Study: AAS Related Deaths: A Review

I think my position is that you can attenuate many of the most harmful sides from AAS simply by blocking its RAS effects with a relatively low-risk ARB (or possibly some CCBs). That doesn't answer all the issues, but with an informed diet, supplementation, intensive cardio and time off protocol, most recreational AAS users would avoid the risk of exposure to significant long-term harms.

However more hardcore users and competitive bodybuilders are likely to need additional meds, which is when additional beneficial compounds like statins could come in to play.
Why does it always seem to be nandrolone? In this study and many others. Just because of its popularity.? It seems others would be harder on the cardio system
Why does it always seem to be nandrolone? In this study and many others. Just because of its popularity.? It seems others would be harder on the cardio system

It's not just nandrolone, many compounds have been studied. Nandrolone is actually easier on lipids and the liver than many. But as one of the older and better established AAS, it's been used a lot in studies and is well known to researchers, so you'll see it pop up a lot. It's also known to be much harsher than testosterone on the endothelial cells lining the main coronary arteries, which has a direct impact on all things cardiac-death related.