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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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When it says 1 - 2 mg is a typical recreational dose for someone with no tolerance, is it oral, plugged or nasal? I've never done it and am thinking about starting with 1.4 mg plugged.
well i LOVE opiates (oxycodone my fav) but have NEVER tried bupe. THAT IS UNTIL......40 minutes ago! hehe, i put half a 8 mg under my tounge 40 minutes ago after being in withdrawal for 3 days. And, i don't feel shit...stil wd'ing :(
JC "start with 50mg (diphen) if you have NO tolerance" ????? Ummmm that will definately have them sleeping before they feel anything...
Subreflex said:
You're a man of steel.

Personally, bupe dosen't mix AT ALL with any of the classics (booze, pot). :p

I agree it doesn't mix with booze, gives me wicked hangover with only a few drinks. But it goes darn fine w/ good reefer. Many things potentiate eachother (at least on the placebo level? meaning makes it feel like you are twice as fucked, probably because you are on two drugs). A toke or two mixes perfectly imo. Puts me down and out though and has really fucked up my productivity this week. -Spaz-
Suboxone, first time...

Okay, I am about to close my laptop, pack up, and head to school. Quick question: What is a low tolerance to you all? I noticed one person said 1-2mg of SUBOXONE is good for someone with low tolerance. I came across a 8mg/2mg suboxone and broke it in quarters. I dissolved 1/4 under my tongue. Now I have a tolerance of about 15/20mg of hydrocodone to make me feel good. Where along the lines of suboxone should make me feel good? And how long does it take to kick in? Ill be back in about an hour, gotta drive to school. Thank you for all the advice.

hydrocodone is equal to morphine in terms of analgesia. suboxone (buperenorphine) is 30-50 times stronger than morphine for the same purposes. therefore if you have a tolerance of 15mg hydrocodone and 2mg bupe is around 60-100mg morphine (say 75mg) then that looks like its at least quadruple your normal tolerance. the first time i had half an 8mg sub. i was nodding hard and i had a 20mg hydrocodone tolerance at the time. you did a quarter pill under your tongue so you should be feeling pretty good (definitely by now since it's been over 2 hours). How did it go? did you go to sleep or actually drive to school?
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Subreflex said:
You're a man of steel.

Personally, bupe dosen't mix AT ALL with any of the classics (booze, pot). :p

I think bupe blocks the 'good' effects of booze. And many others have confirmed this, but then again i've never liked drinking booze ever sense i started smokin the healing herb of the nations! GANJA cures ALL. DOWN WITH THE PHARMA COMPANIES!%)
I think i actually feel better on subs then i do on Hydrocodones, they just aren't stong enuff for me i guess.
Actually I am still feeling this shit, believe it or not. It had to of been less then 2mg because the remaining pieces aren't symmetrical. They are actually quite larger in proportion to the one I dissolved under my tongue. I felt great after about 45 minutes and still do, well not great right now, but I still feel it... It really is that strong eh? wow... this stuff seems great!! Any suggestions? Can you snort this?
how is bupe 30-50x stronger than morphine? That is pretty damn potent! I work in a pharmacy and I fill scripts for this girl that has to take 2.5 tablets (20mg) at a time, that is pretty f'in strong then... That is several hundred mg of hydrocodone... I gotta start reading this stuff page...
ThePharmacist25 said:
It lasts for up to 3days? WHAT! So I am going to feel like this for at least two days? WHOA

You'll feel the "after glow" probably for 20-30 hours after you dose.

Yes you can snort it.

Don't know why it's schedule III, probably because it's alot less "abusable" than other opioids, and most people don't get high from it anyway.

Bupe does not scale with other opiates like the charts say. Though, it's pretty potent shit. The morphine - bupe comparisons and stuff are there to show the amount needed to stifle withdrawal's of a particular opiate. (i think)

Okay, the afterglow eh? Yeah I have that going on, and I am feeling the euphoria from it... damn does that mean I am a newbie? I mean I know I am, but is tha what it represents? I hope this doesn't mess up my tolerance. 20mg of hydrocodone and I feel great.. Although I don't nod off or fall asleep really... Does that mean I am not reaching my full tolerance? I have a lot of reading to do..
ThePharmacist25 said:
Okay, the afterglow eh? Yeah I have that going on, and I am feeling the euphoria from it... damn does that mean I am a newbie? I mean I know I am, but is tha what it represents? I hope this doesn't mess up my tolerance. 20mg of hydrocodone and I feel great.. Although I don't nod off or fall asleep really... Does that mean I am not reaching my full tolerance? I have a lot of reading to do..

I'd just try to keep your dosing every 3 days and 1-2mg's at a time and you probably wont have your tolerance grow much, if at all.

I wanted to post about what sub WD's feel like. but i dont think it calls for a new thread so i will just post up in the mega thread.

Suboxone has been good to me. it helped me get off my opiate of choice. ( hydrocodone, black tar heroin)

I was not prescribed SUB, i was getting it from the street. the AVG price is 20-30 a pill. I played this game for 6 months almost. 1-2 mg a day depending on how i was feeling. not always having a consistent source. scared as shit that i would get sick without it.

Well i got a call from my "guy" saying that his supply of sub is now ENDLESS.

