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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Stupid movie plots that irritate you, please share them here

i'm not a fan of the "black woman with ATTITUDE" plot or character that is in many a movie and tv show. 8(
^^ hehe

another one: the villain completely confesses everything he did, why and how, to the hero, and of course the hero manages to escape .. :X
The number one romantic movie cliche:

--Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall in love. Boy and girl have a falling out. Girl and boy depressed. Boy or girl decide to go somewhere far away. Boy or girl change their mind at the last minute, and chase the other person down. Boy and girl meet in the airport / busport / bus stop / train station, etc., etc., realize they loved each other all along, and kiss. Either:

--everyone else (all complete strangers) smiles at them.
--everyone else starts clapping

--(begin sappy '80s or '90s love ballad as credits roll)
randycaver said:
^^ hehe

another one: the villain completely confesses everything he did, why and how, to the hero, and of course the hero manages to escape .. :X

"Do you expect me to talk?"

"No Mr Bond. I expect you to die!"
michael said:
for some reason i feel it's important here to interject that mississippi burning (which i haven't seen in years) is based on a true story.

True BUT a lot of it was fictionalized & there was NO development of the black characters. These crimes happened TO black people fercrissakes & all the filmmakers could do was focus on the whites!! MISSISSIPPI BURNING made the whole thing to be about the nice white people vs the bad white people with no thought to the victims of rascism. Back in the late 1970s there was a TV miniseries called ATTACK ON TERROR: THE FBI VS THE KKK which starred Wayne "Trapper John" Rogers which told the same story & told it from EVERYONE"S perspective. When a movie is trumped by a 1970s miniseries you know its in trouble.
you're right, parts of it were fictionalized. the fbi didn't really give a shit.

and the crime happened to two white guys, too. in what seems like a really bizarre twist of fate, the black guy was probably killed just for being with them.
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I hated "The Others" so much. The whole intrigue/mystery plot for the whole movie, followed by HUGE LETDOWN because NOTHING HAPPENS. Also a good example: "Contact."
Half of all teen movies revolve around giving the "ugly" person a make-over and making them beautiful by removing their glasses. I've seen plenty of ugly people in my life and you'd have to remove more than their glasses to make them beautiful. Like their head,for starters.
Well I just saw Frailty and that sucked.

I get this movie out expecting a deep psychological thriller about two young boys being rasied by a serial killer. Instead it was fairly shallow and has the most ridiculous plot twist at the end since Contact.

Pissed off.
What?! I loved Frailty. The way it had had you thinking the father's fucking nuts untl the final 10 minutes of the movie. Like The Sixth Sense,it's the kind of movie that you watch from a different perspective than you had the first time. Contact was crap,but these two don't even compare.
cydonorb said:
See the insufferable OLD SCHOOL...actually don't bother, #1 the movie is a bunch of old & recycled gags from better movies & #2 this is the exact type of shit that will be cloggging Comedy Central's late night scedule for years to come.

this fucking plot device was a stale as Robin Williams' jokes.

I've never met anyone who didn't like Old School(most love it), and I enjoy robin williams' standup. Different strokes for different folks.
The Day After Tomorrow. It's like the writers of that film just had a book full of hollywood cliches, a blindfold and a pointy stick and added them liberally throughout with some (fair play - pretty damn good) special effects.
The ending of Gothika...could the writers seriously not think of ANYTHING better?! Same goes for the ending of White Noise :X
Absolutely hate the stupid sword/fist gravity defying fight scenes.

Sure it was fun in Shaolin Soccer but that was the whole point it was a PARODY, but by the time it made to the likes of Kill Bill or Hero it has become an ultimate cliche.

Give me a break!!!!! (and critics who call it "magical cinematography" should probably look up the word in the dictionary)
Movies that try to copy pulp fiction. The only reason I thought pulp fiction was good was because of the actors and the scripts written for them.

But the whole idea of showing the beginning at the end and the end in the beginning. And middle parts unsorted throughout the entire film just makes the movie ultra boring!

Examples: Usual Suspects & Kill Bill 2
Bad horror

Why do all the new horror films that come out have to be so shit?
Here are some examples:

Fear X: Did this film make sense? NO! Hes looking for the guy who shot his wife, fine. He finds the guy who shot his wife, fine. He then believes he murdered the guy, fine. The poloice cant find a body and he gets dropped off on road bthe police with no explanation, Bullshit. Im up for Directors leaving the audiance stunned and thinking what happens next but this director left a chunk missing, what happened, did the director know? NO! He just got a bit stoned on night and thaught he could be clever and get away with making a crap horror. It wasnt even scary, not even jumpy or gorey and its classed as a horror/thriller.

Cabin fever: This movie is actually good, i did enjoy apart from one thing, the character that was a stoner was only used as a plot device to alloow an escaped dog in that would eventually kill some of the kids. They could of at least had him in a bit longer so that he could say some stupid stoned shit.

the texas chainsaw masacre (2003): Where is the guy in a wheelchair, and dont get me started on remakes.

Theres three, but lets not forget the stereotypical teen horror/thriller, but there is too much that is wrong with them.