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Suboxone and Cross Tolerance


Sep 5, 2010
I posted about this last month, but didn't get a response. Since I find it interesting, I thought I would throw it out again.

O.K Been on high dose OC (400-600mg/daily)for years. The reason for the range, is that my script only last for 2 weeks, approximately. So I have started switching to subs., when I run out. The firsts 4-5 days after the switch are VERY unpleasant. Major shits, night sweats, etc. But no where like as bad as CT WDs from OC. And when I finally get adjusted, I make out great.

I have determined that I need 2mg/day of subs. to prevent WDs. The funny thing is this. When I received my OC script last month, I promptly railed like 90mg of the Oxy. And to my surprise, it knocked me on my ass. Couldn't believe it, really. I mean I am used to railing around 150-200mg at a time and not feel a damn thing. So I was surprised, to say the least. But over the next few days, I quickly increased my doses, and after 2 weeks, I had ran out again, and also no longer caught any buzz, either.

So, this month, I have tried a little something different. I am hoping to keep my tolerance down, so when I received my Oxy, I just took a 15mg/orally. While I didn't feel anything, it did stop the WDs, cold! Last night, I railed like 45mg, and once again, caught a small buzz. Nothing major, but fun none the less.

So do you think if I manage to take like 15mg at a time, I'll be able to keep a reasonable tolerance? I mean, I know it must be cross tolerance, but I don't know if you can continue a lower dose, right on and on. These days, I'm not really trying to catch a buzz off OC, just keep the WDs at bay. I want to quit completely, but am not mentally strong enough to go through a CT Oxy. WD, at this time.

At any rate, I thought I would throw this out.

u have a large tolerance...why are u snorting?

just pop it, ur wasting too much by puttin it up ur nose

i understand that some people enjoy and are addicted to the fact of snorting but orally oxy is SO much better, especially for someone who is an addict

if u truly want to stop OC, get on the sub like u usualy do and stay on it

if u keep getting a script ur just gona keep using

i used to use a shit load and even way more than u, i had a script too.
it wasnt til i relized i needa quite to live a real life, i weaned down from the OC to about 270mgs and told my Dr. to cut me off and put me on bupe
u have a large tolerance...why are u snorting?

just pop it, ur wasting too much by puttin it up ur nose

i understand that some people enjoy and are addicted to the fact of snorting but orally oxy is SO much better, especially for someone who is an addict

if u truly want to stop OC, get on the sub like u usualy do and stay on it

if u keep getting a script ur just gona keep using

i used to use a shit load and even way more than u, i had a script too.
it wasnt til i relized i needa quite to live a real life, i weaned down from the OC to about 270mgs and told my Dr. to cut me off and put me on bupe

I probably am addicted to the snorting itself. Even knowing OC is better orally, I catch myself wanting to rail, it's crazy.

I am not crazy about the fact, of stayiing on subs. I simply don't believe I could come off it. I mean an Oxy. CT WD is about all I can stand. And I feel the subs. would be much worse.

On the positive side, today I have been just fine on 60mg OC. So if I can stay here, or even drop a little, I think I may have a better chance of handling WDs and even staying off.

Yeah, I know I can't have any around. That's what derailed 8 days clean back in Feb. Honestly, I really doubt I ever will be clean. Sad.

yo bro, if your still getting sick after taking the bupe, try a higher dose for the first few days untill you adjust.

then get nice and cozy on 2mg, this should eliminate the shits and other WD symptoms....
yo bro, if your still getting sick after taking the bupe, try a higher dose for the first few days untill you adjust.

then get nice and cozy on 2mg, this should eliminate the shits and other WD symptoms....

I agree, that SHOULD work, but it don't. I have tried every combination, under the sun while transferring to subs. And I have come to the conclusion that no matter what, it's going to hurt. The first day/night isn't that bad. But days 2-4 sucks. I drown in sweat at nights. I mean soak my sheets. But I do sleep, which I DON'T while clucking from OC. But during the days, other than the runs, I at least can function pretty well, unlike OC WDs
Seems like what I have read about subs, really don't apply to me. I don't understand. But after the week "transition" I really do well on subs. It's the closest to feeling "clean" that I have experienced.
I am coming to the conclusion that staying on subs. may really be the best I can hope for. And i'm leaning more and more to that route. Thanks for suggestion, though.:)

lol stag.... he said hes fine at 2mg, why would he take 8mg?

u dont need sub, since u say its just about what u can handle

u should wean from the oxy, i hear its easier than sub

im on sub myself, trying to wean, it aint easy, more annoying than anything, i just wanna be dun
I posted about this last month, but didn't get a response. Since I find it interesting, I thought I would throw it out again.

O.K Been on high dose OC (400-600mg/daily)for years. The reason for the range, is that my script only last for 2 weeks, approximately. So I have started switching to subs., when I run out. The firsts 4-5 days after the switch are VERY unpleasant. Major shits, night sweats, etc. But no where like as bad as CT WDs from OC. And when I finally get adjusted, I make out great.

