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Ketamine Study: Ketamine Significantly Improves Depression Symptoms


Nov 22, 2021
Here's a double-blind study published in December that I don't think has been posted here yet that suggests that ketamine significantly improves depression symptoms almost instantly by influencing different brain subregions linked to mood regulation and reward processing

This belongs in the neuroscience sub.

I would say pretty much every single recreational drug there is “significantly improved depression symptoms almost instantly”. That’s kind of the whole reason drugs are so popular .I don’t see how that makes ketamine more special than cocaine or morphine.

And I know ketamine is alleged to have some after glow that helps depression
For a few days or even weeks after. I have never experienced such after effect from ketamine or any other dissociative so I don’t think it happens for everyone if it even does happen.

I would say every drug except stimulants can leave a person feeling happier after the drug is out of their system by the wonder of having discovered that there is “something more” to life besides boring regular consciousness.

I only exclude stimulants because they have a bad instant comedown. Alcohol could be included in this too.

I don’t get the point do you do ketamine forever to stay non depressed? Or do you just get a peek into what non depression is then never go back? Or does it fix your brain forever after a few doses?

The whole thing reeks of a scam to me to be honest. I see some value in psychedelic therapy with 5 HT agonists because they aren’t fun…but ketamine is just a psychedelic soeedball imo. No better than any other hard drug at dealing with depression

My personal experience though and would like to hear what others think.
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I wouldn't touch the stuff imo heard a lot about the problems it causes so I honestly wouldn't be surprised. off topic- This stuff is "legal" now I got a quote for like $375 for twenty tabs from a legal place. But after learning about it in here wouldn't touch it.
I've gotten liquid hospital ketamine IV (Esketamine) 12.5mg quick push for Pain and ...boy is it weird. Especially in a hospital setting. I mean you feel like your in a cartoon or for me like your head was severed by aliens aboard they're space ship.

LAST time I had I was also given fentanyl so it felt much smoother and not so vacant. Its like your in a huge office space and there's plenty of water coolers but theres not a creature in sight. Plus the rubbery legs.
This belongs in the neuroscience sub.

I would say pretty much every single recreational drug there is “significantly improved depression symptoms almost instantly”. That’s kind of the whole reason drugs are so popular .I don’t see how that makes ketamine more special than cocaine or morphine.

And I know ketamine is alleged to have some after glow that helps depression
For a few days or even weeks after. I have never experienced such after effect from ketamine or any other dissociative so I don’t think it happens for everyone if it even does happen.

I would say every drug except stimulants can leave a person feeling happier after the drug is out of their system by the wonder of having discovered that there is “something more” to life besides boring regular consciousness.

I only exclude stimulants because they have a bad instant comedown. Alcohol could be included in this too.

I don’t get the point do you do ketamine forever to stay non depressed? Or do you just get a peek into what non depression is then never go back? Or does it fix your brain forever after a few doses?

The whole thing reeks of a scam to me to be honest. I see some value in psychedelic therapy with 5 HT agonists because they aren’t fun…but ketamine is just a psychedelic soeedball imo. No better than any other hard drug at dealing with depression

My personal experience though and would like to hear what others think.

Ketamine for depression is administered at a sub-psychoactive dose though isn’t it? That was my prior understanding but maybe I’m wrong. If it was administered at a psychoactive/potentially recreational dose then yeah I could see the comparison to recreational drug experiences with morphine, cocaine etc
I've gotten liquid hospital ketamine IV (Esketamine) 12.5mg quick push for Pain and ...boy is it weird. Especially in a hospital setting. I mean you feel like your in a cartoon or for me like your head was severed by aliens aboard they're space ship.

LAST time I had I was also given fentanyl so it felt much smoother and not so vacant. Its like your in a huge office space and there's plenty of water coolers but theres not a creature in sight. Plus the rubbery legs.
YES! that's was it was to be precise Esketamine!
Ketamine for depression is administered at a sub-psychoactive dose though isn’t it? That was my prior understanding but maybe I’m wrong. If it was administered at a psychoactive/potentially recreational dose then yeah I could see the comparison to recreational drug experiences with morphine, cocaine etc
I think one common regimen used is something like 30-60 mg once a week, which is definitely effective.
Ketamine for depression is administered at a sub-psychoactive dose though isn’t it? That was my prior understanding but maybe I’m wrong. If it was administered at a psychoactive/potentially recreational dose then yeah I could see the comparison to recreational drug experiences with morphine, cocaine etc
For depression maybe. For chronic pain I’ve heard of doses up to one gram in one session over several hours. There was a Netflix documentary that just came about a bout a young girl with complex regional pain syndrome and she was a very severe case and she was only 10 years old or so and was being put into fully anesthetized ketamine comas for a few days for her treatments. I think she was being given a 1 to 1.5 grams per treatment if I remember.

