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Strattera for GAD?

Charles Ferdinand

Apr 29, 2009
I've read a lot about strattera for ADHD here in bluelight, but haven't read anything about it for GAD, which I have, and for which I was prescribed Strattera (Atomoxetine).
My pdoc told me it was a SNRI which I don't think.
I choose it over a valproate, as he told me it was a "paroxetine derivative." and then gave this stuff for 3 weeks. Right now is 4am and have only slept like 6 hours waking up and going to bed intermittently.
So what do you think? Could it be any good for my anxiety?
I recently had problems with my Pregabalin/Clonazepam combo not working as they used to, so he gave me this, a bunch of Pregabalin, Atarax, and fixed my doses at 900mg of Lyrica and 3mg of Clonazepam, daily and in a single dose, along with my Strattera. I'm starting to have doubts.
Finally, should I've picked depakote over this?
Thanks in advance!
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Making your brain retain noradrenaline for GAD?

That sounds completely ass-backwards.
It's going to make you worse.
Actually I don't feel it blocking my depressants effects too much (as I expected)
and while it does, I don't feel panicky as before. I did took the tramadol away though.
But it doesn't make sense as you said, does it?