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Harm Reduction Suboxone and Bromazolam?


Apr 29, 2012
So I kinda fucked up. I decided it was a good idea to do meth all yesterday and last night, and I have work later today. It's already 9am and I'm all out of speed, so just doing more to get through the day is not an option.

I basically need to get to sleep ASAP. All I have as a knock out med are 2 .66mg bromazolam gummies. I'm on 8mg suboxone a day. I know it's a bad combo on paper, but I know people mix benzos and opioids all the time with no issue. My ex is on the highest suboxone dose that can be prescribed and last time I saw her she was also on 30mg of etizolan, so I feel like I'd be fine
I think you will be okay as well. It's kind of an emergency because unless you can do your shift on no sleep you need something. People take opioids and benzos together all the time. Key is to just keep the dose low enough to get some sleep. And this sounds like it might be a one time thing and you don't do it all the time.

I used to work in a factory and a lot of the workers were on meth. They would party all night and then run out and the next morning they were all huddled in the corner getting more meth from their " guy " to make it through the day. Then they would hop on their forklifts and get that shit loaded into the trucks. When they weren't hitting the sprinkler heads, that is.

Good luck. You should be okay. Worst case scenario is you take a sick day and recover. Not sure whether you can call in or not but it's an option if you don't think you can do your job safely. Lack of sleep and still a bit stimmed out can make us pretty ineffective sometimes.
I think you will be okay as well. It's kind of an emergency because unless you can do your shift on no sleep you need something. People take opioids and benzos together all the time. Key is to just keep the dose low enough to get some sleep. And this sounds like it might be a one time thing and you don't do it all the time.

I used to work in a factory and a lot of the workers were on meth. They would party all night and then run out and the next morning they were all huddled in the corner getting more meth from their " guy " to make it through the day. Then they would hop on their forklifts and get that shit loaded into the trucks. When they weren't hitting the sprinkler heads, that is.

Good luck. You should be okay. Worst case scenario is you take a sick day and recover. Not sure whether you can call in or not but it's an option if you don't think you can do your job safely. Lack of sleep and still a bit stimmed out can make us pretty ineffective sometimes.
Awesome! I appreciate it! I also witnessed my ex consume copious amounts of Xanax while shooting up heroin. I'm sure I'm just being extra careful, which isn't a bad thing I guess. I did decide to go ahead with the bromazolam, but.im taking it super slow. Just had a tiny little piece of the gummy.
Still, I don't know if I'm freaking myself out, but I do feel like I'm noticing some respiratory depression.

It's definitely not something that I do often. I used to be a hard core stimulant addict with meth being my DOC. It been almost 5 years since I've had any that was in a pressed pull. It's also been a few years since I've had any benzos.

I mean I CAN call out if need be but I'd rather avoid it. I'm a cook and I'm scheduled to close the restaurant today. I would be more willing to call out, but 3 coworkers have taken the day off so they kind of need me today. Plus I called out yesterday because I decided to get high instead. Worst case scenario is I can pretend that I'm actually sick and the managers can figure some out.

I do have some 4-FMA, but im not sure how it'd be in this scenario. I've never tried it. I also have 4-me-tmp but that shit makes me feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack with a full night of sleep and no other stims in my system, so I won't be doing that
Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it. Not real sure you have any respiratory depression going on it's probably just you are worried about it. Yeah, I used to watch people push the envelope all the time with mixing drugs and they all made it out okay. Once in a blue moon is fine........just can't be doing it all the time.

Guess you will decide when it's time to get serious about work / no work. If we don't need the $$ it's usually easy to just call in. It's when we think of the 8 hour decrease in pay on our next check that we decide to tough it out and go in. If nothing else it will make you think twice before you stay up all night knowing you have to work the next day.
Yeah I decided to call out of work. I feel bad about it because they're so short staffed but what can ya do? I'll definitely think twice about staying up all night on a work day again. Ended up not getting any sleep, and I haven't eaten since I took the first hit of meth I don't think. It's gonna be 102 degrees F today and I work in a hot kitchen, so it feels safer to stay home.

I knew it was a mistake to pick up the speed. I was very heavily addicted to it from the ages of 18 - 25. I just needed to remember what it felt like. Hopefully I can resist the urge to get more. The side effects just aren't worth it
All I can add is that bromazolam is a lot heavier (in my experience) on the CNS than aprazolam. There are also muscle relaxing properties with brom and for me pain relief so just be careful with brom and opioids for reals.
Best wishes
Yeah I decided to call out of work. I feel bad about it because they're so short staffed but what can ya do? I'll definitely think twice about staying up all night on a work day again. Ended up not getting any sleep, and I haven't eaten since I took the first hit of meth I don't think. It's gonna be 102 degrees F today and I work in a hot kitchen, so it feels safer to stay home.

I knew it was a mistake to pick up the speed. I was very heavily addicted to it from the ages of 18 - 25. I just needed to remember what it felt like. Hopefully I can resist the urge to get more. The side effects just aren't worth it
Glad you were able to call off. Sometimes that's the best move when you're running on nothing.

