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Misc Stability of GHB in Solution Long Term


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
After years and years of waiting, it has finally come to me. I’ve got my hands on a solution of NaGHB and would like to hang to it for awhile not knowing when I may be able to procure more.

It’s roughly 60g dissolved in 200ml distilled water. It seems GHB can last for 6 months at 4C in blood, while that seems like awhile considering it’s blood it still doesn’t tell me much for my circumstances.

I’d also like to hear from anyone that’s simply stored it for years, any loss of potency?


If your fridge is hygenic that ammount will be gone before ever going bad.

60 grams, 1.5/ 2 is a dose so at max 30 doses that should keep ok. Me thinks.
GHB in water isn't gonna react with anything, it should be fine as long as it's not growing mould.
If your fridge is hygenic that ammount will be gone before ever going bad.

60 grams, 1.5/ 2 is a dose so at max 30 doses that should keep ok. Me thinks.

I can surprise with how long I hold onto product, I can make a .1g of K last me a year or more. I don’t expect I’ll do it often given I’m not a huge fan of other Gaba hitting drugs. I also don’t have the time to get high often these days.

Tried .5g this weekend as my first dose, tasted salty/soapy like people describe. Definitely noticed some wobbly walking, felt tiny bit of music appreciation, and was horny as fuck. Think 1-1.5g is gonna be money though.

Noticed I got a headache during both my taste tester of 50mg and my first dose of 500mg. Is this common? Thinking further purification might be in order.

Next day felt tiny bit foggy but pretty much normal by later on at night.

I don't have clue how even got addicted to the stuff, Except the sleeping issues at that time.

But its indeed wobbly. During my working week I basickly wd-ed from it. As it far from functional. So during my work I was sober.