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Opioids Strongest Codeine derivatives?


Jun 14, 2016
Hey all.

Just a quick one but is Oxycodone the strongest Codeine derivative? There is Dihydrocodeine and Hydrocodone aswel but they're not as strong as Oxycodone. I know they're are RC Codeine derivatives and you can mention one of them aswel. Your input is greatly appreciated! Cheers guys.
Yeah oxy is the strongest one..altho, I know u don't wanna hear this but stay away from opiates. You'll thank me later....

I'm prescribed Oxycodone for pain by my doctor and I've been on 120mg daily for years. I was just wandering if there's a stronger Codeine derivative than Oxycodone
Oxycodone isn't a codeine derivative, despite its name. Just like hydromorphone isn't a morphine derivative. Oxycodone is made from thebaine generally. Although they are all related.

There are some relatively strong true codeine derivatives, like nicocodeine, which is around the potency of oral morphine/hydrocodone. This is because it is a prodrug for nicomorphine, which is quite a bit stronger than morphine.
Oxycodone isn't a codeine derivative, despite its name. Just like hydromorphone isn't a morphine derivative. Oxycodone is made from thebaine generally. Although they are all related.

There are some relatively strong true codeine derivatives, like nicocodeine, which is around the potency of oral morphine/hydrocodone. This is because it is a prodrug for nicomorphine, which is quite a bit stronger than morphine.

Yeah I understand that but Oxycodones name is derived from Codeine because they share a very similar molecular make up.
Yeah I understand that but Oxycodones name is derived from Codeine because they share a very similar molecular make up.

Well the relationship is a little deceptive based on the name. Even from the very beginning, oxycodone was created from thebaine not codeine. Of course you can make oxycodone out of codeine through a series of oxidation/acylation/hydrogenation but you can technically make many things out of codeine. I mean you could make etorphine or buprenorphine out of codeine but i wouldn't consider those codeine derivatives.

Essentially a true codeine derivative would seem to be something like dihydrocodeine or nicocodeine etc.
True words.
I almost lost my left arm...and I started fucking around with codeine/oxy at 16-17. I'm 27 now broke With no career, almost have no possessions besides this shitty phone, my tv and a silver chain. All that borrowed euphoria is not worth what u have to give in return.
Oxycodone can be made from codeine as well, and it’s actually easier based on the notes on the Hive.

I think Thebaine is used pharmaceutically cuz it’s kind of a waste product, and also is a precursor to other useful opioids.

take the strongest morphine derivative and make it an 3-methyl ether, that would be dihydroetorphine.
Maybe small-scale, starting from OTC codeine..

The majority of pharmaceutical codeine is made from morphine though. So on an industrial scale, where the most available precursors are thebaine and morphine, thebaine to oxycodone is the go-to.
Maybe small-scale, starting from OTC codeine..

The majority of pharmaceutical codeine is made from morphine though. So on an industrial scale, where the most available precursors are thebaine and morphine, thebaine to oxycodone is the go-to.

Exactly. I shoulda also mentioned codeine is typically a minor constituent compared to morphine and thebaine (whether they’re morph or thebaine dominant).

But on top of that codeine sells just fine as is…. Which has me wondering though, how is most codeine procured? I’m assuming it’s probably mostly synthesized from morphine but could be wrong.

What a waste…

That's what I said when I heard about it haha

Codeine definitely has it's place though. Mild withdrawals in comparison to other opioids. Excellent for coming off or reducing other opioids too. When it was OTC, there was always an alternative..

There is still dihydrocodeine but it's not the same.
Krokodil has codeine as a main component in its manufacture. I’m pretty sure. It’s trash tier level drugs though, you have a year to live maybe if you start and you’ll look like a reptilian leper minus some extremities all said and done.
like making ephedrine from meth.
Propylhexedrine is made from meth. A few dollars for a quarter gram of the freebase. That's how little meth is actually worth.
Krokodil has codeine as a main component in its manufacture. I’m pretty sure. It’s trash tier level drugs though, you have a year to live maybe if you start and you’ll look like a reptilian leper minus some extremities all said and done.
Desomorphine is a legit opioid (bit like fentanyl I think). It's the residual contaminants from shoddy manufacture that fucks people up.
Oh interesting, I’ve always wished there was some way to convert propyl to meth or some other more useful amp.. But unfortunately not.

Desomorphine is an interesting opiate. It may resemble fentanyl in its short duration but I get the impression it has a much better euphoria to it. My takeaway is that it resembled something like a mix of hydromorphone and dihydromorphine. I’d try it if I could.

Propylhexedrine is made from meth. A few dollars for a quarter gram of the freebase. That's how little meth is actually worth.

Desomorphine is a legit opioid (bit like fentanyl I think). It's the residual contaminants from shoddy manufacture that fucks people up.
And that’s pretty much all home cook isn’t it? There was a wave of it in the Niagara region here in Ontario several years ago. This one kid I knew…. Full year later and his face was open sores.