• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Suboxone appt. tom

prescribing me 8mg of sub once per day.

I'm happy you were able to get a prescription. Sorry to hear you experienced some nausea. I'm curious if this has continued. You mention "sub" yet in a subsequent post you speak of a "pill." Technically Suboxone (trade name) comes in the form of an orange film, taken sublingually. Its active ingredients are buprenorphine and naloxone. Subutex is an oval white sublingual tablet. Its active ingredient is exclusively buprenorphine. Which are you prescribed, if either? I ask for a reason.

My hope is that the nausea is not connected at all with your medication.

When I first began taking Suboxone, side effects were limited to profuse sweating. I'd wake in the night and my shirt would be soaked through, necessitating a change. The intensity subsided over a few days and it has been smooth sailing since.

I, like Toothpaste, am curious if your doctor mentioned, suggested, required, any type of counseling, concurrent with the use of the medication.

Finally, I suggest that you give the last sentence of jdfisse's above post some serious consideration (I credit jdfisse's use of the word "may" in that sentence, by the way, as it demonstrates jdfisse's recognition that no two people experience recovery, or active addiction, identically in every respect). While I've no hard data to point to, I'm sure treatment outcomes are far better when buprenorphine is combined with counseling and psychosocial support.