In answer to your original question, I wouldn't be too super worried about mixing 1.2mg bromazolam with your daily Suboxone. You obviously have a tolerance to the Suboxone, and 1.2mg is a pretty standard, smallish dose of bromazolam. Just don't increase the dose of either.
All I can add is that bromazolam is a lot heavier (in my experience) on the CNS than aprazolam. There are also muscle relaxing properties with brom and for me pain relief so just be careful with brom and opioids for reals.
Best wishes
I definitely felt that! I took about .3mg of it to finally get to sleep and was caught off guard by how sedating it was, and I do feel like I felt some noticeable CNS depression. It has been a while since I've had a benzo, but I imagine if I took over 1mg of bromazolam that I would be knocked out within 30 minutes. I was surprised when I saw that common doses are listed around 2-4mg

Glad you were able to call off. Sometimes that's the best move when you're running on nothing.

In answer to your original question, I wouldn't be too super worried about mixing 1.2mg bromazolam with your daily Suboxone. You obviously have a tolerance to the Suboxone, and 1.2mg is a pretty standard, smallish dose of bromazolam. Just don't increase the dose of either.
Yeah I ended up mixing them just fine. I ended up just needing about .3mg of bromazolam to get to sleep after being up for 2 days.

So now I have 1.5 gummies left over. I hope that I can save them for am emergency. I've gotten a few DOx I've been wanting to try, but the last psychedelic amphetamine that I had was DOM and I had a very intense trip at 2mg. It was the only trip I've had in my life that I'd consider to be a truly bad trip. There were some good parts but the bad 1-2 hours were rather traumatic. So long story short, I'm too afraid to dose a psychedelic amphetamine without a benzo on hand. Alas I am a recovering benzo addict and can't really keep them on hand. This bromazolam is the first I've had in over a year since I had to go to detox for Clonazolam
Well tonight I took some 3-HO-PCP along with my 2mg of Buprenorphine. It's 8am and still can't sleep so I ate the other .3mg of bromazolam. I am currently freaking myself out that the 3-HO-PCP is going to throw me into OD territory, even though it's been 6 hours since I've had any and my doses of both bromaz and bupe were low. I guess it's the supposed opioid effects that 3-HO-PCP has that freaks me out but logically I know that the bupe would block that effect.

I fucking hate that I freak myself out so easily. I guess I probably shouldn't be mixing drugs that I'm not comfortable with. I survived basically the same combo last night but I'm still convinced that I over did it. Hopefully my ass gets knocked out soon. It sucks taking an anti-anxiety medication and then having an anxiety attack because of it
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I was surprised when I saw that common doses are listed around 2-4mg
I would imagine this depends on purity of product, ya know? Also tolerance after a while builds but IME that CNS and muscle relaxing properties does not.
No freakin way I could dose 2-4mg of what I have without passing out for a day or so. What I do like is that when the eyes close after a dose of bromazolam (if ya let them) ya come back after a few minutes or an hour and the anxiolitic properties are still there and so are the muscle relaxation but sleepy-time can be ignored and can function as "normal".
Brom mixed with any opioid or other depressant I would strongly not recommend 10/10.
Yeah, though, I still get relief from physical and some relief from mental "issues" at .25mg bromazolam after over a month of an ongoing "experiment".
This product really blows my mind it has also almost got me to give up smoking cigs. lol Just cant be bothered with them sometimes.
Coffee, brom and cigs are my only "uses" these days and the brmzlm dose is .25 AM and .25 PM roughly 12 hours apart in doses.
Be super careful with this, please. <3
I would imagine this depends on purity of product, ya know? Also tolerance after a while builds but IME that CNS and muscle relaxing properties does not.
No freakin way I could dose 2-4mg of what I have without passing out for a day or so. What I do like is that when the eyes close after a dose of bromazolam (if ya let them) ya come back after a few minutes or an hour and the anxiolitic properties are still there and so are the muscle relaxation but sleepy-time can be ignored and can function as "normal".
Brom mixed with any opioid or other depressant I would strongly not recommend 10/10.
Yeah, though, I still get relief from physical and some relief from mental "issues" at .25mg bromazolam after over a month of an ongoing "experiment".
This product really blows my mind it has also almost got me to give up smoking cigs. lol Just cant be bothered with them sometimes.
Coffee, brom and cigs are my only "uses" these days and the brmzlm dose is .25 AM and .25 PM roughly 12 hours apart in doses.
Be super careful with this, please. <3
It's awesome that it was able to help you quit smoking! That is one thing I like about Bromazolam. Even at the tiniest dose, like less than .2mg, there was an irresistible urge to close my eyes. It is insanely sedating.

Luckily I survived last night. I only picked up the bromazolam to help me come down from the Meth. It's stronger than I expected from reading dosages online, so I still have one .66mg dose. I'm going to try my best to save it for if I ever need it when using psychedelics.

I've been physically addicted to benzos multiple times over the years, and a little over a year ago had to go to detox to get off of Clonazolam, which was the last time that I had a benzo up until now. I've been addicted to everything you can think of basically; opioids, benzos, meth, coke, PVs, dissociatives, phenibut, cannabanoids, SSRIs. There is no such thing as a pleasant WD. By far the WD that I would most like to avoid for the rest of my life is benzo WD. It's very manageable with a successful taper, but that's very hard to pull off without medical assistance if you're someone like me who compulsively uses anything and everything. I'm really gonna try my best not to pick up any more benzos or stimulants for that matter after this experience