I have determined that I need 2mg/day of subs. to prevent WDs. The funny thing is this. When I received my OC script last month, I promptly railed like 90mg of the Oxy. And to my surprise, it knocked me on my ass. Couldn't believe it, really. I mean I am used to railing around 150-200mg at a time and not feel a damn thing. So I was surprised, to say the least. But over the next few days, I quickly increased my doses, and after 2 weeks, I had ran out again, and also no longer caught any buzz, either.

So, this month, I have tried a little something different. I am hoping to keep my tolerance down, so when I received my Oxy, I just took a 15mg/orally. While I didn't feel anything, it did stop the WDs, cold! Last night, I railed like 45mg, and once again, caught a small buzz. Nothing major, but fun none the less.

So do you think if I manage to take like 15mg at a time, I'll be able to keep a reasonable tolerance? I mean, I know it must be cross tolerance, but I don't know if you can continue a lower dose, right on and on. These days, I'm not really trying to catch a buzz off OC, just keep the WDs at bay. I want to quit completely, but am not mentally strong enough to go through a CT Oxy. WD, at this time.
At any rate, I thought I would throw this out.


If you say you arent using the oxy to get high, and you are only trying to feel normal, and you have access to suboxone, why not just strictly stay on suboxone maintanence? Quit the oxy alltogether and get on the subs....that sounds to me like your best option. you wont have to deal with the withdrawals that come with oxy and you will be able to live a more normal and happy life.

Also.....the reason you are able to get high off of smaller than normal dosages of oxy after you get back on the oxy after using subs is because while you were on the suboxone, your tolerance to opiates drops, because 2mg's of suboxone is no where near as potent as 600mg's of oxy, so your tolerance is given a little break, allowing it to lower and when you finally get back on the oxy again, you can get higher off of smaller amounts because of your lowered tolerance. The longer you stay on that low dose of suboxone, the lower your tolerance will go as well.
ah pill popping animal..... he said he was still sick.......i was trying to help.... and in fact he had already tried my idea, because it was correct......

just because hes fine on 2mg once hes adjusted, doesnt mean he wont need more in the start....he was still suffering WD symptoms bro..... in theory that means he needs more....
If you say you arent using the oxy to get high, and you are only trying to feel normal, and you have access to suboxone, why not just strictly stay on suboxone maintanence? Quit the oxy alltogether and get on the subs....that sounds to me like your best option. you wont have to deal with the withdrawals that come with oxy and you will be able to live a more normal and happy life.

Also.....the reason you are able to get high off of smaller than normal dosages of oxy after you get back on the oxy after using subs is because while you were on the suboxone, your tolerance to opiates drops, because 2mg's of suboxone is no where near as potent as 600mg's of oxy, so your tolerance is given a little break, allowing it to lower and when you finally get back on the oxy again, you can get higher off of smaller amounts because of your lowered tolerance. The longer you stay on that low dose of suboxone, the lower your tolerance will go as well.

The Suboxone maintenance is beginning to appear the best option to me, also. I guess I have always fought to stay off subs, mainly because I felt they would be so tough to WD from. But now I am starting to take the position that I just may have to stay on 'em, perhaps a lifetime.
Of the two, I WOULD prefer to be on subs, compared to OC. I can think so much clearer than with Oxy. So this is probably the best route, for me.

As for the drop in tolerance, keep this in mind. I only have stayed on the subs. for 1-2 weeks, just until I could obtain a new OC script fill. Due to such short term and the large, apparent drop in tolerance, I figured a cross tolerance issue must have came into play.
When I WD'ed from OC back in Feb., I was clean for 8 days. And at the end, I don't think my tolerance changed one bit.

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I've come to the conclusion that I overall feel much better when I just stay on subs, I used to prefer poppy pods, then heroin, after awhile daily use of either of these drugs just made me depressed.

I fucked up yesterday and bought a half gram of black tar (someone called me with a good deal and I couldn't resist) and smoked it all last night, it got me really high but overall I realized I feel better on subs. I woke up this morning feeling like shit and I'm only now starting to feel better after about 8mgs of sub, I usually don't need that much.

So my advice would be to just stay on the subs, once you get to the point where you are only using your opiate of choice to feel well I think subs are a better and potentially less expensive option. Especially since they work for you once you're stabilized.
ah pill popping animal..... he said he was still sick.......i was trying to help.... and in fact he had already tried my idea, because it was correct......

just because hes fine on 2mg once hes adjusted, doesnt mean he wont need more in the start....he was still suffering WD symptoms bro..... in theory that means he needs more....

lol , im on suboxone man, and i fucking hate it, i want off so badley but its so annoying to wean down and not be able to sleep

i started at too high of a dose and regret it...thats why i hate when people say to up the sub dosage when they can just get used to the low dose