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Still don't like weed? Part two

I cant beleive some people dont like marijuana, i love all sedatives and i find weed is enjoyable to mix with every drug.
Even though it may be painfully obvious, I would like to state that I have been a marijuana user for years now. I have grown into and away from the culture in varying degrees over this period of time. I have gone to using it daily for nearly a year to times when I'd only use it once a month or so. All in all, I love marijuana. I don't always like what it does to me or those around me, but overall, I love it.

That doesn't mean I necessarily love the culture, however. Hell, I take part in this culture to a certain extent, but it is not like I publicly celebrate it to the high heavens (Well, minus my user name ;)). Nor do I try to label those who do not like marijuana culture as mean people who generalize too much, using no good argumentation, in a thread on the internet. (I would have thought moderators should be more intelligent and understanding.) The way I see it, marijuana culture has grown to such an incredible size, there is an extremely high chance of someone disliking at least one part of the culture, even if they like the rest. It is the nature of the beast. I certainly dislike my friends who do nothing but crawl through life like a zombie, searching for anyone with some pot for them, so they can get high, for the 34th time today. I also dislike extremely bright tie-dyes and people who have to make it known, in public, to a group of people that they smoke pot. The fact that I think this is stupid in no way means I'm "hating" on pot culture. I just don't like all of it. I think I have that right, as well as the right to express it here without having to worry about being bitched at by some jaded pothead.

This is the Drug Culture forum. If someone can point to where it says you can only discuss parts of drug culture that you like, and not dislike, I will gladly go back on everything that I have said here. If Randy really wanted this thread just to be used to express hatred of pot users and bitch and moan, you guys would have known it. She is good at that when she wants to be. However, I think she did a good job of trying to start an intelligent discussion about pot without really offending anyone. Just because she does not like all of this culture, does not mean this thread was meant to bitch about people who do. It is meant to intelligently discuss what you dislike about the culture! Don't be so offended, you have no reason to be. Little paranoid? ;)

I dislike the silly grin a stoned person usually gets. I dislike stupid silliness. I honestly think that is what gets to me most about weed.
Also, there are so many potheads who smoke daily, and this is accepted by them and many of their peers, perhaps even their family...and yet, if it were ANY OTHER DRUG -- alcohol, heroin, speed, you name it -- the user would be IMMEDIATELY labeled an addict and receive a whole lot of flack. Using a drug daily is incredibly unhealthy -- yes, even if it is weed! Why can't potheads see this? Why are they in denial, and why are they often so hypocritical about other addicts?

not true at all. 25% of the united states uses tobacco daily and no one calls them drugs addicts, many people drink 2-3 beers everynight too and no one calls them drug addicts. in fact over 50% of the us takes at least one drug every day. in my opinion smoking a couples bowls a day is less harmful than smoking cigs and drinking beer every day.
it's perfectly fine to dislike stoners or pot culture, however if you don't smoke pot, then why SHOULD you like pot culture or stoners? do people who don't do stimulants like hanging out with speed freaks? do people who don't enjoy opiates like hangng out with heroin addicts? all these drugs cause changes in the user and to people who are not on the drugs most of the changes seem undesirable.
so many people smoke pot that it's hard to put them all into 1 group. i can see why you hate stoners. if i didn't smoke, i would get really sick of there slowness.

i'm not really addicted to any other drug, nor do i intend to be, but i have no problem with the people who use others drug a lot because that's there own choice and i hope there happy in life.
Negro-kitty said:
Using a drug daily is incredibly unhealthy -- yes, even if it is weed! Why can't potheads see this? Why are they in denial, and why are they often so hypocritical about other addicts?

This is SO true of all people I know who smoke pot daily. They are the most hypocritical people I know when it comes to drugs. And when I say "all" the people I know who smoke daily, I do mean every single person I know who smokes pot daily.
They claim that it's perfectly safe (besides what it does to the lungs). They claim it's not addictive physically, only psychologically (which I disagree with because I"ve seen the physical w/d such as loss of appetite and other things that happen when someone quits who has smoked every day for a long period). These same people will tell me "you're addicted to cigarettes they're bad for you" when I smoke 3-4 cigs a day, and these people smoke more pot than that every day.
I tell you, you couldn't be more correct when you say that those who smoke pot religiously every day are most certainly the most hyprocritical people when it comes to drug use. You completely said what I was thinking.

edit: also, one of the mods who was arguing in this thread posted something along the lines of "well I know people who got phd's and college degrees smoking pot every day or almost every day".
This is one of the other stereotypes of potheads. Every one that I've met who smokes daily is so quick to point out that there are some people with good jobs who smoke pot daily. Who cares? I'm sure there's plenty of people with high-paying, prestigous jobs who do much harder drugs daily and can still function....why is it that the daily pot smoker is so inclined to bring up people they've met who are "super-smart and good job and smokes pot everyday" like it's the wonder-drug or something. Bothers me so much with some of the potheads I know. And sure enough that same exact thing was posted in this forum.
With the one guy I've met, he brags about this guy who's in his 50's and was a nuclear physicist or something, and smoked pot everyday for the past 30 years or so (and just recently quit). He always has to bring this guy up, and I just don't care. But this same guy hassles me about my cig smoking. ARRRRRRR it bothers me, hyprocrites!!!!
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deviate said:
not true at all. 25% of the united states uses tobacco daily and no one calls them drugs addicts, many people drink 2-3 beers everynight too and no one calls them drug addicts. in fact over 50% of the us takes at least one drug every day. in my opinion smoking a couples bowls a day is less harmful than smoking cigs and drinking beer every day.

i consider nicotine a drug, and i consider alcohol a drug. i don't like cigs either, and i've never smoked. there is no term for smokers as far as i know, but as for the drinkers, those are alcoholics. But, those are the legal drugs altho they may not be as safe, but this isn't a debate on what is safe or what isn't. You may not like it, but the legal drugs are naturally going to receive less stigma.

