• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Stimulants for Exercise

in teh USA you can purchase pseudoephedrine at any gas-station as pep pills or "max-alerts" and at the pharmacy they are sold over the counter for asthma. It is a bronchiodialator. But any pseudoephedrine preperation you buy will also have guafesin in it. Taking too much guaf will make your chest burn.

Have you NEVER heard of the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act? This forbids the supply of pseudo except for behind the counter with ID and a log book system. Pep pills are usually caffeine or herbal. Pseudoephedrine is NOT sold OTC for asthma,it is supplied for sinusitis/rhinitis and as part of cold remedies to treat a stuffy nose. Many pseudoephedrine preperations- most in fact- have NO guaifenesin.

No personal offence to you but a spectacularly ill-informed post. I hope you don't actually live in the USA.
psytrance :D
do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch do ch...
anybody know anything about five hour energy? have recently tried it out and kinda like it.
Why not just an energy drink?

I knew a dude who use to do meth before working out. He seemed to be in very good shape and faired well in ROTC competitions. Otherwise, his life was an emotional mess....

Meth would be the worst choice, in my experience. The addictiveness aside, it's a major appetite suppressant, it can cause severe dehydration, and even muscle deterioration with heavy use.
I typically have a double espresso with nothing in it before I go to the gym. Can't yet see any reason not to.
My favorite is green tea. I like to drink a lot of it during the day before I work out. I drink water or Poweraide during the workout because the caffeine from the green tea dehydrates. I use it for weight training and for running, but I take less on days when I plan to do a lot of running.