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Sponge instead of CWE?


Apr 27, 2012
I've been thinking, you know when the gunk (paracetamol) clogs the fucking filter and takes days for the solution to come through? and if you try and fix it, you will probably lose quite a bit.

Well here's my idea.

1. dissolve tablets with warm water (quicker)
2. cool down in freezer to make sure there is less paracetamol in the solution
3. take a sponge and put it in the mixture.
4. squeeze into a coffee filter! no gunk!

It sounds good in theory but I'm yet to test it. And there will be alot of variables such as the type of sponge. Also there might be a considerable loss of solution still in the sponge and it might drip everywhere.

Anyway, just an idea, what do you think?

p.s I call it the Sponge Water Extraction. SWE for short.:\
I think you're right, it sounds good in theory, but you will have more losses using that method over filtering normally. You'd have to test it using both the normal CWE and the sponge a few times to get a good idea of how effective/ineffective it is.

I'd rather just be patient rather than potentially wasting product fucking around with other methods.
Of course, you'd have to rather confident about the sponge to drink whatever comes out of it: Confident that it didn't contain or hadn't been treated with potentially toxic chemicals before you bought it, and pretty confident that it hasn't grown a colony of bacteria or absorbed other nasties since you bought it. I can't think of any sponges in my house which I would trust that much - can you?
Much easier to get a piece of cloth (cut from old tshirt or something) and then just squeeze out all the liquid you can get and then just filter that liquid with a coffee filter.
Shoobop - you would surely use a brand new, in a sealed wrap, sponge wouldnt you ;)

Sounds like its got potential.

As said, you would have to trial comparisons between it and the conventional cwe, spread out over time.

Using a subject with no experience with either would probably help control results.
Much easier to get a piece of cloth (cut from old tshirt or something) and then just squeeze out all the liquid you can get and then just filter that liquid with a coffee filter.

of course! I used to do that all the time, I dont know why I forgot. I have so much gunk with 80 tablets.
These days I try to prepare a fair bit earlier, so as not to rush anything, and incase I get sticky, gunky pills.

I make up 2-3 separate glasses for filtering now too. Seems to speed things up a bit.
didnt read above posts but obviously use a BRAND NEW SPONGE as used sponges contain some of the highest bacteria of certain items in your house including toilet water..... A not so secret trick to a CWE is to be as CLEAN as possible almost to dissinfected status..
These days I try to prepare a fair bit earlier, so as not to rush anything, and incase I get sticky, gunky pills.

I make up 2-3 separate glasses for filtering now too. Seems to speed things up a bit.

Same here. Three glasses with three filters. Codeine is a pain in the arse.
I don't see how sponges would work very efficiently. Yeah, it might be a good filter but they're designed to soak up water; even if you soak it up beforehand I wouldn't trust it considering how thick they are. Just use a cloth like from an old shirt and then redo it with coffee filters; filters it with good standards and doesn't leave the risk of breaking the filters. I used to actually use cups of water from McDonald's and a t-shirt back when I used to do the shit in the car. I remember when I was on the train I had withdrawals and stopped at central because I couldn't wait 40 minutes. I ended up doing a CWE with water and napkins from Maccas in Queen st mall. lol.
Might work. Id only dedicate one tablet to that until I knew it worked well. I always used paper coffee filters and that worked fine.
i'd try it, worse comes to worse you squeeze the fuck out of that sponge and refilter.

I find this is the quickest and most reliable way to get clear CWE, quickly anyway:

strain through coffee filter into cup (obv. when the water is cold). Then let that sit there for 10 minutes, wrap filter like a bag, squeeze the shit out of it, until you pretty much have a pile of wet gunk in the bank, squeeze some more, make sure not to get the gunk in your glass though. Now filter again, you are at this point filtering only a liquid. And success, though it won't be absolutely clear, enough APAP is removed to make it not dangerous, just don't' use too much water.

I get perfectly clear CWE when i strain through a double filter and leave it in the fridge over night. I wake up and it's crystal clear, all the apap in the filter is dried out and it's by far the best method! though i doubt it has a whole lot less apap then the method mentioned above. but it's nice to see a clear liquid. The losses are much less for this method tho.
OP let us know how it works out if you do it. I always get 4 bottles of water and 4 party cups with coffee filters secured by a rubber band. I use about 4-6 pills per cup and I get the bottles of water just above freezing and dump it over the crushed pills and I actually leave the cups in the freezer as it filters while keeping a close eye on it. I usually get tiny ice crystals of APAP. Afterwards I make kool aid with it. I use double kool aid and double sugar so its nice and syrupy and then I just use a funnel and dump it back in the water bottles.

I usually take one or two of these concotions with me when I go to the bar and drink one on the way and leave another in the car. When I want to drink so I act like Im going to smoke a cigarette and go sip on my CWE kool aid. Its keeps me nice and opiated while Im at the bar and I dont have to spend as much money on drinks and it also keeps my blood alcohol levels down in case i get pulled over.

