
Oct 15, 2020
Okay so Spotify wants to read browser cookies and Spotify just want me to just give in and click [YES]

Im to lazy to read all the fine-print, and not enough of a computer scientist to examine what information Spotify is actually gathering and sending back to some intergalactic overlord somewhere for future blackmailing purposes or whatnot.

I read some article alluding that Spotify basically collects all data concerning your browser/s, window size, url history, cookies from all the sites you visited and maybe even what you write/send/post? But that article was very "click-baity" by the way, and very vague, fear mongering and inconclusive,

So Im wondering if there are any tech-geniuses/hackers here @ that understand what data Spotify is collecting exactly?

And at this point I don't care if they only use it for targeted advertising.

I basically just want to know if my pornsurfing history is safe from Spotify or not? 😉👍

Note: I really like Spotify it's a great service but if they are going to steal and sell our personal/private information, then we should all know about that and it should be very clear what data they are collecting. If they are going to start acting all shady and "tricksterish" then Im not going to use their service anymore because f#ck that. Im sick of these tendencies.

Okay I looked through their privacy agreement, this part is quoted below is a bit upsetting, I don't want Spotify to know Im hanging out here on for instance? Or am I misunderstanding this completely?

  • [*]Certain technical data, which may include:
    • URL information;
    • online identifiers including cookie data and IP addresses;
    • information about the types of devices you are using such as unique device IDs, network connection type (e.g. wifi, 3G, LTE, Bluetooth), provider, network and device performance, browser type, language, information enabling digital rights management, operating system, and Spotify application version;
    • device attributes of devices on your wifi network that are available to connect to the Spotify Service (such as speakers);
    • your non-precise location, which may be derived or inferred from certain technical data (e.g., your IP address, language setting of your device, or payment currency), to comply with geographic requirements in our licensing agreements, and deliver personalized content and advertising to you; and
    • motion-generated or orientation-generated mobile sensor data (e.g. accelerometer or gyroscope) required for the purposes of providing specific features of the Spotify Service to you.
i'm java script developer :oops:

if you think they use our data for ads, that is sure

a website can also track a user's browsing history across other websites by using third-party cookies, as long as each site loads the cookie from the same domain.
Right, but an app that has access to browser data, cookies, etc, because we are stupid enough to allow that can basically function as spyware and record everything we do in the browser?!
Can't you just deny permission or use a third party application to prevent spotify from accessing browsing information/cookies?

And honestly spotify is lovely and I begrudgingly accept its existence as a facit of modern corporate information harvesting web dominance.
Can't you just deny permission or use a third party application to prevent spotify from accessing browsing information/cookies?

And honestly spotify is lovely and I begrudgingly accept its existence as a facit of modern corporate information harvesting web dominance.
I just deleted Spotify, sorry, but Im sick of shit like that... I might re:install when I understand what they are doing better.
If Spotify is going to be "the one ring to rule all the music" and take advantage of that position, then I might just get a tablet or some device and only use it for Spotify, the dedicated Spotify player device...🤔
of course! even take you a picture in toilet
actually their privacy policy says that they don't access the camera (with out asking first) and they have written this in a way, to make it sound like that was an unusual and extremely considerate and grand gesture on their behalf...😒
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