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Stress/anxiety while smoking?


Jan 8, 2014
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums but I've been reading many topics and articles for a while, I just decided to start posting and contribute any way I can to the forums.

Well I thought about making a topic like this, since I have stopped smoking for some months in a row, I think about start smoking again but somehow I need to re-define my mindset or I should do some self-exercise in order to start feeling healthy and the good side of high while I'm smoking.

Long-story short; I used to smoke about 7 years daily, sometimes even smoked more than 10-20 grams a day, well I think I overdid it but seeing my friends smoking the same amount, they are chilly instead of being freaked out like me. I used to get real anxious, with a fast heartbeat, some panic, didn't like to talk to people then I end up finding better to smoke by myself instead of being with people just to smoke and don't have anything to talk about. I haven't smoke a single hit for some months but I'm thinking to start smoking again. I just don't want to be stuck in it again, with the same mindset and everything like this.

Anyone with any suggestion/advice is welcome.
I've found with everyone who is a habitual smoker, roughly 10-20% start to develop anxiety issues and social stressors. It's not that the weed created these issues, but rather caused them to arise since they were already there, lying under the radar. Since you've taken a pretty extensive break from smoking, your body has gotten the THC out of your system and smoking again should hopefully seem like it used to back in the good old days.

As long as you stay physically healthy exercizing regularly, smoke leisurely and not religiously (try a few times a week instead of a few times a day), and have a good mindset and confidence going into a smokesesh that you will have a good time, things should turn out for the better.

If you do start smoking again let us know how it goes. Cheers mate, hope things get better
WOW man. This is so true what you said about anxiety issues and social stressors. I became incommunicative years from years when I'm around people I don't have much to talk about, so after smoking I didn't want to talk or be there. And that happened so much it became a habit in my mind-mechanism. I remember this happening since 2007 or soemthing. I used to have some pressure from my ex-gf (years ago, not recently) about smoking, so it all resulted that I can't enjoy being high anymore. Glad I finally found the courage and I did manage to quit it for a while.

Like I said I haven't smoke for almost a year, but I do get anxious and stressed few times, almost every day, I don't blame weed for this but I want to somehow overcome it, or at least learn how to control it.
ive always found that smoking less is a good solution, take a big hit, then just enjoy that feeling for a bit, dont go into a sesh with the mindset "im gunna smoke a full bowl" instead it should be "im gunna catch a nice mellow fade" just slow down, take it one toke at a time
Yeah, try just one or two small hits and wait. You might be surprised how high you can get off a little bit.
I have had to take a break from pot.

Recently, even the tiniest hit causes chest pain and major anxiety.

This happens to me every once and a while. It sucks I can't enjoy a relaxing buzz...but I'd prefer to be sober if it means no panic attacks....

Just did a little tester last night, I smoked the tiniest bowl possible without it being a a piece of shake....15 minutes later I felt like I was on the verge of a heart attack (aka panic attack).
I have was a smoker for 8 years. I took little breaks now and again. I have not smoked for about 8 months.

I stopped because I started to get freaked out when I would smoke, like mini panic attacks and I would get the feeling that I was going to pass out and maybe end up in the hospital. But this was not the reason I stopped.

One day I actually passed out and I blamed it on low tollerence and sure enough when I started smoking again at a normal daily routine I got better at handling the negative effects but with that I lost some of the magic weed can offer.

I smoked again after another Small 2 week break and sure enough I got dizzy , I went to the bathroom to pee and my legs got weak, when I was walking back to my room I passed out.

The 3rd time was after a month or two break, I was at my friends house drinking and when the weed came out I tried a hit.. This time I did not pass out but started getting really dizzy and started puking and it was horrible.. That was the last time I smoked..

I think the drinking had something to do with it but the weed was the catalist.

I want to note that I passed out on shrooms two times and both were after smoking weed.

I think the weed does me in and in turn I am done with it, I like the dreams and clear mind I now have.

I am afraid to do shrooms again because of that bad experience with the weed and shrooms..

A few notes..
Before I would start to feel like I was going to pass out I had deep thoughts about the universe or the nature of things..

I was on methadone program For 7 years , I took my last low dose of .250 mg about 1 year ago (yes 0.250 mg I did a super slow tapper from 65mg down to 0.250mg over that time)

I am 100% sober now , no opiates or anything..

Not sure if I should try weed again or shrooms for that matter. I'm afraid to do MDMA again and I have mda but again don't want to use it due to my long sober spell and I also worry about freaking out..

I hope I didn't mess something up... Otherwise I am a happy person and life is good..
You're not alone.

Habitual smoker from 15 upt till 19, everyday before after, and even somtimes during work some months. Never had any issues with anxiety in my life then symptoms started to appear, social stressors as zjesko stated before, an overwhelming sense of self awareness. I would withdraw for fear of sounding or acting stupid and being laughed at. Call it paranoia, anxiety, whatever, it's not nice atall. Have had a few panic attacks aswell while smoking.

Recently had a sober panic attack, from social anxiety in a new crowd where they were all smoking. Had to bail and get the fuck outta there! Since that day i've stopped blazing, around a month into my abstinence now. Things are slowly mending but that anxiety is still there in the background, albiet alot easier to deal with now. With time i'm sure i will begin to re-integrate with people and move in the right direction.

All i'll say is that if you notice any of these symptoms beggining to appear,DO NOT ignore them the way i did, and deny that weed is the issue and hope it goes away. Because it won't. You'll just damage yourself pemanently, and is your mental health really worth it? No.

Best of luck man, i really mean it, its crappy but you'll start to feel better in time, just power through!
Weed has given me panic attacks when I smoke it after month-long breaks and I am alone in my apartment/house. When partaken in habitually, however, the effects of weed in the form of anxiety are verily next to nothing in terms of being noticeable.

So, basically, it's a bit of a Catch 22 situation when you're trying to be a responsible adult. It's not exactly conducive to being a healthy member of society (unless you're an entertainer, musician, etc.) to smoke pot every day, but if I take long breaks and try to smoke again, panicky symptoms usually do surface as a result. The only real 'antidote' that I've found is smoking again with your friends - this takes away a lot of the anxiety for me, and I can get a non-anxious high this way. Of course, 'good' friends might not always be on hand.

By the way, the OP says they smoked sometimes more than 10-20 grams a day...that's more than a half-oz., so, you were really overdoing it mate, if that is true. If you're smoking that much a day, this conversation kind of goes out the window - I'm talking about the effects of anxiety I can get from smoking a quarter to a half-gram, which is, comparatively, almost nothing.