Strange erratic behavior


May 17, 2011
I wasn't sure if this belonged in BDD or not since it has to do with an anti-depressant, but it also has to do with PTSD and depression so I figured it might belong here instead.

Since the end of October, I suffered a brutal attack that left me as good as dead, luckily someone was able to call an ambulance on time, but it severely worsened my PTSD and I have flashbacks of it almost everyday. This caused me to withdraw from society completely and lose all trust for people. Example: A friend I've known literally for YEARS... I mean, at least 10 years... recently invited me to Hawaii. My first thought wasn't, "OMG HAWAII! I've never been, I'm so excited!" Instead my first thought was, "What's the catch? Why does this girl want to get me out of the state so badly, and what is she going to do to me when she does?" Another time, I was hanging out with a girl that I've known for even longer, and she was talking about this girl she wanted to fight, and I was entirely convinced she was talking about me. It's like since the attack, my brain has switched to irrational paranoia mode. I've also lost quite a few friends because I've been avoiding contact with most people, and I don't go out anymore unless I absolutely have to. I can probably count on both hands how many times I've dared to leave my house in the past four months... and it's usually just to go to appointments with doctors and my lawyer and stuff. On top of that stuff, the concussion I sustained left me with what I believe to be permanent short-term memory loss, my grandmother who I was very close to died just two weeks ago and I still miss her sooo much, I was unceremoniously and coldly kicked off the Bluelight staff because they knew I was planning on stepping and because I defended someone senior staff doesn't like, so they wanted to get rid of me before I had a chance to step down on my own, I'm having family problems, the lawsuit and the charges against the person who tried to kill me have been a major source of stress in my life, I've lost all motivation to work or go to school, my sleeping schedule is now even more out of whack than it was before, I have to have surgery to fix the hearing in my left ear from the attack, and I've started having panic attacks that I didn't have before.

All of these things combined were making my anxiety unbearable and the flashbacks and depression were getting out of control, so I finally asked my doctor to put me on an anti-depressant. He prescribed Celexa. And this is where the title of my thread comes in. I should note that before I was put on Celexa, I had been on Valium for two months and Suboxone for a little over a year. I don't know if that's even important, because the problems didn't start until I began taking the Celexa.

Now, I only started taking the Celexa three days ago, but my behavior has already changed and I'm already having weird side effects. Such as the fact that before, I was lucky if I got to bed before 3 am, if at all. And when I did sleep, I couldn't wake up until late afternoon. Now I'm in bed usually no later than 10, and awake by no later than 6am to 8am. However, I wake up at least twice during the night and have a hard time going back to sleep. When I wake up in the morning, my eyes don't feel tired and I'm wide awake, but my body feels somewhat lethargic. And then I fall asleep somewhere around 11-12 and sleep until 2 or 3pm. Not on purpose - I just sit down on the couch to watch a movie or whatever and the next thing I know I'm waking up. I've always had vivid dreams and have always remembered them in the morning, but since starting Celexa, I can't remember ANY of my dreams. I don't even know if I'm dreaming at all at night. There are other reasons this bothers me - such as the fact that a lot of my dreams involved someone I love who died in Afghanistan in the war and they comforted me, and I miss seeing him... as stupid as that sounds - but my main concern is that all of these signs seem to point to the fact that I'm not falling into REM sleep. Which means, obviously, I'm not actually being well rested.

Aside from the complete change in my sleeping patterns (although the fact that I no longer get sleep paralysis is a very nice touch), my behavior has become erratic. I'll get completely restless at times, even though I feel lethargic. But I need to move around anyway, otherwise I fidget so much and get so anxious that it's uncomfortable. Another thing is that I'll get strange impulses to do things that I would never normally do. Some of them are violent. Like the other day, my brother was being a pain in the ass, and I got SO angry that I was thisclose to throwing a hammer through his windshield. Yeah. That is not me. Other things aren't violent, but they're dangerous. But I'll get an impulse to do them, and it's like I can't stop myself, I just have to do them. Like the other day, I was like... I have to do a front handspring (something I DON'T know how to do)... and I landed on my head. Even though I have a concussion. Another example, like an hour ago, I was watching a movie and I suddenly had an urge to stretch my legs. But instead of stretching my legs like a normal person, I did so by standing up on the freaking chair I was sitting on and watching the movie that way. And then I had an urge to touch the ceiling. And once I touched the ceiling, the urge went away and I was like, "It's okay to sit down again now."

