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STOPPING heroin/Coke after 6 month binge

Hey Dell,

Congrats!! Very very longtime unregg'd lurker. Just registared in order to reply to your post. lol anyhow, dude I am doing the same off many many years of using n chit. Anyhow, I stumbled across a few buried posts on here and the old opiophile about folks mixing thier sub dose with an alcohol (vodka etc) and after fully dissolved, taking the dose. Well it made sense as most know alcohol dialates vessels etc and the sub would be more easily taken into the body. Well I gave it a shot as I never have a comfortable stash of subs...always 3-4 or so...anyhow, this method has allowed me to succesfully taper down and off within 2-3 weeks while, in my opinion, relativly pain free and able to work, daily activities etc... And also upon induction my first few doses, its action using this method is incredibly fast, almost immediate!!
And one last huge advantage is that basically almost all the med gets used by your body, where as regular sublingual administration, it says right there on the insert in the new box of subs that only 30-40% is actually making it to your receptors! and that suspended in an alcohol solution increases absorbtion to the 70-90% range. I apoligize beforehand if my figures arent exact....but it was a rather large diffriential i remember fosho!

good luck my man, and I spit koolaid all over reading your hospital IV comment!!! "...I need to make good use of this!" omg lol all over again! thats so me
Thanks man but I'm going to a rehab in Florida leave tonight.... Really don't want to do it like this but maybe I need it
Thanks man but I'm going to a rehab in Florida leave tonight.... Really don't want to do it like this but maybe I need it
Maybe you do, if i was addicted i would personally try to quit at home by myself maybe some family or friends but a rehab facility might help you.
Good luck and I'm proud of you for making this decision! My experience is similar to yours, I went four months straight doing nothing but heroin and coke, pretty much every day, and boy did I gain one heck of a tolerance. I decided to quit cold turkey, went through the sucky withdrawal experience for quite a few days, just being "off" and feeling too bad to the point where all I wanted to do was go to sleep. After my few days of withdrawal, I took up Clonazepam 2mg. Doses from 2-4mg makes me really euphoric and gets my mind off of the heroin/coke. Not to mention I smoked a LOT of good weed, which subsided my bad withdrawal effects. I suggest a good benzo, Clonazepam, to ease your mind. Please take it easy on your dosages though, assuming you don't have much of a tolerance for benzodiazepines.
No man I got clean cause I was really falling apart.... Spent a sick amt of money since June and just felt like I had to stop.... Plus my wife found out I was using and wanted me to go..... I mean I left a week early (which the wife didn't want) and the day I got out I saw my H dealer.... This disease is the worst.... But really I want to stop man cause I don't use small amounts I go full blast and go all day everyday..... I wish I was some normal guy who got kicks outta normal shit .... I hate that I'm back a few days and using already ....
No man I got clean cause I was really falling apart.... Spent a sick amt of money since June and just felt like I had to stop.... Plus my wife found out I was using and wanted me to go..... I mean I left a week early (which the wife didn't want) and the day I got out I saw my H dealer.... This disease is the worst.... But really I want to stop man cause I don't use small amounts I go full blast and go all day everyday..... I wish I was some normal guy who got kicks outta normal shit .... I hate that I'm back a few days and using already ....
Once you get clean maybe u can smoke weed everyday instead? And then when you use the opiates once in a while it will seem more special. But normally people probably aren't too happy even that use opiates so some days you just got to put up with feeling like shit
Nah weeds not my thing thanks for the advice I'm thinking about getting that shot that blocks opiates for a month at a time....
If you can't stay away from opiates for even one day after release from rehab, I strongly recommend you get into a methadone program. Or suboxone if you prefer, but I think methadone with its full agonist properties will be more helpful. Please understand I am not being judge mental. I once got out of detox/rehab (which I had gone to cause life sucked being sick-well-sick-well plus doing coke all day every day on top ) and lasted like a week even with the best intentions and on parole. When you're in that place where your brain just obsesses, it's hard to make changes

I got back on methadone and have been on it a year and a half (clean of coke and heroin and everything other than methadone). No cravings whatsoever. Slowly coming down to get off. Previously was on a clinic and stayed completely clean for almost 9 years when I got off. It is very easy when you have long enough off that you don't even crave.

I think that's what you need--considerably longer than a few weeks, 21 or 28 or whatever days off the substance. Also you need some time living in the real world doing real world things while not using. Being in rehab is safe. It's supposed to be that--a break away from reality and pressures and such--but it doesn't teach you how to survive wothough using in the real world

I know how it feels to want to be free of all that and yet drawn right back at the same time. Hope it works out for you.
What about that shot that you get once a month that blocks opiates. Nalaxeone? I was thinking bout getting shot once a month just so it totally blocks it out....