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Sublingual Ecstasy

There is not going to be any scientific studies done on how long an MDMA pill takes to absorb under your tongue. You might have to perform these tests yourself. Obviously the longer you keep it there the more will absorb so just go as long as you can bare it. If it all dissapears you can probably assume you've got most of it, note how long it took and report back ;)
Hehe I meant for sublingual ingestion generally but I guess it'd all be different hey! Looks like I will be the guinea pig, not planning on taking for a while but I will let you know in a few weeks :)
If stuffing pills under your tougue or plugging them is too much of hassle for you....

.....just fuck'in grab a capsule and empty it if its a something else, crush up the pill and chuck back into the empty capsule, and parachute it. If anyone here don't know what parachute means, there's the search tool to guide you to the right direction for more information ;)

Some cases it gave me a crazy dynmite effect, especially when I capsuled these crazy original beige A's pingers after serveal months break back in 2003... think it was after 4 or 6 months break. Will never forget these MD** induced halluications.

Some inexpereinced users *may* find the effects too over-whelming.
Thats a great way to make a pill kick in harder and faster but it will also send a big concentrated dose straight to the stomach which is exactly what the original poster is trying to avoid.
MDMA is quite caustic enough to cause damage to teeth or mucous membranes by itself, without any other adulterants. This is evidenced by the irritation and ulceration of tongue, gums, nasal passages etc. However in the rectum there should be sufficient moisture to avoid any serious problems.
As for plugging, alot of the problem is in the lower intestine so its probably the worst option.
I disagree with this statement in principle. If you plug a pill, it will go NOWHERE near your lower intestine. (Unless you do some kind of serious physical damage by using a tool/pole to insert it).

(NB: There are usually three, sometimes four, Houston’s valves. REF)

This administration route (plugging) has nothing at all to do with the intestines, the absortion occurs directly into the bloodstream through the wall of the rectum. This avoids the so-called 'first-pass' of the drug through the liver (which is the case when drugs are swallowed and absorbed in the GI tract), leading to higher concentration of drug in the blood, and hence brain.

From the Merck Manual - Drugs - Administration and Kinetics:
Sublingual Route: A few drugs are placed under the tongue (taken sublingually) so that they can be absorbed directly into the small blood vessels that lie beneath the tongue. The sublingual route is especially good for nitroglycerin — which is used to relieve angina (chest pain due to an inadequate blood supply to the heart muscle) —because absorption is rapid and the drug immediately enters the bloodstream without first passing through the intestinal wall and liver. However, most drugs cannot be taken this way because they may be absorbed incompletely or erratically.


Rectal Route: Many drugs that are administered orally can also be administered rectally as a suppository. In this form, a drug is mixed with a waxy substance that dissolves or liquefies after it is inserted into the rectum. Because the rectum's wall is thin and its blood supply rich, the drug is readily absorbed. A suppository is prescribed for people who cannot take a drug orally because they have nausea, cannot swallow, or have restrictions on eating, as is required after many surgical operations.
BigTrancer :)
has anyone tried crushing it up and putting it in food? does this help with taste? is dropping with food a good idea?
Indeed thanks for the information BT, tis food for thought

^^ As for your question atomicbomb, taking e directly with food is not a great idea as it can lengthen onset time and dull effects as the pill is absorbed with all the food as well.

However, eating food a few hours b4 dropping is a good idea in terms of feeling better the next day as it'll help with all the energy you'll burn in the night. So in answer I wouldnt eat as you take the pill, however you may want to parachute the pill to help with the taste. Do a search on 'parachuting' and you'll find your answers about what this is.
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I took half a pill on the weekend. It was a Blue Armani from here in Sydney. I had to bite it in half so it kind of broke into a couple of pieces that I held under my toungue. If was pretty bitter but I handled it okay. After a couple of minutes probably no more that 5mins is had all dissolved. Some also of course gets swallowed becase no matter how hard I held my tongue down there was still saliva being produced and I was swallowing it.

I seemed to feel slightly relaxed, calm and having nice kinda empathetic chatting immidiately after. This could well have been just psychsomatic... (ie. just all in my head) The effects of this pill was quite weak and most of the effects I felt coming on in the usual 40 or so minutes. It was quite an up/down night for me on this half a pill wich strongly makes me think it was an underdose plus also my tolerance is building. I got the depressing come up feeling but It was weak and I never reached a peak. Roughly two hours later I started to feel happier but much of the night was an effort as I felt pretty depressed. I did test these pills with my test kit using Marquis, Mandelin, Simons and Robadope. They were dark purple, dark purple, royal blue, and very dark reddish specs. I'm guessing it's a weak dose of MDMA with a small ammount of MDA.