Talk about bi-winning. Tiger blood. Wut?
^ The less water you use the better, you shouldn't need any where near 4 cups of water for 24 pills.
I use a small amount at a time. I just kept dumping more on it and stirring to make sure I got every bit of hydro out. I didnt care if the end product was diluted, I just wanted the tylenol out of it.
I get perfectly clear CWE when i strain through a double filter and leave it in the fridge over night. I wake up and it's crystal clear, all the apap in the filter is dried out

If its dry it must be open to evaporation which is bad during filtering because it would leave codeine crystals in your para. Cover it with plastic wrap and the evaporation will keep cycling water through your mix and dripping through all night without adding extra water.

To OP ShamWOW.
Just for the record guys I've been using only Shirt/T-Towel for over 8 years now. It's important to use high qualtiy/tight weave, but you can squeeze through very quickly in a couple minutes (I twist-squeeze it from top to bottom)

If you leave the resulting solution sit for a minute there will be a tiny bit of solid fallling out to the bottom of the glass - like 100mg-200mg. You can refilter if you want but I don't bother. All my solutions come out milky. I think this is because some binder parts/colourings stay as amalgamations in cold water but the warm water separates the color from the filler/whatever. If you let it settle it remains milky, so there is some soluble white part in there. I notice alot of ibuprofen + codeine pills seem to contain lactose. Definitely allow to settle and check for residue at the bottom though - sometimes an old cloth will develop a hole due to pressure/etc.

That said. I only ever use ibuprofen + codeine products. Paracetamol IMO is far more dangerous, despite it being a little cheaper. ibuprofen + codeine generally tastes about 1000x better, although I've noticed certain homebrands to have that sharp horrible flavour modifier.

I would recommend anyone else use ibuprofen too. I'm definitely not encouraging or condoning such behaviour but as a proof to its 'safety' - for a period of 9 months I was taking 50x 200mg ibuprofen once or occasionally twice a day. It didnt start like that, it built up slowly from being away in a situation i was unable to CWE. I knew that doctors could technically recommend up to 1600mg ibuprofen in 24 hours (they wouldnt do it all at once, but yeah.. wasnt that far past.) Also I DID NOT DRINK ALCOHOL AT ALL in this period. Doing so would not have been good at all. Once I took 2 nurofens before a big night out and my vomit was all night.

Anyway once i reached the higher levels I started to notice my poos changing. they got darker, but only a little. they also became super-dense. not black like i was told to watch out for, just darker than usual. You thought codeine made poos bad before... well put it this way. During this period of my life I simply did not poo in my own toilet.

It never caused stomach ulcers, but it did cause 'leaky blood vessels' in the stomach ( i presume from high doses coming in direct contact with the blood vessels in the stomach ) which eventually depleted my iron and led to me having an extremely slowly depleting red blood cell problem (over a period of about 9 months I went from RBC 150 (normal male) to RBC 47 (was expected i couldnt get out of bed, would probably have a heart attack.) Because it was such a slow change i was still going to work , still living normal life. (was sleeping alot though.. was pale white. i never lived an energetic life before so didnt notice. work was ok even though i have a light physical job). I imagine if my iron intake had been higher my body would have been able to replenish faster than I lost, although that has never been tested.

I'm not saying nobody will get stomach ulcers from ibuprofen, just giving an example of what happened to me.

Just a thought though. One wrong paracetamol dose can do permanent liver damage. One wrong ibuprofen dose is very more forgiving. Also the graph for ibuprofen solubillity says even at the mid 20ish degrees (C) (room temparture on a nice day) 250ml of water will not hold much ibuprofen (like less than 600mg IIRC) and anything 10 degrees (C) and below will be pretty similar in solubility so no need to almost freeze it. No I can't find the graph anymore guys. it was from an ibuprofen study not about solubility, but about something else. I used to have free access to journals through university but dont anymore. I left some notes in the megathread, not sure if anyone found it.

Also on the topic of CWE efficiency, use warm water to break down the pills - some of the codeine gets trapped to parts of binders but heating it up releases more of it, making it more efficient. of course dont go beyond about 40deg C or you destroy codeine. I usually use tap hot water that feels warm/hot, but doesnt 'bite' my finger, doesnt steam. (this depends on the room temperature i guess too). just beyond 'luke warm' is usually quick enough although brand name N+ is very sturdy compared to the others. cracking in half revealing an inconsistent surface will speed up teh breakdown.

After you've dissolved with warm water just use ice to cool it, far quicker than fridge/freezer.
make sure the cloth is damped with cool water though not warm or else you will allow stuff through.
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I would recommend anyone else use ibuprofen too.

I never liked ibuprofen brands; between the fillers and the ibuprofen, the result just coagulates and you never get out much codeine. I wouldn't use warm water either if you're concerned for safety; codeine dissolved quite easily at low temperatures - and your problem of fillers can easily be fixed by crushing the pills with a mortar and pestle.

my vomit was all night.

Alllll Niiiight Long!