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Strange duration of mushroom trips


Dec 24, 2011
Sometimes when I eat mushrooms they take 1-2 hours to peak, 3-5 hour of peak, and 2-3 hours of declining to near sobriety (as is for most people?) But other times its 15-45 minutes to fully peak, 1-2 hours of peak, 20-45 minutes of decline. Does that happen to anyone else? I haven't read about it. It's just annoying to me because sometimes 3 grams can be a good dose with the normal duration. But then when it happens so quickly it hits me so hard and at such a high concentration just for that hour or two. Any explanations?
Stomach contents can affect amount needed as well as peaks and plateaus.
You pay any attention to what you did or didn't eat before your trips?
serotonergic drugs are very weird like that. its taken me 3 hours to come up on 5-ht agonists or, 20 minutes. there are a lot of other rhythms and stuff going on in your brain that can affect drug effects.

MDMA also I've observed takoing 2 hours to hit or just 30 minutes. serotonin receptors are weird like that. dissociatives always hit fast and right as their expected, same for dopaminergenic drugs, and opiates and pot. but those tricky 5ht drugs. who knows why they take so long or short, if we only knew more about these drugs.

its sad there is very little basic research being done on these brain/drug systems. zero med chem being done in the US since nichols retired.
How are you dosing them?

For me, if I make a mushroom tea, then no matter what the experience will be over in 4 hours. Very quick come up and about 2 good hours of peak before declining.

Stomach contents and medications you may be taking are also factors.
I always ingest them the same, by eating them straight.

I pay extremely close attention to my stomach contents when taking any drug, because I have a very weak stomach (well, only if I don't follow my guidelines, otherwise there's never an issue). I eat a medium sized meal 2-4 hours before taking the mushrooms. More than 4 hours leaves me with crazy stomach cramps and a reassured bad trip, less than 2 has me very nauseous for the first 3 hours.
Same goes for any drug for me (even pot), other than DMT and MDx.
How are you dosing them?

For me, if I make a mushroom tea, then no matter what the experience will be over in 4 hours. Very quick come up and about 2 good hours of peak before declining.

Stomach contents and medications you may be taking are also factors.

really? I almost always make mushroom tea and i generally get a good 6 hours of effects
Duration, much like tolerance, seems to be fairly wacky & unpredictable. Not only between different individuals, but also from one experience to another in the same individual. Additionally, when dealing with whole plants (or fungi in this instance) alkaloidal content will vary, & often quite a bit.

Metabolic factors such as concentration of various enzymes I'm sure plays a role, & those can vary by time of day, nutrition, sleep, and a whole other host of variables. If there's a definitive answer, I sure haven't found it.

sorry if that totally doesn't help :)
really? I almost always make mushroom tea and i generally get a good 6 hours of effects

Yeah my ex used to get the longer trips too with tea, but for me I'll be stone cold sober after 4 hours no matter the dose. It's strange, but at least I know I can have short trips like that in certain circumstances.
But it happens at random, if it were consistent I wouldn't even care. It alarmed me when I took 2g the other day, I peaked in TEN MINUTES and tripped hard for an hour ish, could hardly function but I powered through it. I took 2g because I needed to be able to function. So now you see how this can be an issue?