YES!!!!=D =D =D =D =D


i thought to myself. this will dry up one day. it always does. and will i be in the hole, deeper then i am now? wont it be harder to get off sub 2 years into it. then 6 months? common sense and pressure from my best friend lead me to make the decision that i wanted off sub. better now then ever. right? lol right?

i was taking 1-2 mg a day. for 6 months.

the last month i started lowering dosages, every so slowly. sometimes skipping days. my last final dose was a little under.5mg.....maybe even smaller.

day 1. High spirits. this doesn't seem so bad. but im not stupid. i figure this is due to suboxones very long half life. and right now. my body is running on that. i slept perfectly with some diphen...

day 2. I woke up feeling little slugish. but nothing severe. apatite was non existent but i forced food down, mild to low energy. but still very NORMAL. i knew that the roughness would come the next day. as if i were feeling sluggish right now. the bad shit was about to hit. slept fine with clonazepam(sp?)

day3. OMFG i wake up, and i cannot move. my back is stiffer then a porn stars dick. and i just absolutely FEEL LIKE SHIT. i knew this would be a bad day. i was EXTREMELY lethargic. like i had the worlds WORST flu. my mind was EXTREMELY foggy. and i was a dick, my attitude was bad. and my personality was on hold. this was not me. this was not the me that i was used to....but who did i even become? ugghh today sucked. i barley got through work (18hr shift)i came home. took 1mg clonazepam(sp) and i drank a small cup of hennessy. this made me feel EXCELLENT. like i was NORMAL. i had a nice but small meal. and i hit my bed.


i got ABSOLUTELY no sleep. tossing and turning. SEVERE BACK ACHE. anxiety. and just looking at the clock! why aren't the benzos working! ahhhh. i have to be at work in 5 hours, and work for 18 hours! this is gonna suck.

i tossed and turned and suffered from bad bad bad bad back pains.

and omg the FUCKING RLS! FUCK FUCK thats the worst part IMO.

day 4
today is bad. i have had no sleep. the back pains are HORRIBLE. and i have NO ENERGY. i have to be at work for 15 hours. this is going to suck.

EXTREMELY lethargic. muscle spasms. RLS RLS RLS RLS RLS RLS RLS like a motherfucker.

but i can tell im a little better then yesterday. maybe 5% better. but hey its still better!

I GOT SOME ZANAX for sleep tonight. the other shit wasn't cutting it. but half a zan bar put me OUT. i cannot wait to sleep!

i will report back tomorrow with the rest of the updates!


So i got home. fairly lethargic and tired from a VERY long day at work. with my meal, i took 1/2 bar of zanax (this would put me out for a day normally) and a small shot of hennessy.

ahhhh feeling good again.

as soon as i hit the bed. i was RIGHT WHERE i was yesterday! NO SLEEP RLS RLS RLS RLS RLS

i got in my bed at 11.45pm and i tossed and turned till 3 am. :-( with absolutely NO sleep.

at this point i had gotten fairly desperate and put the other 1/2 of zanax under my tongue, to let it dissolve and help me get to sleep. this was a move out of desperation.


SON OF A FUCKING BITCH. i was going insane. at a point. my legs were literally kicking. and the taste of the piece of shit zanax was fucking with my head.

i think around 6.45 am i nodded out. THANK god.


i woke up at 10.30 feeling much better then i had felt the day before. a little more energy. a little more apatite. i think i might be turning the tide. hopefully yesterday was the peak. or at least the end of the peak.

the only thing im feeling right now is MILD lower back pain, and chills and goose bumps. lets see how it goes.


i spent the day with my best friend. we smoked some CRAZY fuckin weed. got me higher then shit. took my mind off the WD. we went to ROSCOE'S CHICKEN AND WAFFLES in Hollywood. and i had my first huge meal in a while. 9 man that shit is SO good)

getting out and laughing helped a lot (thx bixzzay)

the day went much smoother. chills and major sweating was present. and just this constant ache in the lower back. i stayed home tonight and watched the UFC fight on TV. ( FUCK KIETH JARDEAN)

laying on my couch i noticed this very strange feeling in my legs. not RLS it was different. almost an itch. but it wasn't.

for sleep i took .25mg zanax 10mg ambien an 100mg diphendramine . this might sound like something in excess. but NOTHING was allowing me to sleep.


aching back. very mild, rls.


WOW i slept 13 hours and i woke up feeling like a new human being. i woke up with color in my skin. i still dont have an apatite. but its growing. i feel like a new person today. i feel waves of happiness come over me. i feel SEMI normal again. the BAD BAD part of the WD is gone. now it is time to start coping with the mental side.

this is for anyone who thinks they cant do it. YOU can. trust me you can. if i can do it you can! im no one special im a normal 24 y o guy who was sick of being a prisoner to a pill.

i HOPE this motivates you and helps you in any way. even just 1 person. then its worth it.

you can do it. you are strong enough.



play on playboy
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Damn, that scares me. I"m trying to get off sub, and Im worried what its going to be like.

Sorry if I missed this, but what dose were you at when you got off? Maybe you were still too high?

Im actually considering doing inpatient rehab soon so they can properly taper me off of the suboxone. I think its something I need to do.

Good luck, and let us know how things go.

EDIT - FUCK. I just seen you were taking 1 - 2mg a day, and then only .5mg right before you got off?? Dammit. I'm going to have to go to rehab. I cant do this on my own if it's going to be like you describe.
EnYAY, I see you double posted (probably on accident) so I unapproved the second post for you.
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