You can see how this is going to spiral out of control until it’s going to become something analogous to pill mills where you can pay to ride the ketamine roller coaster at a very significant dose….and I’m fine with that as long as patients are made aware of the risks of ketamine such as organ damage and addiction.

Ketamine isn’t schedule 2 so it’s going to be able to be passed off as something non addictive. It should be at schedule 2 (in a world with no DEA that is) so that ppl are properly aware of what they are about to try.

But if it helps them in some way or they just want to experience the high I think it’s fine as long as people aren’t lied to about the dangers and addiction potential. I don’t know how I feel about the latter reason tough (just wanting to experience the high). But if there is a legit medical reason and everyone is aware of what they are getting into and the drug is scheduled according to how addictive it is I don’t see a problem with using it for pain or depression if ppl know all the risks beforehand.
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This belongs in the neuroscience sub.

I would say pretty much every single recreational drug there is “significantly improved depression symptoms almost instantly”. That’s kind of the whole reason drugs are so popular .I don’t see how that makes ketamine more special than cocaine or morphine.

And I know ketamine is alleged to have some after glow that helps depression
For a few days or even weeks after. I have never experienced such after effect from ketamine or any other dissociative so I don’t think it happens for everyone if it even does happen.

I would say every drug except stimulants can leave a person feeling happier after the drug is out of their system by the wonder of having discovered that there is “something more” to life besides boring regular consciousness.

I only exclude stimulants because they have a bad instant comedown. Alcohol could be included in this too.

I don’t get the point do you do ketamine forever to stay non depressed? Or do you just get a peek into what non depression is then never go back? Or does it fix your brain forever after a few doses?

The whole thing reeks of a scam to me to be honest. I see some value in psychedelic therapy with 5 HT agonists because they aren’t fun…but ketamine is just a psychedelic soeedball imo. No better than any other hard drug at dealing with depression

My personal experience though and would like to hear what others think.

Come on man. I know you had some bladder problems and an addiction but the fact you got that far along the road would indicate to me your well aware it can help with depression.

The usual protocol is to use once per week a single dose until the person is feeling more positive. Then to increase the gaps between the doses to 2-3-4 weeks. Then once the person is no longer experiencing the depression, there is no more need for ketamine therapy.
Obviously this also means a change in lifestyle if the person no longer wishes to experience depression. Alcohol, stimulant use, among other unhealthy behaviours must go. Best to replace these negative behaviours with positive changes such as focusing on doing some exercise and getting some fresh air, improving diet etc.

I can vouch for me personally ketamine has helped me to overcome a bout of depression i was experiencing late November/early december. Since then I've stopped my destructive stimulant use, haven't touched alcohol, got back to training some light weights most days, eating much less - no junk food whatsoever, just 3 square meals a day with no snacks. I've dropped 4-5kg and stripped away alot of fat around my gut.

I am not saying by any means this is just down to ketamine. I am however saying the ketamine can be a useful tool to find the level of introspection necessary in order to assess our own behaviour and recognise the negative habits that we need to drop and realise the positive changes we need to make in order to live a healthier and happier life.
For depression maybe. For chronic pain I’ve heard of doses up to one gram in one session over several hours. There was a Netflix documentary that just came about a bout a young girl with complex regional pain syndrome and she was a very severe case and she was only 10 years old or so and was being put into fully anesthetized ketamine comas for a few days for her treatments. I think she was being given a 1 to 1.5 grams per treatment if I remember.

You can see how this is going to spiral out of control until it’s going to become something analogous to pill mills where you can pay to ride the ketamine roller coaster at a very significant dose….and I’m fine with that as long as patients are made aware of the risks of ketamine such as organ damage and addiction.

Ketamine isn’t schedule 2 so it’s going to be able to be passed off as something non addictive. It should be at schedule 2 (in a world with no DEA that is) so that ppl are properly aware of what they are about to try.

But if it helps them in some way or they just want to experience the high I think it’s fine as long as people aren’t lied to about the dangers and addiction potential. I don’t know how I feel about the latter reason tough (just wanting to experience the high). But if there is a legit medical reason and everyone is aware of what they are getting into and the drug is scheduled according to how addictive it is I don’t see a problem with using it for pain or depression if ppl know all the risks beforehand.

