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Stupid things drug users say?

oh god you have opened up my world!!! Now keep in mind I was a teenager for most of this.....

"I can sell 8ths two a few friends, its never gunna bother the police"
" Oh don't worry there my parents they dont even take them'
"Im not making any money off of this it is just a favor"
"Dude if it doesn't sell my paycheck is coming up ill pay dude out of that"
"If you can order it on the clearnet it is legal"
" I sware that scale was sketch"
"ill be over with xyz in an hour (sick), more like 8 hours and an attitude"
"oh was I suppose to bring the paraphenalia"
"cmon over but we have to hide in a parked car os some ish

neone else
"I knew this guy whose cousin took too much acid and thought he was a glass of orange juice. If you touch him, he thinks he will spill and have a heart attack and die".

I guess that's more something said *about* drug users, but I've mostly heard it from people who are drug users... and from urban legends going all the way back to the Blue Star Tattoo days...


"I'll get clean tomorrow" - said by yungdanamine during the heroin years, quite often.
"I'll go back to the pawn shop and get my item next time I get paid"

"I'm pretty high right now, but I'd feel even more amazing if I took more"

"I need to do some uppers to counteract the downers so I can balance out"
"I feel crappy after doing meth for 4 days, drinking cola and black coffee, and feel like shit. It must be because I'm running out of dopamine."
"You have to exhale meth smoke immediately or it grows crystals in your lungs"
"[dealer] has the best dope, there's no fentanyl or benzos in it"
"This massive abscess on my arm from injecting random shit I've left untreated for a week is fine, I drained it with a kitchen knife the other day, and a doctor saw it and said it was OK"
"I feel crappy after doing meth for 4 days, drinking cola and black coffee, and feel like shit. It must be because I'm running out of dopamine."
"You have to exhale meth smoke immediately or it grows crystals in your lungs"
"[dealer] has the best dope, there's no fentanyl or benzos in it"
"This massive abscess on my arm from injecting random shit I've left untreated for a week is fine, I drained it with a kitchen knife the other day, and a doctor saw it and said it was OK"
Wasn't there a poster recently who was REALLY CERTAIN that there was meth in his air conditioning vents because he was smoking it in his car and crystals were starting to grow in his eyes

I remember this kid who would never finish his cigarette, he would toss it after smoking 2/3rds, because "my uncle told me the bottom part is what gives you cancer".

Also knew this other kid who would spit on the ground after every single drag of a cigarette... because he said he didn't like how they tasted. Dude smoked like a pack per day too lol.
starts coughing from weed – “this is some good shit”

“this speed ain’t that good as it doesn’t make my girl horny” – yeah, sure it isn’t you that’s problem
"I knew this guy whose cousin took too much acid and thought he was a glass of orange juice. If you touch him, he thinks he will spill and have a heart attack and die".
In my high school we heard a variation of this. In our version the acidhead thought he was an orange and he was afraid people wanted to squeeze him into juice.

But wait! There's more!....

He was in a mental institution (of course) and kept asking for a magic marker. They finally gave him one and he immediately wrote SUNKIST across his chest.
(I think they use stickers now but in the 70s it was food-grade ink stamped directly on the orange)

I'm kinda fascinated with urban legends and I'm always curious about their origins. The fact that these "crazy acidhead" stories involve oranges and/or orange juice makes me wonder how they got started. Y'all reckon Orange Sunshine had something to do with it?
People who are like "ugh I hate druggies" while they pop oxy and adderall, smoke cigarettes and glug wine every night are a special breed of cunt I cannot tolerate
Punjabi old fucking men been addicted to poppy pods for years talk shit about heroin addicts calling them amli they soon want pregabalin from me when trying to quit got loa of with pregabs . I always tell them your the same
-Triple stack ecstasy
-Double drop acid
-The resin that gets caught on the pipe is hash.
Me too, and did you know, I live in Antwerp where since some yrs now have the highest quality coke in the world besides countries of origin with an average purity of 76% and still this coke is not the same anymore as in the past, it lacks certain things...
U needa go on holiday to cusco, ull be surprised from what u can score with 10 bucks. Just hope u don't end up like so many gringos homeless on the streets, delusional from too much piping.
People who are like "ugh I hate druggies" while they pop oxy and adderall, smoke cigarettes and glug wine every night are a special breed of cunt I cannot tolerate
A few years ago old-timers in AA would say things.like I never.put any kind of mood-altering substance in my body while they gobbled donuts, chugged coffee, and chain-smoked cigarettes.
These were the same sort of folks who would advise newbies to stop taking their psych meds.

Fortunately, you don't hear that garbage anymore.