Storing Melanotan 2 long term??


May 11, 2016
I was tired of getting poor quality product through middlemen - mostly in the UK, so I went direct and bought from the Chinese suppliers.

They normally sell by the KG, so I basically presented myself to them as a business/potential vendor, and had them send me "samples".

10 bottles was the smallest they could basically sell me - so - my 10 bottles arrived this morning.

Haven't tried it yet but - I've heard from others that bought directly from the source/right out of the factory - it's potency is unparalleled.



Anyways - obviously I wish to maintain that potency.

I don't know how the UK product is so pathetic - I assume they store it for months and months or something.

So - Freezer?
It's still in powder form obviously.
Could that damage the peptide?

I basically need to know the pharmacology of the storage process - and store accordingly.

Some say fridge would be okay but - if I have it for a while - there's gotta be one storage method that conserves its potency more than others?
As dry powder I'd put in freezer. Since there's no water in it (it's basically a freeze dried powder) it should be fine.