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St johns wort to bring the magic back

This thread covers almost exactly the same topic: St. John's Wort and the Return of the Magic - Reloaded

Stepping back from the exact mechanism of serotonin up-regulation a bit, I think it's good to keep in mind that "the magic" is not a direct result of the sensitivity of your 5-HT receptors. If you're chasing after the diaphanous high of your first time, you've already irreparably lost "the magic" in my opinion -- the drug has become a chore rather than a pleasant and innocent experience.

Well, you can lose both novelity or get completely tolerant to MDMA's effects, i was at a point were i couldnt get a good roll anymore from even 8 pills, i felt like i was on a semi roll and was still half bored, this obviously is no loss of novelity, just complete tolerance.

I posted this for others here to try, i didnt find any MDMA in more then a year, and all my other drugs work fine;). I'm guessing some good MDMA would have me smashed right now.
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i just got some St. Johns Wort, and I plan to use a sane amount of it (don't really want to risk depression, and I'm not planning to roll in the next month anyway)....so whats the dosing? Do you take it every day? I just took 1 pill from Trader Joe's and all the bottle sais is 1-3 per day.
i dont think its safe to take 6000 mg of SJW in a day!! you can actually overdose on that but i doubt ull die lol..the recomendet dosage is 900 mg a day....but can i mix SJW with piracetam?
Well tomorrow is the last of my 14 days of 6000mg per day. I think the most surprising thing so far is how little different I or my wife has felt.

We have not avoided the MAOI foods (SJW used to be considered to be a mild maoi, but there really hasn't been any evidence of that).

We are taking what we believe to be a quality product from a place where we've bought other supplements with good results and was recommended by the member that has the whole pre/post load supplement thread. And even if there is variance in products, taking 6grams a day should still ensure we're getting a good amount.

So I'm a little bummed, because I was even hoping I would feel a bit weird or different and that would be an indication that something is happening.

But that could happen in the next two weeks after I abruptly stop taking it (in fact, that IS what happened to another member on another forum; he felt so depressed after that he didn't think it was worth it, but others have not reported the same experience he had).

We roll two weeks from tomorrow.
You just have to lern to take more

Seriously bud, do some research. MDMA tolerance is a very real thing.

You just have to learn to take more?

lol. Did you ever hear about the blue fish that came out in Cali about a year back? Damn near pharmaceutical quality MDMA. I ate 8 of the fuckers (weighing in at 720mg) and hardly felt shit due the tolerance I had back then.

Do yourself a favor and get mildly interested in self-education.
.... If you're chasing after the diaphanous high of your first time, you've already irreparably lost "the magic" in my opinion -- the drug has become a chore rather than a pleasant and innocent experience.

I wish someone told me this years ago! Quoted for truth.
i dont think its safe to take 6000 mg of SJW in a day!! you can actually overdose on that but i doubt ull die lol..the recomendet dosage is 900 mg a day....but can i mix SJW with piracetam?

Hypericin is actually used as an antiviral at 35 times the anti-depressant dose. The main side effect then is photosensitivity which is still not that common or serious. Its fairly well tolerated.
I wish someone told me this years ago! Quoted for truth.

I found it to be true for a while, until I actually did roll harder than my first time. I think a longer break + more MDMA was the cause. I thought I had figured out that I just long the magic, but I hadn't.
Just to emphasise this part for anyone thinking of trying this. St John's Wort has MAOI properties which makes for possible Seratonin Syndrome in conjunction with MDMA and a number of other drugs (and also some foods) so you really would need to make sure it's well clear of your system before taking MDMA again.

I have no idea whether this theory holds water as I personally don't believe in "losing the magic" but I appear to be very much in the minority on that one. Anyone trying this would be wise to be aware that high doses of MAOIs - even a mild one like St John's Wort - carries some risk of dangerous interactions with various foods and drugs. I'd approach this with some caution if I were to do it cos it seems kinda risky. I'd wait for someone who knows more about MAOI interactions to check this out cos it sounds dodgy as hell to me.

Seconded. I had a chat with my local pharmacist about St. John's Wort a few months ago and he photocopied the information about it from his tome of knowledge. SJW has a lot of different pharmacological actions, even aside from the inhibition of 5-HT/NAd/DA reuptake, serotonin receptor upregulation, and MAO inhibition. If you're on any other meds definitely mention it to your doc or pharmacist.

Like many drug combos, MDMA + MAOI can be amazing in experienced hands, but go too far and you won't see the other side. Haven't tried SJW myself but I would've assumed the SRI effect would outweigh the benefit of the MAOI.
Jesus christ 6000mg of SJW!?!?!


This is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Get some piracetam and you're done and you don't have to worry about doing MORE damage with retardedly high doses of hypericin!

18mg a day of hypericin is asking for trouble. I hope you guys are at least using sunblock and sunglasses for the self-induced photosensitivity...
I've been doing around 1.2g a day for around 2-3 months now (since I last rolled). I added 1g of piracetam daily last week as well. I may quit the SJW if I plan to roll in two weeks. I'll post up results.
Please do, Tenshu. Glad you posted.

MAgickalKat, sir, I don't pretend to swallow so much SJW just like that. Still I'll wait two months before trying again, and a copuple of weeks before using any SJW at all or Piracetam. I'd been dropping too many pills.
Yesterday, I started a regimen of 4g/day (later will up to 6g/day), and from my inicial observations I bet that SJW is not directly regenerating serotonin receptors in order to "bring the magic" back, but it's the improvement on sleep quality that brings the magic back, and helps the brain regenerate.

Today, I had the best sleep since months, so much, wake up 2 or 3 times with my own laught, it seems all the dreams turned to have a upbeat/comic vibe and got into deep sleep really easily. It seems im not the only one on this, since more people reported sleep improvemnt.
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^ Yeah sorry but that's probably not true.. numerous studies done have not come to this conclusion and, no offence, but you're just 1 guy who's just started taking it and has come up with his own random theory based on a good nights sleep.

It's been known for a long time that serotonin levels are important to sleep patterns.
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^ Yeah sorry but that's probably not true.. numerous studies done have not come to this conclusion and, no offence, but you're just 1 guy who's just started taking it and has come up with his own random theory based on a good nights sleep.

It's been known for a long time that serotonin levels are important to sleep patterns.

Please correct if im wrong but never heard that SSRI *directly* regenerate anything, or reverse neurotoxicity..
Please correct if im wrong but never heard that SSRI *directly* regenerate anything, or reverse neurotoxicity..

Chronic treatment with antidepressants increases neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. This increase in the production of new neurons may be required for the behavioral effects of antidepressants. However, it is not known which class of cells within the neuronal differentiation cascade is targeted by the drugs. We have generated a reporter mouse line, which allows identification and classification of early neuronal progenitors. It also allows accurate quantitation of changes induced by neurogenic agents in these distinct subclasses of neuronal precursors. We use this line to demonstrate that the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant fluoxetine does not affect division of stem-like cells in the dentate gyrus but increases symmetric divisions of an early progenitor cell class. We further demonstrate that these cells are the sole class of neuronal progenitors targeted by fluoxetine in the adult brain and suggest that the fluoxetine-induced increase in new neurons arises as a result of the expansion of this cell class. This finding defines a cellular target for antidepressant drug therapies.

AFAIK SSRI's can actually disrupt sleep patters, too..

Side effects of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors include:

* Nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea.
* Anxiety or irritability.
* Problems sleeping or drowsiness.
* Loss of sexual desire or ability.
* Headaches or dizziness.
* Weight gain.