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Film Star Trek Into Darkness

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Dec 10, 2011

Hows about a Star Trek Into Darkness thread? SPOILER ALERT!

Just seen the film for myself for the first time, in 2D, I’m a long time ST fan (saw The Motion Picure at the cinema in '79) and I for one, thought the film, despite it’s flaws was flat out cracking entertainment from start to finish, I thought the script and interplay between the characters was a lot better than the 2009 film, with each character at least having some part to play in the story, the score was pretty much as you were from the previous film with some extra themes that lifted it, the acting was all round very good, no complaints. Special mention to Mr Cumberbatch – he is absolutely awesome in this film and I loved every scene he was in. The action and special effects are superb, the film moves at a cracking pace much like its predecessor with several big set pieces that I loved, in particular the scenes on the Klingon planet, the space jump, and the Dreadnaught crash – all were brilliantly done. The scene where the Enterprise is butt-fucked and falling to Earth and crew members are running up the walls as the ship spirals out of control is fucking in-sane.

Now for the downsides – I can just about live with Cumberbatch being Khan even though he looks NOTHING like Montalban, (lucky he put in the performance he does really), but after 4 years and all this secrecy all we get is a copy of the Wrath of Khan for the ending? I can suspend my disbelief for quite a lot of things in the JJverse, but the Khaaaan scream from Spock really was pushing things a bit far for me (Ive read people complaining about the redshirt gag with Chekov – I have no problem with this – how do we know that it’s not common knowledge in Starfleet that redshirts get killed more often?) After all the little gags and in-jokes that the film pulled off very well, I found this to be the biggest let down, along with the Khan blood and the transwarp beaming (why he couldn’t have just beamed to another ship in orbit and bailed at maximum warp from there is beyond me, it wouldn’t have hurt the story or pace of the movie at all).

Another minor quibble is I would have liked to have seen the Enterprise have a pop at the Dreadnaught – even just a short exchange before being overwhelmed.

All this aside though the sheer pace and scale of the movie swept the negatives aside for me upon first viewing, it was great to see Trek given the true blockbuster treatment it deserves, and for me, as a piece of entertainment Star Trek Into Darkness absolutely shat all over Iron Man 3 which I saw in 3D very recently, it’s been a long time since I’ve left the theatre as pumped as I was last night, grinning from ear to ear, and when it comes down to it – that’s the whole point isn’t it?
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You should NSFW tag your spoilers

That aside, I really enjoyed this one. It's the first movie I found myself wanting more of when it was coming to a close, in a good amount of time (that I remember). I look forward to more. But J.J. Abrams is moving onto Star Wars. I guess that doesn't mean it will stop... And not that I feel he's like the best, or only option rather, or anything, not to put him down. But I just don't know what that will do to this re-installment of the franchise. Will it just be handed off to a new director? Will that mess with the feel of it?

I feel like a lot could be done.
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Really, really enjoyed this--better than the '09 version, which I also count as one of my favorites.

I loved the numerous Trekkie in-jokes, as well as the expanded relationship between Kirk and Spock (I imagine the slashfic world is already heating up). It took me a while to take to Cumberbatch as Khan, but he bit into the role with enough gusto for me to forgive him. Greater depth, funnier lines, awesome F/X; Abrams is starting to look like the Nolan of the Trek universe.

Great addition to the franchise, and a perfect exemple of why I love Trek.
^Pretty much this. This new franchise, along with the decidedly mixed reactions thereto, leaves me conflicted: As relatively dumb, big-budget, space-operatic sci-fi movies go, the new Star Trek series is, as far as I can tell, cinematic gold. Neither of the two installments constitute perfect movies (by a considerable sight), but they certainly are enjoyable to look at and laugh with. And yet, with all that being the case, the words you hear most often within the context of Abrams' franchise are 'lens flares,' 'plot holes,' and the like, as if any such trivial details ever mattered in such films as these. As far as I'm concerned, Star Trek (2009) is just the new and very-much-improved CGI Star Wars for the next generation [horrible pun intended].

But anyway, the genre isn't really my cup of tea in the first place, so I always find myself stuck between wanting to defend the movie from its harsher critics and just ignoring the whole thing completely...
Sorry never done that thing with the spoilers, don't know how to do it, still at least I tried to alert folk in my own way

Have to agree with all the comments above, as much as I enjoyed the film, there is still a whiff of the whole thing being dumbed down slightly for the broader audience, which is fair enough as the franchise was on it's arse, but stuff like Inception proved to me that blockbusters don't have to pander to the Vin Diesel crowd to make big money, I would have liked the pace of the movie toned down a bit, but hey if it's this or no Trek at all, I choose this!
To do not safe for work tags either go to advanced controls highlight text and click the "NSFW" button, or manually frame your text with for example:

[ NSFW ] this is the spoiler [ /NSFW ]

^ but with no spaces in the [ nsfw ]…
i have vouchers to use up so i went tonight.

exactly as i expected. cliche star trek references and constant self conscious and douchy dialogue.

"you're a vulcan you don't feel emotion"
"i'm conflicted and you feel too much"
*rinse repeat*

i hate this kirk, he's shithouse. actually, i don't like any of the revamped crew, they are all too self consciously written. and they all act like fucking children. remember what they are supposed to be responsible for, it's like muppet babies in space all over again.

the villain was good this time. they fucked up the klingons, those fucking pierced ribs was as stupid as the tattooed romulans in the previous film. the action was over the top, unexciting. lense flare galor in 3d, quite distracting.

once again i am so fucking sick of fist fight "climaxes". it's just such poor writing.

cheap shite, just as expected.