I agree, if people want to do it they should be able to. Like you said, just make sure they're fully informed about the potential risks associated with use of this drug. After that they’re adults, they can make up their own minds about whether or not it’s something they want to involve themselves in

Seems to have gotten weirdly popular lately. I was never offered it when I was still hitting it hard. Not once, ever, but then again I was mostly hanging out with a collection of sketchy tweakers & junkies and I guess ketamine is more popular in festivals and live music subcultures. I did hang out with hippies too though, I got a bunch of different hallucinogens and stuff like that through them, but ketamine was one thing they never had, weird

Not much into dissos myself, sometimes they’re fun I guess. They’re strange but sometimes it’s fun to feel strange lol. For me personally tolerance seems to build very rapidly though and I wouldn’t want to make it a regular thing. I’m glad that they seem to be working for some people though
Come on man. I know you had some bladder problems and an addiction but the fact you got that far along the road would indicate to me your well aware it can help with depression.
As I stated above, based on my experience. Any recreational drug helps with depression just as good as ketamine does in my trials with all kinds of drugs. Maybe it’s different for others ppl.

Personally I would put opioids above ketamine for reducing depression. You can function on them. In ketamine you’re brain dead and can’t perform simple tasks. When the high is gone you’re sad again. So you keep using it, but you can’t function on ketamine.

I experienced no lasting effect from a single dose or a few doses.

As I asked above; how is this supposed to work?

You take one or two K doses and you’re magically cured and never depressed again? Or you have to keep repeating the dosing on a somewhat regular basis to keep reaping the therapeutic antidepressant effect? If it’s the latter I don’t see any difference between ketamine and any other recreational feel good drug in terms of medicating depression with it.

The whole loophole that ketamine has is that it’s marketed as non addictive, which any drugee knows is BS. I don’t know if depressed non addicts are more succeotible to addiction than happy non addicts. But giving depressed people highly addictive and recreational drugs doesn’t seem like a recipe for success. Especially a drug as unsustainable for long term use such as ketamine. And as I said, it’s not being marketed for long term use. So how does it work? You do it twice and then you’re no depressed years later still? I don’t get it but I haven’t read all the studies either because I have no interest in fucking with a drug that I personally find as compulsive as cocaine.

I know there are ppl that don’t enjoy dissociatives…maybe ketamine is for them. You give K to myself or Matt Perry we are snorting up every last crumb till it’s gone though.
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What dangers would ketamine pose if taken by someone dependant on benzodiazepenes
As I stated above, based on my experience. Any recreational drug helps with depression just as good as ketamine does in my trials with all kinds of drugs. Maybe it’s different for others ppl.

Personally I would put opioids above ketamine for reducing depression. You can function on them. In ketamine you’re brain dead and can’t perform simple tasks. When the high is gone you’re sad again. So you keep using it, but you can’t function on ketamine.

I experienced no lasting effect from a single dose or a few doses.

As I asked above; how is this supposed to work?

You take one or two K doses and you’re magically cured and never depressed again? Or you have to keep repeating the dosing on a somewhat regular basis to keep reaping the therapeutic antidepressant effect? If it’s the latter I don’t see any difference between ketamine and any other recreational feel good drug in terms of medicating depression with it.

The whole loophole that ketamine has is that it’s marketed as non addictive, which any drugee knows is BS. I don’t know if depressed non addicts are more succeotible to addiction than happy non addicts. But giving depressed people highly addictive and recreational drugs doesn’t seem like a recipe for success. Especially a drug as unsustainable for long term use such as ketamine. And as I said, it’s not being marketed for long term use. So how does it work? You do it twice and then you’re no depressed years later still? I don’t get it but I haven’t read all the studies either because I have no interest in fucking with a drug that I personally find as compulsive as cocaine.

I know there are ppl that don’t enjoy dissociatives…maybe ketamine is for them. You give K to myself or Matt Perry we are snorting up every last crumb till it’s gone though.
Interesting questions you bring up about returning depressive episodes. I can only speak from anecdotal experience.
I have been low dosing weekends. I notice a reduction in depressive symptoms pretty immediately after dosing for the following week I guess. I may have noticed a tolerance take hold of me and I feel a diminishing return as of now.
The depressive symptoms do return for me. I do fear a psychological addiction to Ketamine for that very reason. The alternative being persistent severe depression, where thoughts of suicide graze my thoughts from time to time.
As I stated above, based on my experience. Any recreational drug helps with depression just as good as ketamine does in my trials with all kinds of drugs. Maybe it’s different for others ppl.

