight. It has been 11 hours since I snorted the first dose, and I still have withdrawal symptoms. I have the headache, slight sweats, CRAVINGS, rls, and bad insomnia. I can't sleep at all, which is pretty brutal. I can feel that it is taking away the symptoms, but I don't know if I should redose, or the constant redosing is just my addictive personality.

I mean, it isn't like it could be wearing off this quickly. So is it that I didn't take enough? Did I space it out so much that it isn't working as effectively? Am I on a good dose and just snorting more because I'm having cravings and trying to satisfy(which I never will)?

Thanks for the help guys. Maybe I just should expect the kicking feeling still, but damn I was hoping that grabbing these was allowing me to sleep, wear dry clothes, and not have my neck feel like it got hit with a hammer.

If you're coming off heroin or another potent full-agonist opiate, then it will take a couple of days before you feel the full benefits of buprenoprhine. Take a little more if you still feel uncomfortable, but in the transition phase from full to partial agonist, your opioid receptors are not entirely satisfied right away, so certain symptoms such as rls, body temperature oscilllations, insomnia, etc. still prevail. The best thing to do is just maintain a strict dosing schedule, so that you can stabilize as quickly as possible, and suck it up while you feel shitty, it will pass soon. I started to feel ok on my 4th day on subs, coming from a somewhat heavy daily heroin habit (insufflating). It's really awesome when you get through the first couple of days and realize that the bupe is actually working wonders!
Registered in the vein in the hinge of the elbow, saw the flash, drew back saw dark red, began to plug, no burning etc... Pull out there is drop of blood on tip of rig... NO stinging etc.. Wake up this morning, no lump but a single hardspot in middle of redness... no abcess i can tell so im thinking, it's a case of cellulitis below (toward wrist) iv site. Kind of warm to touch, kept heat pad on it all mornin til now.. About to put ice on it. Cant tell if size has changed. I have the following antibiotics on hand. 18 100mg doxycycline. 21 500mg amoxicillin. 3 500mg cipro. Should I start a self course of antibiotics/nsaids?? Advice is appreciated. I know I shouldn't be IVing Sub/Diphenhydramine.
Registered in the vein in the hinge of the elbow, saw the flash, drew back saw dark red, began to plug, no burning etc... Pull out there is drop of blood on tip of rig... NO stinging etc.. Wake up this morning, no lump but a single hardspot in middle of redness... no abcess i can tell so im thinking, it's a case of cellulitis below (toward wrist) iv site. Kind of warm to touch, kept heat pad on it all mornin til now.. About to put ice on it. Cant tell if size has changed. I have the following antibiotics on hand. 18 100mg doxycycline. 21 500mg amoxicillin. 3 500mg cipro. Should I start a self course of antibiotics/nsaids?? Advice is appreciated. I know I shouldn't be IVing Sub/Diphenhydramine.

You might want to look into micron filtering in the future, but I am not sure what is going on. Can you get a picture of it?

there is the pic of the site capt. H. as you see, no lump, abcess, bruising etc. just hot to touch and getting a little larger. def think its cellulitis from my paramedic school classes.

should i start a self course of broad spectrum doxycycline 100mg tablets twice daily for 10 days?
here is my timetable of the day.
4:00: woke up in mild wd. had planned to wait until at least 9 to dose my sub (i've been on a two week bender, doing 3-4 oc80s a day. my last does was 80 at 5pm the previous night.)
4:10 fuck it. took a 20 mg piece of oc
8:30: wds are not why i thought that would be. i've feeling restless but not real bad. screw it. i take 2mgs sub , snorted.
9:00 uh oh. i feel horrible chills. take my last 80 in hopes of conterbalancing.
9:30 no better. thinking its gonna get worse (sub for me takes 2hrs to fully kick in) i call dealer mcdope and order up 4 more 80s.
11:00 feeling not so bad, not so good. but def not having a good time.
11:20 dealer mcdope show up. i put down 3 80s
12:00 still no effect from 80s damn!! i know my original intention wast to just get on the sub as smooth as possible, but these things change, you know?
13:00 three shots bourbon at last i feel something.
14:00 head out to score xanax on street (sketch!)
15:00 make it back with 5 1mgs. slamm 3 with two shots and my last oc
16;00 feeling a poor (very poor) mans heroin rush.

just a little play by play for any interested. anyone had a day like this?
yep. there's been so many times I've had enough suboxone to last me months and I ended up delaying getting on them because I had money or wanted to get high too bad. It's always "aw man that last shot wasn't that great, if I'm going to get off this shit I should go out with a bang and get a really good dose." Or at least it is for me. Either that or I don't want to wait till I'm in WD to take the subs and I get hasty and eat the subs too early, then try frantically to counter-balance with dope.

I'd say if you have more bupe just wait it out today and take it when you really need it
lesson learned, don't have to re-learn it
easier said than done though lol, I feel you
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