Regular use of anything can't be healthy, though.
its not that weed isnt a good high....its just that almost everything else is a better high. i noticed i cant even enjoy weed anymore since ive got use to the opiate high. plus alot of people i know that smoke pot are lazy and boring people. sad but true
deviate said:
it's perfectly fine to dislike stoners or pot culture, however if you don't smoke pot, then why SHOULD you like pot culture or stoners? do people who don't do stimulants like hanging out with speed freaks? do people who don't enjoy opiates like hangng out with heroin addicts? all these drugs cause changes in the user and to people who are not on the drugs most of the changes seem undesirable.

well DUH because we dont base SOME IF NOT MOST of our friendships/interpersonal relationships ***SOLELY*** on similar drug intake choices!!!! Youd think that taking a particular DRUG is the be all and end all of our relationships with individuals and groups of people. You cannot generalize..ya know!~ Like three of my bestfriends are potheads, and so just bec i hate pot i cant hang with em? Sheesh...think before you make such rash sweeping statements that just serve to annoy.:p
Yeah man settle down..lol..what were you thinking?

We got LOVE
I'd like to throw my two cents into this one.

Most people join online forums so they can have intelligent discussions with people with similar interests to them. They join to talk to people about issues that effect their everyday existence on this crazy planet. Many people feel at home here at Bluelight (it may be the only place they feel accepted), and the last thing a lone stoner wants is a thread solely bashing his lifestyle. Who gives a fuck if it is permitted or not? Legalities can be changed. Think about others before making a thread like this. I think the ethnocentricity in this thread is crap. Like the old saying goes:

"if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all."
First I didn't like weed because it had little to no effect on me. It seemed like a waste of time. Then I moved across the country and discovered Sativa strain, which gives me such an uncomfortable disassotive feeling that I swear I'll never touch it again. So it's either too weak, or too strong, never just right!!

I do smoke weed occassionally. I find that the Indica strain goes nicely with other stuff, like ecstasy or opiates. But by itself? Eh, I'll pass.
I hate pot because of the nature of the mental addiction that is caused by it.

Smoking pot for some reason changes you, and you need to keep smoking because it has become a part of you. It's hard to understand, but when I realized how marijuana became a part of me is when I started hating it.

No offense to smokers either way; Its a free world. It's just my personal and simplistic opinion of marijuana....you can either love what it does or hate it.
Who Cares? I don't think people on this board realize that they have slammed every single drug culture there is. If you do MDMA you are a fucking E-Tard or an Idiot raver wannabe kid, if you smoke pot you are a lazy laughing idiot, if you do psychedelics you are a burned out hippy, if you do meth you are a crazy tweaker, if you do cocaine you are an ego inflated moron. If you do Opiates you are a junky.

If you people hate very aspect of every drug culture why the fuck do you do drugs? Like were all supposed to do drugs and act normal because if we don't were just fitting into an annoying sub-culture...

Seriously start taking note of every time you come across somebody saying something bad about sub-culture from a certain drug. You'll find out that every drug user is hated by allot of people who do the same drugs..
I hate the weed culture, I hate the coke culte, I hate the meth culture, I hate the psychedlic culture, I hate the XTC culture, I hate the steroid culture, I hate your culture, I hate their culture, I hate your mom's culture, I hate your familes culture, I hate the gay culture, I hate the black culture, I hate the Mexican culture, I hate the Jewish culture, I hate the Christian culture, I hate the drug culture, I hate the Coca-Cola cultue, I hate the Pepsi culture, I hate the Indain culture, I hate the Hippie culure, I hate the punk culture, I ate my wife's culture...

I'm a biggot/racist with a needle in my arm.

I don't like you or me
K'dOUTinAZ said:

I'm a biggot/racist with a needle in my arm.

I don't like you or me


Similar to numerous arguments in the present thread, I am not a heavy pot smoker. However, my roommate is, his friends are, my boyfriend is, etc etc and I am constantly around it and actually like the culture. I am an activist for marijuana law reform and read thoroughly on the subject and write numerous papers relevant to drugs, particularly marijuana. Of course, I know some of those lazy ass pot heads who hardly do anything but smoke ten times a day, but these are not the people with who I choose to surround myself. Just because I am the only one passing on the blunt doesn't mean I'm out of the circle (does that make sense?). I think it's because among my friends marijuana serves as a social lubricant, actually provoking discussion among the group instead of inhibiting it. Because I am a "pill head" and they are "pot heads" who the fuck cares? Contrary to a previous poster, I do not believe that to completely relate in a group one needs to be on the same drug.
I can completely both sides of the argument in this situation, and think many of you have very valid opinions. It is very true the points made about those who smoke numerous times a day don't seem to obtain any sort of stigma, yet when opiate usage gets to similar levels people are told they 'have a problem'.
If it makes you happy, go for it....no matter what lifestyle you choose. Fuck everybody else :)