Personally I would put opioids above ketamine for reducing depression. You can function on them. In ketamine you’re brain dead and can’t perform simple tasks. When the high is gone you’re sad again. So you keep using it, but you can’t function on ketamine.

I experienced no lasting effect from a single dose or a few doses.

As I asked above; how is this supposed to work?

You take one or two K doses and you’re magically cured and never depressed again? Or you have to keep repeating the dosing on a somewhat regular basis to keep reaping the therapeutic antidepressant effect? If it’s the latter I don’t see any difference between ketamine and any other recreational feel good drug in terms of medicating depression with it.

The whole loophole that ketamine has is that it’s marketed as non addictive, which any drugee knows is BS. I don’t know if depressed non addicts are more succeotible to addiction than happy non addicts. But giving depressed people highly addictive and recreational drugs doesn’t seem like a recipe for success. Especially a drug as unsustainable for long term use such as ketamine. And as I said, it’s not being marketed for long term use. So how does it work? You do it twice and then you’re no depressed years later still? I don’t get it but I haven’t read all the studies either because I have no interest in fucking with a drug that I personally find as compulsive as cocaine.

I know there are ppl that don’t enjoy dissociatives…maybe ketamine is for them. You give K to myself or Matt Perry we are snorting up every last crumb till it’s gone though.

So you think meth or cocaine are going to help with depression? If i take stimulants i'm depressed the next day. If i take opiates my mind is foggy the next day. If i take ketamine or some psychedelics my mood is noticably uplifted the next couple of weeks or at least without doing more drugs. Usually until something spoils it, ie life throwing shit at me or me doing some other drugs that negate the positive afterglow effects.

Maybe just you have an addictive tendancy with dissociatives. So then are doing too much of it and don't get the anti depressant after effect. Too much and i just feel shattered after and some stomach cramp symptoms. Even then though my mind feels better than before I had some. I should add I'm diagnosed with manic depression.

I do agree ketamine is morish and had to put myself on a break from it as i was doing it too often, but it did seem to rid me of the depression i had been experiencing.

I guess everyone is different. People will experience different outcomes. There is no smoke without fire though plenty of people have experienced the anti depression effect that comes after doing ketamine, as is evident from much of the discussion online.
So you think meth or cocaine are going to help with depression? If i take stimulants i'm depressed the next day. If i take opiates my mind is foggy the next day.
From my first post:
I would say every drug except stimulants can leave a person feeling happier

I only exclude stimulants because they have a bad instant comedown. Alcohol could be included in this too.

As for opiates. I think it’s pretty well known that for many people, when they take them, they feel like the weight of the world is off their shoulder and they get energy and euphoria. If I’m not opioid dependent I don’t get any after effect from opioids the but instead get an afterglow as the residual amounts of opioid are still in my system. having some effect. Especially with long lasting opioids. Ie there is no “comedown”

If I am opioid dependent I get the same residual afterglow but it’s moot when withdrawal kicks in so that’s a different story. But nobody is advocating to use ketamine with the type of frequency that would get a person dependent on opioids so that’s a moot point.

As I state at the end of every posts I’ve made these are my experiences and preferences your milage may vary with different drugs.
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Interesting questions you bring up about returning depressive episodes. I can only speak from anecdotal experience.
I have been low dosing weekends. I notice a reduction in depressive symptoms pretty immediately after dosing for the following week I guess. I may have noticed a tolerance take hold of me and I feel a diminishing return as of now.
The depressive symptoms do return for me. I do fear a psychological addiction to Ketamine for that very reason. The alternative being persistent severe depression, where thoughts of suicide graze my thoughts from time to time.

If that’s your experience I would take the severe depression and suicidal thoughts over a ketamine addiction.

Because with a ketamine addiction you’ll also end up depresssed but just with shredded organs and trust and beleieve that will make you even more suicidal.

What I can’t have anybody explain to me is

What is the end game of using ketamine for depression?