See? Completely whack job stuff like that. I did Google it, but there isn't much information about erratic behavior and Celexa. Most of the stories I found are about people becoming completely different people who can't form attachments to others. That sounds like me, but I was incapable of forming attachments to people even before I went on the Celexa, so that has nothing to do with it. I can't decide if this is a bad side effect or not. I do know from my research that with most anti-depressants, the side effects are most prominent when you first start and then they slowly go away, but I'm worried this erratic behavior is going to continue and I'm going to end up seriously hurting myself. I don't know if I should just stick it out for the next three weeks, which is when it's supposed to kick in and start working, or if I should stop taking it. I don't even know if this IS a normal side effect of Celexa or not. All I know is that I'm being compulsive in my actions, most of which are completely irrational and stupid and dangerous, but it's not something I can just not do. It's like I feel restless until I do it, and most of the time I don't have a choice. It's hard to explain, but it's like my brain just tells me to do it and so I do it without even thinking about it. Ugh. What the hell is wrong with me? No, I take that back... what the hell is wrong with this DRUG? My doctor told me Citalopram is the anti-depressant with the least side effects, but I'm beginning to seriously doubt that.

I would love to hear your feedback on this, and any similar stories or experiences any of you might have/have had with Celexa/Lexapro/Ciprexa/any other version of Citalopram. Or any type of SSRI, really. I assume they all have the same mechanism of action, and so they would generally produce the same side effects. I could be wrong, but meh. Doesn't hurt to ask.

EDIT: I forgot to add a few other things. Like how last night, I crawled under my bed. And stayed there for an hour. Just laying there, doing nothing. Until I got up and decided to sit in my old baby cradle/rocker. It's filled with blankets now, but I was just sitting on top of the blankets rocking myself back and forth, until my mom found me and said, "Honey, what are you doing in there? That's meant to hold a baby." I simply said, "I'm rocking." And then she told me to get out, and so I did a few minutes later. More erratic, irrational behavior on my part. These things don't happen often, just maybe once a day. I'll want to do something that I would never normally want to do.

Also, another thing, is that I had hallucinations one night. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up around 4 am, and everything I looked at looked like something it wasn't. We have a plant sitting on the coffee table; it couldn't have been more than a few feet away from me and it wasn't dark in the room since I left the light on in the room adjacent to the living room, but it looked like a freaking miniature horse until I looked away from it and then looked back, and it looked like a plant again. Same with the rocking chair in that room. It looked like there was a person sitting in it. It was only when I got up to go get the blanket off of it because I was getting cold that I realized that there was no person there. We also have a large painting hanging on our wall, and it looked like it was undulating. I don't know how else to describe it. I couldn't make out what the painting even was because the picture was moving around so much. And everything looked grainy. As if I was viewing everything in the room through light static on a television. I don't know, but it was weird and not normal. And it didn't scare me like it usually would.

This Celexa shit is weird. I have no idea if I should stop taking it right away or not or just stick it out and wait the three weeks to see if the side effects subside. But the more I think about it, the more I realize how... not normal... this stuff is making me. :/
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My first thought is that if you are honestly concerned that you are going to hurt yourself from doing something compulsive/erratic, you really must mention this to your doctor and discuss it with them as soon as possible. Can you call and make an appointment for tomorrow? It might not necessarily mean that you have to stop taking Celexa, or your doctor might decide to take you off it and to try something else. You're right, all anti-depressants have initial side-effects that gradually disappear after a few weeks of being on the medication, but if this side-effect is worrying you please talk to you doctor.

Regarding your PTSD, are you currently seeing a therapist at all? Have you seen one since October? You've been through some really horrible stuff hun, and you need as much help as you can get. If you're not currently seeing a therapist, I would strongly recommend that you do. PTSD is a LOT to live with, and if you can get some kind of relief from your symptoms and start living a more normal and relaxed life, that would be amazing. What do you think?

Take care, and let us know how you're doing <3
Have you ever read up on borderline personality disorder?