However, most drugs cannot be taken this way because they may be absorbed incompletely or erratically.

I don't know if this statement means that if the drug is incompletely or erratically absorbed that the rest would be absorbed by the stomach and then result in sublingually being similar to orally or more erratic/irregular that orally or what the hell it exactly means. My opinion now after trying this method is that it didn't seem to be anything stronger than oral and I am guessing if maybe it made it more erratic or more weak. Anyway I don't think it was worth the bother or the taste... However I didn't get any ulsers or irritation wich is ok.
my suggestion: Get ur hands on the purest mdma crystal possible. (not powder, crystal so u know it aint cut to the bullshit)

I found when I had access to very pure crystals, it would dissolve on ur tongue near instantly, and NO, never had problems with ulcers at all with good clean crystal M so maybe pills do have other bs in em to make it so sucky for sublingual use.

Peace Out
I usually do my pills this way, and it take between 5 - 10 minutes to dissolved and another 5 or so to absorb, at first the taste is terrible, but now, I've grown to like it.

Just make sure you've got a drink to have with it to begin with.
Just wanted to give a litte update... A few weeks ago I tried sublingually taking a descent pill.. (ie the Blue Armani's mentioned above, all my freinds will agree are shit... weak as piss) So anyway this time around I took one of those speckled orange pills with an outline of an apple pressed into it that have been going around Sydney... the look in the same line as the dolphins/birds/butterflies. So needless to say these pills are quite bitter. So I hold it under my tongue and yeah it tastes pretty nasty but nothing I'm not used to... then it starts burning. I hold, hold, hold and like 10mins later it's still burning. I think that its still not dissolved but I check under my tongue and realise that its all gone... it's just burned under my tongue so much that it still stings.

I feel the usual MDMA effects come on in around 40mins. I got hit pretty darn nice. On the most intence bit of the peak (15mins or so) It sure did feel pretty strong. It then leveled out a little and for the next few hours I was rolling nicely and just felt great. I felt very relaxed, peaceful and also quite sleepy. My friend also took the same kind of pill but he just swallowed. I don't think he was hit quite as much but he does take pills more often than I do, he was still feeling it pretty good. So my opinion now is I think sublingually works maybe to make the experience a bit stronger than swallowing. I couldn't see myself doing this on everypill if I was taking like 3 over the course of the night thought as I think it would just be too pain full and probably make ulsers under my tongue.

Oh and I something else I thought was a bit weird... this time I drank a little alcohol as I was waiting for the pill to come on. I realised when it hit and I was in the most intence part of the peak I was quite sleepy and realised when I was talking I was even slurring my speach! I felt like I just couldn't be fucked to talk properly as I felt too relaxed. I'm guessing this is from the little bit of alcohol I drank? I've tripple dropped before and really had some intence peaks (not with alcohol) but I never remeber slurring my speach...
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I dont usually have any alcohol when i drop, but sometimes when im rolling along nicely i sometimes slur my speech, this only happens though when the pill is quite strong like you mentioned with the orange apple. it does sort of feel like being drunk because of the sleepy feeling with good MDMA pills
Man, If you can keep a pill under your tounge for more than a minute without being sick your doing well!!!
BigTrancer said:
...the absortion occurs directly into the bloodstream through the wall of the rectum. This avoids the so-called 'first-pass' of the drug through the liver (which is the case when drugs are swallowed and absorbed in the GI tract), leading to higher concentration of drug in the blood, and hence brain.

Incorrect there, almost the entire digestive tract feeds into the hepatic portal vein, leading to first-pass metabolism.

Image stolen from wikipedia, who in turn, stole it from Gray's Anatomy.
^"almost" is the key word there. There are three main veins that draw material from the bottom of the rectum - only one of them feeds into the portal vein, and the other 2 go straight to your heart (hey - reminds me of a loop song... but I digress). So plug away...

btw - you can search Gray's anatomy on www.bartleby.com
could you break up a pill and sublingual it bit by bit, in order to make it more bearable and releive your tounge to try to minimise the dammage of possible ulcers.

btw doesnt plugging often result in u shitting which with an already irritated stomach be undestrable?