I understand some ppl get windows of relief when they try it. What happens years down the line?

does it permanently cure you and you never have to use it again like iboga is claimed to do for addiction….or do you have to keep using it forever? If it was a non toxic drug using it forever on some schedule would be fine; but it’s not; it’s hepatoxic urotoxic and neurotoxic(I think). It’s not some ssri or opioid you can take long term without destroying your body
From my first post:

As for opiates. I think it’s pretty well known that for many people, when they take them, they feel like the weight of the world is off their shoulder and they get energy and euphoria. If I’m not opioid dependent I don’t get any after effect from opioids the but instead get an afterglow as the residual amounts of opioid are still in my system. having some effect. Especially with long lasting opioids. Ie there is no “comedown”

If I am opioid dependent I get the same residual afterglow but it’s moot when withdrawal kicks in so that’s a different story. But nobody is advocating to use ketamine with the type of frequency that would get a person dependent on opioids so that’s a moot point.

As I state at the end of every posts I’ve made these are my experiences and preferences your milage may vary with different drugs.

Yes initially opiates feel great as they kick in. The same with stimulants. How many users of either report that they feel great the day after using? Two days after using, a week after using etc? None that i know of anyway. Never experienced an opiate afterglow personally. As already mentioned though everyone is different.

Your logic there with opiates would probably explain why you get no afterglow from ketamine. Because of the level of use you associate with it you get no afterglow.
Interestingly, they've found nitrous oxide to do something similar: https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/lau...n-people-with-treatment-resistant-depression/

I've noticed this phenomenon myself, but it's never felt like the antidepressant effects/perspective shit was anywhere near what you feel in the days after use of drugs like ketamine, 2FDCK, 3F-PCP.

I used to be pretty heavy NOS user, perhaps addict might even been applicable, since I averaged 50 whippet cartridges a day for over a year.

I avoid it these days, but I recently bought a home oxygen concentrator (which converts normal air into 95% pure oxygen) since although it's technically a device that requires a doctor's prescription to purchase, these concentrators are still easy to buy without a script (unlike medical grade oxygen tanks, which are harder to come by). Plus, the oxygen concentrator doesn't need refilling etc.

In any event, I bought the oxygen concentrator mainly to see the effects it might have on my blood oxygen levels while sleeping (which I've been monitoring lately due to some mild sleep apnea I have developed due to the fact that because of my heavy weight lifting, I've gained 25 pounds of muscle in the past 18 months, and because I especially love bench pressing, my chest muscles are particularly much larger and heavier). So basically, because off all this damn muscle, I am technically in the overweight range when it comes to body mass index based on my height (in fact I'm almost considered obese), despite having very little fat (if you were to pinch my stomach to grab some fat, all youd get is some skin). Yet, in any event, fat or not, because of all this excess muscle I'm carrying around, I'm sort of huffing and puffing like a fat guy would.

But after buying the oxygen concentrator, the voice of that little drug demon that eternally lives in my brain said to me, "hey man, since you now have this oxygen concentrator, and given that smoke shops now sell giant tanks of nitrous these days instead of those little cartridges....how if you got one of those nitrous oxide tanks and hooked it up to the new oxygen concentrator in a way where you could get a mix of oxygen and nitrous at the same time --- then you wouldn't have to worry about oxygen deprivation, which is one of the reasons you don't do nitrous anymore. And just to be extra sure, you could wear a finger tip oxygen meter to monitor your blood oxygen levels to ensure you're always getting plenty of oxygen. You could also hook-up a filter to the nitrous oxide gas line so you don't have to worry about inhaling oils and impurities -- which is another reason why you avoid nitrous these days. Finally, if you supplement with enough vitamin B12 you don't have worry as much about your final concern -- nerve damage"

And my response was like, "fuck you man, I truly wish you'd die already, but yeah you actually do make some good points, I guess I could try it out it". So recently I did create such a setup, where I got a tank of nitrous gas, hooked it up to a valve to control the flow, then hooked up a tube connect to a heavy duty filter to remove any oils, which is then connected to another tube that runs through yet another filter ofa different type, before then connecting the tube of now double filtered nitrous to the tube that delivers the oxygen from oxygen concentrator. So now I basically have a set up like a dentist (minus a gas scavenger and accurate dials) though the ratios of the gasses that are being delivered is guess work, but I wear a blood oxygen meter the whole time so have sort fo figured out the ratios that produce the desired effects while maintaining normal oxygen levels (note, i realize there are some issues with this methodology).

