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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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iEatKusH4BFasT said:
So i have been off suboxone for a few days and have been using IV heroin. I am a vet at getting addicted to and kicking dope (been doing it for 8 years), but FUCK...i know about suboxone and the precipitated withdrawals, so i waited about 16-18 hours after my last shot of dope to take any subs. I waited til i was in full (or so i thought) withdrawals. I took about 6mg of suboxone sub lingually and about 20 minutes later i REALLY started getting sick. then i took about 4 more mg 2 hours later. That has been about 7 hours ago and i am still not feeling any better. I was just wondering, about how long do precipitated withdrawals last for most people? Am i just not taking enough? I do have a pretty nasty opiate tolerance...need some advice here.
You need to talk to your doctor. It could be precipated withdrawals. I dont know how long it will last, but I know the drug lasts up to 37 hours. Hang in there, they might pass soon. Don't think about doing H because suboxone has blocking effects that will cause worse withdrawals. Good luck!
william1985 said:
You need to talk to your doctor. It could be precipated withdrawals. I dont know how long it will last, but I know the drug lasts up to 37 hours. Hang in there, they might pass soon. Don't think about doing H because suboxone has blocking effects that will cause worse withdrawals. Good luck!

i dont get them from a doctor...i buy them from a friend. i know about the blocking effects, bro. i was referring more towards the half-life of the naloxone..i am pretty sure that is what is causing the withdrawals

thanks for trying to help, though. i wasnt trying to be a dick
Just read! Has to do with bupe and hydrocodone.

~Mods, please dont move this, because its about bupe and hydrocodone.~

Welp, Ive been on suboxone for pain management for a week. This is how I dosed:
Last Monday night: 4mg
Last Thursday night: 4mg
Saturday morning: 8mg
Sunday night: 10mg

First Question: Is this a good dose schedule? I typically wait until 37 hours is up before doing again for pain. Also, this drug does make me high. If I take the drug like I have been, will I still feel the effects or will they go away. How about withdrawals also?

Second Question: I havn't taken bupe since Monday night. I want to dose on my hydrocodone just to switch the pain meds up. Will the hydrocodone work even after the 37 hr. half life of bupe? I will take up to 10 7.5/750s if needed (please no APAP talk, because I know the CWE method). Also, is there a real cross tolerance between bupe and hydrocodone?

Thanks guys!

EDIT: Fixed dosing schedule.
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hey man i take bupe,well did. i hadnt take any in 2 months and ate one 8mg. n found out that after almost 3 days of my that dose. an 80 mg oxy was a waste i barely felt any signs of a high. the half life is way to long....

and you were takin it for 3 days before hand so that had built up in you also. and its only been a little over a day... lol
Srdopeman said:
hey man i take bupe,well did. i hadnt take any in 2 months and ate one 8mg. n found out that after almost 3 days of my that dose. an 80 mg oxy was a waste i barely felt any signs of a high. the half life is way to long....

and you were takin it for 3 days before hand so that had built up in you also. and its only been a little over a day... lol
I suck...i meant to say sunday night, not monday night. This is the amount of times TOTAL ive used bupe. Since my tolerance isnt all that high, would this matter at all?
dude the worse way to get sick is to eat some suboxone and then do opiates right after....you get violently ill...puke up shit u didnt even eat and turn white.....suboxone has saved my ass....I had just shot dope for the first time and realized I would be fucked if I kept that up.....it works wonders.
it doesnt matter really is these are the only times youve taken it. i would wait another 24 hours atleast, its only been a little more then one half life. so that shit is deff. still in your system at a moderate level... just dont wanna see u waste good drugs :)
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Srdopeman said:
sorry to break it to you man. the fastest way you might be able to get high is if you were Shootin opiates..

uhh... welcome... are you aware this is a harm reduction forum? 8)
Srdopeman said:
it doesnt matter really is these are the only times youve taken it. i would wait another 24 hours atleast, its only been a little more then one half life. so that shit is deff. still in your system at a moderate level... just dont wanna see u waste good drugs :)

sorry to break it to you man. the fastest way you might be able to get high is if you were Shootin opiates..
haha...:)... im not aiming at getting high. I have pain issues, so me getting high is a added benefit.

I need more opinions here!!!
it wasnt a suggestion at all. it was almost a fact. i dont support IV use because it can be very dangerous.

in all aspects FOR HARM REDUCTION i will edit it, ok?
I and others have experienced worse withdrawal from Buprenorphine than from Heroin or Methadone. Erowid used to have several such reports in the train wrecks section of the Bupe experience vault, they are no longer there as far as I know. Once dependant on Bupe after starting a maintanence regimine, so it goes, tapering down is very easy, easier on Bupe than any other Opioid. But going from any dose of Bupe, taken daily or every other day, is impossible. The withdrawal symptoms encompass the full range of Heroin acute withdrawals symptoms, felt in a similar intensity. The big difference though is the psychological aspect. Any opioid withdrawal produces severe despair, depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. From Bupe withdrawals, these symptoms were much more severe than from Heroin or Methadone. A mix between mania, paranoia, panic and suicidal despair on top of the physical withdrawal symptoms. Needless to say I and every other case of someone similar to mine went back on either Bupe, H or Methadone.

Could these more severe psychological withdrawal symptoms be linked to Buprenorphine's anti-depressant activity that is so often touted? Stopping SSRI/SNRI/MAOI/etc anti-depressants results in a horrible withdrawal syndrome, which horribly intense psychological symptoms. I believe this is the cause, once the anti-depressant function of Bupe is better understood so to will its role in the withdrawal syndrome.

Has anyone else experienced similar morbid withdrawals from Bupe?

Is that a plausible explanation?

I recall you asking about this on another thread. I know it was for pain management but I don't recall the specifics.

Anyway, you do not need to increase the amount of bupe like you've posted.
The lesser amount works better with bube and there is a thresh hold. You're just wasting it and if you are chasing a high it wont last for more than a few days.
getreal said:

I recall you asking about this on another thread. I know it was for pain management but I don't recall the specifics.

Anyway, you do not need to increase the amount of bupe like you've posted.
The lesser amount works better with bube and there is a thresh hold. You're just wasting it and if you are chasing a high it wont last for more than a few days.
Cool, you remember the thread. Im going to update it soon! But what I wanted to know if the bupe still has a blocking effect for other opiates after 48hrs of last dose???
^^ yes it will still be partially blocked. do you need the hydrocodone even with the bupe? i know you've got kidney pain though. is that an ongoing problem or can surgery remedy that? just interested
The only opiate that can cut through bupe in a short amout of time is something like heroin, and then shooting it is your best bet to feel it :\ , any other ROA is a waste. Pills wont cut through bupe, especialy vicodin.
william1985 said:

Anyone else have an opinion on this matter?
Why would you bump a thread after 17 minutes? 8(

Anyway, give it 48 hours after the suboxone to make sure you don't waste the hydros
johanneschimpo said:
Why would you bump a thread after 17 minutes? 8(

Anyway, give it 48 hours after the suboxone to make sure you don't waste the hydros
Sorry, I was in a hurry. Its been 48 hours since last dose and hydrocodone is working.

Thanks guys!
Heres a side question:
What if i take 100mg of tramadol right now? Will this help at all with the hydrocodone, after taking it an hour ago?
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