Your story rings quite a few alarm bells towards that diagnosis.
I can't offer a whole lot of advice on the medication - although it sounds like the Celexa is messing with your impulse control, which can be very dangerous - but I just wanted to say that IMO your current bit of social paranoia, at least in the examples that you had given, are not necessarily irrational. Considering that it was a trusted friend who had attacked you, it would be entirely reasonable (albeit unfortunate, and hopefully temporary) to be wary of close friends for a while.

Regardless, I'd say that the specific issue is something that should be brought up with your prescribing doctor post haste.

On another note: have you found another psychologist to see yet, or is that not yet on the radar?
n3o - Thanks hun <3 and I did speak to my doctor. He suggested cutting the dose in half, but I was having a hard time doing that because of the way the pills are made. They're ridiculously hard and when I did manage to cut one, I lost a lot of the medication because it crumbled. I decided to give it a few extra days, and you were right - the symptoms have died down. I still get restlessness, but the early morning awakening and erratic behavior have gone completely. I'm actually getting into REM sleep again now too, because I can finally remember my dreams in the morning and I feel much more rested, albeit still a bit lethargic. I suppose that will go away sometime as well. I guess I just needed to give my body some time to adjust.

Tripman - yes I have read all about borderline personality disorder. I've always been somewhat fascinated with mental illnesses, have studied them for years since I was first diagnosed with PTSD, and could tell you the DSM criteria for most of them off the top of my head. I do not have BPD. If I had been acting erratically BEFORE taking the Celexa, then you might possibly be right, despite the fact that I lack a majority of the other BPD symptoms like promiscuity and self-harm and the like. But as I said, all of these things started AFTER I started the meds. The only symptoms of BPD I have from the meds are the impulsivity, erratic behavior, and odd sleeping habits... which have gone away. I have seen many therapists, and every single one has diagnosed me with only one thing: PTSD. Not one of them has even breached the subject of BPD. So that's out.

Dave - I did find a therapist, but found out at the last minute she isn't covered by my insurance. So I am now on the hunt for a new therapist who practices EMDR. My insurance company e-mailed me a long list of therapists who do, so I'm looking into those right now. :) I know how important it is to get therapy for this. The last time I left my PTSD untreated for a long period of time, it turned into disaster in the form of opiate addiction. I refuse to go down that road again, not when I'm doing so well with my Suboxone treatment. What I meant by irrational... is that somewhere in the back of my mind, I know they're probably not out to hurt me, but I think it anyways. I'm not denying that I don't have a good reason to feel this way - in that way it IS rational. But in the way that it's probably not true, just my mind playing tricks on me, and that it probably won't happen to me again... that's what I meant by irrational. It's sort of like the way after I was held at gunpoint - I became extremely paranoid for about a year. The guy who did it drove a white Lexus, and whenever I'd drive next to a white car or be stuck next to one at a stoplight, I'd get a panic attack and the car would feel menacing... like the person inside was pointing a gun at me and about to shoot, and I wouldn't calm down until the car was out of sight. There are good reasons for feeling those things, but the truth is, PTSD does have a way of making you feel like you're never safe, and the triggers are never quite rational... although they make sense in your head, you know somewhere in the back of your mind that you are being irrational. Does that make sense? I don't know. Did you ever get my PM by the way? Did I even send you one? I don't remember.
Glad to hear that your insurance is actually helping you with this! Now there's something that doesn't happen often :)

I did get your PM, but I didn't reply right away, and it wound up getting buried-- I'm so sorry. So unprofessional!
Thanks haha and tell me about it. I can't believe my insurance company is actually coming through for once! Usually it's a hassle with them just to get my Sub script every month hah. I'm happy to say though that besides the blurry vision, all side effects from the Celexa seem to have disappeared. I'm not feeling much of an effect yet as far as my PTSD though, if anything it seems worse at times, but I believe that's just my body adjusting to it's new brain chemistry. But there are other times when I truly do feel a bit better. So it's actually working out well, more than I expected, since I know it's supposed to take at least a month to kick in... so I'm glad most of the side effects went away as quickly as they did and that I feel relief from time to time!

Don't worry about losing my PM... I was just PMing you as a friend, not as a moderator, so don't worry about it - you aren't being unprofessional :)
Nah, just a lousy friend. :-\

Glad to hear that things are starting to turn around though!
Nah don't even trip, I ain't mad atcha. I remember what being a mod is like. I know your inbox fills up quickly, so it's all good that mine got lost.

And thanks :)