In anycase it works well in principle. But I feel way too paranoid to try to visit the depths of nitrous oxide highs that I used to regularly do (they are mystical and intense). Back when I as abusing nitrous a decade ago I guess I didn't care about living as much, and would explore depths of the nitrous experience that at the time felt almost like I was risking death). My life is much different now though, and I no longer have that kind of fearlessness (which was essentially a thinly veiled death wish), so my willingness to push the limits is tempered by increased willingness to live. So these days, I have a hard time treading even near the waters of what I would have then considered a moderate experience. Which is unfortunate because that is where it gets really intriguing. Nitrous trips have stages or plateaus much like DXM trips, and I recall there being like 3 or 4 levels (with the 5th one probably being death by asphyxiation).

The nitrous/oxygen mix also feels different than inhaling just pure nitrous oxide gas like i was used to doing inhaling and holding in pure nitrous feels more euphoric and psychedelic whereas the nitrous/oxygen mix is more relaxing. The pure gas also felt paradoxically stimulating in some ways, more dopaminergic. Never once felt like i could fall asleep on pure nitrous due to rush if thoughts. But the oxygen/nitrous mix feels relaxing and sedating, so much so that I feel like I could potentially fall asleep (at lower levels of nitrous), and after i take the mask off I feel like I could take a nap. Yet when I'd inhale pure gas, if I were to use it too closely to bed, I wouldn't be able to sleep afterwards due to all the brain activity.

In short it's not the same feeling, and when I do try to boost the nitrous oxide levels to very high levels, the psychedelic effects feel blunted, less immersive, less mystical. I also don't have the wired feeling after like I used to have with pure nitrous. I used to hit a few cartridges of nitrous the first thing in the morning when I woke up. It was almost like coffee, woke me up and gave me a positive outlook on the day. When I tried to do the same thing first thing this morning with my new nitrous/oxygen apparatus, after using it for a but I took off the mask but actually felt just really relaxed, like I could go back to sleep.

I'm not sure if it's much use to me in this format. Might be good to snap out of a bad mood, and according to that study, an hour of a 50/50 mix like this appears to have ketamine like antidepressant effects. But it doesn't seem like it really has antidepressant effects that are ketamine-like in strength. And of course, it looks a little weird to my girlfriend seeing me hooked up to all these machines and tanks, with a network of tunes, filters and regulatory valves. Then again, she's been with me for long enough to not find that sort of stuff particularly unusual.
Yes initially opiates feel great as they kick in. The same with stimulants. How many users of either report that they feel great the day after using? Two days after using, a week after using etc? None that i know of anyway. Never experienced an opiate afterglow personally. As already mentioned though everyone is different.

Your logic there with opiates would probably explain why you get no afterglow from ketamine. Because of the level of use you associate with it you get no afterglow.

I get an afterglow from dissociatives but it is only that same day so it’s probably not a proper afterglow it’s just residual drug being active.

I’ll tell you when I did get a psychological afterglow that lasted a long time ; after the first time I tried ketamine and holed. I was amazed at what was possible with the drug and it opened my eyes to there being something more than just mundane existence and a whole new world of psychedelic exploration that was different that 5HT agonists. But that probably wasn’t an excitement or eye opening mood improvement; it was a strong seed of addiction that had just been planted.

Every time I would use I would have some wild K hole experience and then always be looking forward to the next time I could have one ; exchanging trip stories with friends…my mood was certainly improved because I was excited err/hooked or whatever we want to call it.
Interestingly, they've found nitrous oxide to do something similar: https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/lau...n-people-with-treatment-resistant-depression/

I've noticed this phenomenon myself, but it's never felt like the antidepressant effects/perspective shit was anywhere near what you feel in the days after use of drugs like ketamine, 2FDCK, 3F-PCP.

Last time I had nitrous in the hospital I was glowing for a few days but I wouldn’t attribute it to any pharmacological efffect I would attribute it to my drug addict brain getting a real nice taste and fantasizing about the next one.

I think that nobody has distinguished between what I’m talking about in this post and the above post (the seed of addiction so to speak) vs some actual medicinal therapeutic effect.

If ketamine or any drug wasn’t recreational would any of this be possible?

Remember the first time you had sex? I’m sure we were all on cloud 9 for at least a week looking forward to the next one and reliving the memory…this is the phenomenon I’m talking about.

Has it been tested some how or proven somehow that this happiness from ketamine isn’t the phenomenon I’m talking about that occurs with fun and addictive experiences

Shit go on a nice vacation to FIJI. I’m sure you’ll feel happy for a week awards…because it was fun and reliving the memory and fantasizing about the next one leaves you happy